Diocesan Enews
Welcome to the Enews for 5 November

The latest resources, news and more.
Click on headlines or pictures for more details.  
Contact enews@leeds.anglican.org with your news. 
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York and a number of senior church leaders are inviting Christians across the nation to participate in the month of prayer – launching on Thursday, November 5 – as a second lockdown in England comes into force. Throughout the month, Christians will be encouraged to pray daily for a specific area of national concern culminating into a collective moment of prayer at 6pm each evening. Read more here
In a joint letter to clergy on the impact of the new lockdown, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the Bishop of London have stressed the importance of online worship. In response the diocese has developed a guide, offering advice around broadcasting services and events from a place of worship. Read more here
People in the Diocese of Leeds have raised some £70,000 for the church in Sudan, through an emergency relief appeal held this past August. The appeal came against a backdrop of the worst monsoon seasonal floods in fifty years, political upheaval, economic collapse and the COVID-19 pandemic, all putting huge pressure on the people of Sudan. Read more here
The search is on for someone with the skills to chair a new committee tasked with shaping a future property strategy for the diocese. Following a Diocesan Governance Review, the committee will manage and develop our residential buildings and land portfolio from Richmond to Barnsley, Halifax to Harrogate and beyond. Read more here
Flights of angels have descended on one of our churches to help celebrate its 900th anniversary. St Peter’s Felkirk had big plans for 2020 to mark 900 years of a church being on its site, but many of them were curtailed by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the group organising the celebrations were inspired by the angels put up in Ripon cathedral, and decided to do something similar. Read more here
Members of All Saints and St Oswald’s in the centre of Bradford have demonstrated tremendous generosity, raising funds to meet the debts that have occurred at All Saints Church as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Read more here
St Robert’s Pannal have been spreading smiles with their recent Harvest Scarecrow Festival, which also brought in £2020 for the Harrogate District Foodbank. The theme of the Festival was giving thanks for ‘all the good gifts around us’, with people creating scarecrows to represent what they were thankful for. Read more here
Taking place on Saturday, November 7 this conference is an opportunity to pause and reflect on what God is saying; to check we are on His course; and to ensure that our work and worship are aligned in values and purpose, so that we become fruitful in building His Kingdom in His world. Find out more here
Visit Bradford Cathedral online for their Civic Service, streamed live on YouTube. It will be led by Jerry Lepine, Dean of Bradford, and include a reflection from Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, and prayers led by representatives of different faiths. Wreaths will also be laid by the Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire and by the Lord Mayor of Bradford. Watch it here at 10.30am this Sunday.
PGS & Generous & Generosity Week Webinars 
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) continues to attract new parishes across the diocese with now more than 75 having registered. If you'd like to find out how the PGS could help your church income grow, join one of our webinars on Monday 9th November or Wednesday 18th November at 12 noon or 6pm. Please email Janet.edmond@leeds.anglican.org for more details.
On Tuesday, November 10 an online gathering for all those involved in ministry with children and young people across the Diocese of Leeds is taking place. This session will focus on checking in with how things are going with YOU and your groups. Members of the Children, Young People and Families Team will be available to help with things that you may need support with. Find out more here
During the Covid 19 crisis, we’ve had to adjust to very different rhythms. As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. On Wednesday, November 11 an online session hosted by the Bishop of Wakefield will offer a chance to find out more about the Rhythm of Life initiative and have your questions answered. Find out more here
A bi-monthly Environmental Book Club where participants can explore eco fiction and works of environmental non-fiction and their relationship with Christianity in a world which recognises the interconnected nature of God and the world in which we live. An introductory meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th November from 7.15 -8.30pm online via a Zoom. Find out more here
Preparing Your Church Building For Winter
Help and advice to prepare your church building for winter and hopefully make a few financial savings along the way will be the focus of this first in a new series of Church Maintenance Webinars. It will be delivered on Thursday, November 19 at 12 noon by members of the Stewardship and DAC teams. If you're interested in attending please email Janet Edmond at janet.edmond@leeds.anglican.org
