ECE News at NJIT

Fall 2023

She in ECE, our one-day summer camp returned for it's second year. The camp is designed to inspire and encourage young women to explore the exciting world of

Electrical and Computer Engineering

It was a fun experience and a fantastic opportunity!

Learn more>>> Soaring High-powered Excellence in ECE

Senior Design Projects

An exciting time for us all, as we witnessed the knowledge and skills our students have acquired in the field of ECE

Click here for more Info!

Congratulations to our Senior Design Winners!

Spring 2023

Portable Power Supply for Starlink

Beomjun (Brian) Kim

Brenden Kane

David Kayal

Thomas Di Trapani

Fall 2022

Intuitively Programmed Robotic Arm

Matthew Trzepla 

Robert Sanchez 

Fadi Abdulahad

Spring 2023

Smart 4-Way Stop Sign Using Embedded Computing 

Mamoon Mousa

Peter Tarabocchia

Thomas Kelly

Fall 2022

Autonomous Mobile Robot for Transportation Tasks 

Cameron Crosby 

Kule Meth 

Brandon Knight

Spring 2023

PolyRover: Efficient Waste Management Rover: Revolutionizing Trash Collection System

Philip Silva

Rohan Harish

Ymer Dinoshi

Fall 2022

Stovetop Safety Monitor and Emergency Shutoff

Clayton Bernardi 

Cade Riegler

RESEARCH made by Our Professors

Our very own Professor and Chair Dr. Durga Misra was a Guest Editor of a Special Issue of Interface discussing Neuromorphic Computing. Click the link to read the article! Interface, VOL. 32, No. 1, Spring 2023 by The Electrochemical Society

Professor Shaahin Angizi's research paper titled: "IMA-GNN: In-Memory Acceleration of Centralized and Decentralized Graph Neural Networks at the Edge" has been awarded the prestigious Best Paper Award at the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) 2023 in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.

Professor Abdallah Khreishah's paper "Un-Fair Trojan: Targeted Backdoor Attacks Against Model Fairness" was selected for the best paper award at the 9th IEEE International Conference on Software Defined Systems 

ECE Ph.D. student of Prof. Philip Pong (Akhyurna Swain) working on research that can reduce Wind Turbine costs Check it out!

GRANTS/ AWARDS earned by Our Professors

Dr. Dong-Kyun Ko for receiving a grant from NSF for STRR: Vertical Structure Thin Film Transistors for High Performance Displays and IoT Devices

Dr. Qing Gary Liu for receiving a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for "Understanding and Enhancing Scientific Data Reduction for Extreme-scale Computer 2"

Prof. Leonid Tsybeskov (PI) of ECE Department received and NSF grant on "Resonant Energy Transfer Based Electrically Pumped Hybrid Lasers."

PI, Prof. Marcos Netto of ECE Dept, along with the Co-PIs, Philip Pong (NJIT), Minjie Chen (Princeton), Guang Lin (Purdue), and Na Li (Harvard) received an NSF grant for $1,499,991.


"ASCENT: From sensors to multiscale digital twin to autonomous operation of resilient electric power grids" is under NSF's Addressing Systems Challenges Through Engineering Teams (ASCENT) program. 

ECE Prof. Shaahin Angizi received the IEEE EDS/CASS Chapter Distinguished Engineer Volunteer Award "Starting energy efficient and high performance in-sensor design for IoT."

'Power System Dynamic State Estimation' co-authored by ECE Assistant Professor Marcos Netto was selected as one of the IEEE Transactions on Power systems Outstanding Papers. 


Professor Philip Pong hosted a remarkable a 2-day offshore wind training boot-camp for university students and engineers Click here for more info>>>

Congratulations to the ECE's FY24 Faculty Seed Grant Winners!

PI - Dr. Roberto Rojas-Cessa with Co-PI's Dr. Cong Wang (ECE) & Dr. Wen Zhang (CEE)

Project Title: Drone-based Sensor Network for Water Quality Monitoring of Rushing Rivers and Analysis with Integrated Learning

We also want to congratulate:

Dr. Ali Abdi (ECE) for being Co-PI on a project for the MATH department

Project title: Detection Theory, Simulations, and Experiments in Time-Dispersive Underwater Environments with a Multi-Sensor Architecture

ACHIEVEMENTS made by Our Students


Honored our Top Performing graduate students from our MS program. Each of these students have a GPA above 3.5 and are excelling in their programs

We will continue honoring our best students and encourage those that are working hard.

ECE Scholar to Develop Software

Phenomenal work from our Computer Engineering student

Check it out!


ECE Spring PhD Stories Contest Winners:

1st Place Rakina Islam

Enhancing Cake-Decorating Skill through Research

2nd Place Rami Rashid

How is cheese made?

3rd Place Atilla Sivri

The Science of Creating a Podcast

August 2023

Yuan Zhao

July 2023

Mohammad Mostafa Al Mahfuz

June 2023

Zhenlu Qin

May 2023

Rakina Islam

April 2023

Rami Rashid

March 2023

Ranyang Zhou

February 2023

Anushreya Ghosh

January 2023

Yusuf Ozkan

December 2022

Cem Benar

November 2022

Milad Shojaee

October 2022

Shuai Zhang

September 2022

Xueyu Hou

More Exciting News...

NJIT has achieved its highest-ever ranking in the US News and World Report's "Best Graduate Schools" list for engineering.

What a remarkable achievement!

More to come...In ECE
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