Summer Enrichment Programs
A variety of classes will be offered this summer that will foster creativity, learning, and personal growth.

Included in the lineup are topics related to Cyber Techniques, CPR, Microsoft Basic and Advanced Excel, QuickBooks, Resumes and Interview Skills, and Pickleball -- yes, you read that right!

The courses are tailored to empower people of all ages and will be held at both campuses throughout June and July.

Check out the lineup of courses here along with the dates/times. Please share!

The library at both campuses invites you to celebrate with them! On Tuesday, June 6, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. please stop in at Central and/or Brown for a snack and to check out their brand-new book collection celebrating Ohio authors and book awards.
AOC Recognition Ceremony

The College Community is invited to attend the AOC Recognition Ceremony on Thursday, June 8 at 6:30 p.m.

The festivities will be held in the Edward K. Daniels Auditorium on Central Campus in Hillsboro.
SSCC Theatre Company’s
“Love Letters” performed June 23-25

The Southern State Community College Theatre Company's summer production will be “Love Letters,” by A.R. Gurney.
Andrew Makepeace Ladd III and Melissa Gardner, both born to wealth and position, are childhood friends whose lifelong correspondence begins with birthday party thank-you notes and summer camp postcards. Romantically attached, they continue to exchange letters through the boarding school and college years—where Andy goes on to excel at Yale and law school, while Melissa flunks out of a series of “good schools.”
“Love Letters” will be performed June 23 – 25 in the Edward K. Daniels Auditorium and tickets are only $5 for all seats!

To learn more, please visit
New Health Insurance Cards Coming Mid-June

Everyone covered by SSCC's insurance plan will be receiving new cards from Anthem this year. These cards are set to arrive mid-June. Please watch your mail as the cards will appear to be junk mail. Also arriving will be a separate card for pharmacy coverage.

If you have questions, or do not receive your cards by late June, please contact Crystal Howland at
Monday, June 19
Juneteenth, College Closed
Tuesday, July 4
Independance Day, College Closed
Bits & Pieces

FYI --- On Thursday, June 1, Ohio 4-H Regional STEM Day will be taking place on our Central Campus in Hillsboro. The event will be from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Don't forget to follow Southern State on social media (clickable badges below) as well as the College's blog at

For a list of upcoming events taking place at the College, please visit our events page:

Have a great summer!