Resources to encourage children, young people and families to join the Rhythm of Life adventure this advent have been launched. The initiative aims to promote healthy habits, such as praying, encouraging, sharing, reflecting, celebrating, resting and creating to help us flourish. Find out more by accessing the web page here.
How to bring digital learning developed during lockdown into our reopening church buildings is the subject of a new guide created for churches. Streaming services has gone from being a luxury item to a necessity for many churches. A guide for broadcasting worship online will help explore the options available and can be found by clicking here.
A new Advent and Christmas theme for 2020, to reflect the current Covid context, has been released by the Church of England. Building on the success of #FollowTheStar, Comfort and Joy will better enable us to reflect where the country is and will be by the end of this year. Follow this link to access the resources available.
The latest edition of Money For Mission, produced by our stewardship, income generation and finance teams is now available. Here they hope to answer some of the questions you may have around church finances and provide useful resources and information. Follow this link to read it.
As the country continues to react to the coronavirus, government guidance on what we can and can't do in places of worship continues to change on a regular basis. To keep updated on the most recent guidance from the government and the Church of England, make sure to regularly visit our COVID-19 website section. Find out more here
The latest edition of the Prayer Diary is now online to download.There are fresh prayers for Sudan as well as prayers for Tanzania. Download prayers here.
 ...is the name of Bishop Nick's blog and his most recent entries can be viewed here.
Streaming services has gone from being a luxury item to a necessity for many churches. Here is Lisa, our DAC Secretary, offering some top tips to help get you started with broadcasting from a place of worship. Watch the video here
See what a difference your parish share makes across the Diocese of Leeds by watching this recently taken film from a church in Bradford. Watch the video here
The Parish Giving Scheme is an established planned giving scheme for churches that was launched across the Diocese of Leeds in January 2020. Here are some short testimonies from church members across our diocese, who explain how the scheme has helped them with their church finances and giving. Watch them here
If you are an enthusiastic and highly motivated person who likes to work as part of a team with an interesting property portfolio, then we would like to hear from you. We are a flexible organisation who have an opportunity within our Property Team for a Property Officer. For more details of this role and how to apply click here
This vital new role for the cathedral comes at a time of challenge and opportunity as they negotiate the new landscape created by the pandemic. Facing this challenge and seizing this opportunity will require them to make the most effective use possible of both new and traditional media to ensure that the cathedral’s role at the heart of the city and as a mother church of the Diocese of Leeds is fully known and appreciated. For more details of this role and how to apply click here
This is a new, senior role, vital to building up the capacity and sustainability of the cathedral’s ministry as they emerge from some of the most challenging months in our recent history. The Income & Funding Manager will lead in identifying and securing funding opportunities, for both major capital projects and the ongoing ministry and outreach of the cathedral. For more details of this role and how to apply click here
St Peter's Morley have a vision to inspire and equip the next generation of Jesus followers and are looking for an Associate Leader with responsibility for Children and Youth to help carry this vision forwards. For more details of this role and how to apply click here
Holy Trinity Huddersfield are seeking a passionate and gifted Children’s Ministry specialist who, in the power of the Spirit will lead, reinvigorate, and further develop their Children’s and Families Ministry.  For more details of this role and how to apply click here
Useful links & Information
For safeguarding issues, contact: 
Carla Darbyshire 07399 809732 or
Jenny Leccardi 07872 005189 or
Narinder Lyon 07872 005309
Moves and Appointments

Revd Alison Askew has been granted Permission to Officiate in the Diocese of Leeds

Revd Sally Wallace-Jones to be vicar of Hartshead with Hightown, Roberttown and Scholes (Huddersfield EA)

Revd Pat Smith has been granted Permission to Officiate in the Diocese of Leeds

Revd Lisa Senior to be Chaplain at HM Prison and Young Offender Institution New Hall (Wakefield EA)
The Who's Who directory lists clergy & diocesan staff (email addresses & phone numbers). Access it here 
Contact us with your news
Please contact the Communications Team with your news for future editions. The Enews is published twice a month. The next edition will be sent out on November 19. Area news stories to enews@leeds.anglican.org  
© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2020
Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX
 0113 200 0540

Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily represent those of the Leeds Diocesan Board of Finance

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