What is one soul worth?

When I look at our budget and see how much it costs to run the camp it always leads me to think about "What is one soul worth?". It is always worth it to see kids come to Christ.

Ronnie Conyers, Board President, Camp Copass

The summer is not over yet but many children and young adults have already attended camp, made lifelong friends, and heard that still small voice speak to their hearts. The Lord is working through camp ministry to bring souls to Him and create community among believers.

Click on the video below to see the Youth Camp Day 4 wrap up!

Click here for all 2023 videos and pics

Testimonies from Camp

I enjoyed watching kids from different churches getting to know each other and talking about what they learned from the Bible study and worship services. We had two come to know Christ while at camp, two decisions to be baptized , and several others have been asking questions and wanting to know more.

Lindsay Zuber, First Baptist Church Bowie

Our kids loved camp! This was our first year at Camp Copass and we were blown away by the schedule and organization of the staff - which made my life so much easier. The kids bonded and made new friendships. Every one of our campers showed up to Sunday School on Sunday morning (some that hadn't been in a while) with a smile on their face and excited to see each other. We only brought about 25-30% of our kids to camp and the rest of the kids wanted to hear all about it. We loved all of the activities and opportunities the kids had to learn about God, learn new things, and have fun.

Karen Duggan, First Baptist Church Lakeside

We had three salvations! We have been coming to Camp Copass every year for awhile now and it's our go-to camp.

Jennifer Noble, First Baptist Iowa Park

Seeing several students accept Christ as their Savior and reconciling with Christ was certainly the biggest highlight. Our students seemed to be more invested this year than I've seen before which was also awesome.

Zach Barnes, Family Life Church

Thank you!

Camp Copass staff and board of directors are thankful for all of our local volunteers and church volunteers who make it possible for kids to hear about the love of Jesus.

Hundreds of hours per month are dedicated to serving in the camp store, the Tally Retreat Center and maintenance and traffic control.

If you'd like to learn more about volunteer opportunities click here.