Here's What's Happening This Week

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Sunday Worship Service

September 17th @ 10:00 am


Because your vote matters the Cherokee County NAACP in partnership with the Cherokee County Democrats is hosting a voter registration drive at Allen Temple Church. You can register to vote this Sunday, September 17th in the foyer right after the worship service.

The Black History Committee is calling all Allen Temple educators active and retired !!!

Please send your picture to Sister Brenda Lavender at The deadline to submit your picture is September 30th.

Thank you for your support!

BH Committee


Woodstock's food pantry "Never Alone" provides food and other items to Cherokee County residents in need. Currently, there is a need for large-size baby diapers.

Collection bins will be available in the church foyer from 9/10- 9/24.

Thank you for your support!

If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, the GriefShare program is here to help. Each week’s video presentation, group discussion, and devotional study helps to bring hope and healing during this challenging time.

Starting Tuesday, September 5, 2023, there will be a ZOOM study every Tuesday until November 28, 2023, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

Registration is required. Click on the button below to register.

For additional information, contact Ed. Madgett at (773) 858-7506. 

Click HERE to register

It’s That time again! The 27th Allen Temple Scholarship Golf Tournament is here on October 23, 2023, at The Beautiful Fairways of Canton Golf Course! We are again depending on your support and generosity to provide scholarships to deserving Students.


Whether you play golf or not you can still HELP! We also offer a

Clinic for those who want to “get in the game”! Friendship Sponsorships start at $25! Hole Signs to remember your loved ones, and signs to advertise your business are also available!


For more information, please contact Stephanie Key, Chuck McGhee, or any member of the Golf Ministry! Information is also available from the Church Office, (770) 926-6348. Visit our website,, to register and donate!



Click HERE to Register and Donate - Golfer/Sponsor

All women are invited to join the Women's Bible study on Tuesday evenings starting September 5th at 7:00 p.m., via Zoom. This fall the women are studying the book of Colossians.

The main idea of the letter is: Christ is all; you need no supplements! If you are in Christ, you've received God's fullness and have everything you need to live fully for Him.

Meeting ID: 810 9820 1292

Passcode: 010430

Dial-In: 1 301 715 8592

Click to purchase a book
Click HERE to join the class

Join the Primers as they journey through the book of Ephesians. The book of Ephesians emphasizes that because of Christ, both Jews and Gentiles are now one body, the Church. Paul underscores the importance of unity, harmony, and mutual love among believers.

Everyone is invited!

Time: Wednesday- 1:00 p.m.

Call In number  425-436-6366

Passcode  832741# (phone access only)

Dr. Joseph Cousin and Dr. Tammy Watson are teaming up on a weekly study centered around the "Armor of God."

The Armor of God has a distinct purpose and means of defense that enable Believers to be spiritually victorious against Satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. In order to stand a chance against the “powers of the dark world,” Believers must put on the Full Armor of God. There is no mixing, matching, or switching out based on the season. Spiritual armor is applied and worn daily.

This bible study focuses on understanding each armor, teaching how to put it on, and being equipped for spiritual warfare. 

Meeting ID: 868 3271 8610

Passcode: 823878

Dial-In: 646 931 3860

Join the Zoom class on Wednesdays by clicking the button below.

Click HERE to join the class

The Cherokee County NAACP Branch is excited to announce its INAUGURAL STEM

Scholarship Program. The program was developed with the intent of providing assistance and resources to students living in Cherokee County who wish to pursue college or career readiness programs beyond high school.


This year, scholarships are in the form of laptop computers to be awarded to one graduating senior from each of Cherokee County School District’s seven high schools who is planning to attend an accredited/certified, post-secondary institution, and is planning to pursue coursework in a STEM-related field.


Below you will find the eligibility requirements and essential parts of the application. Detailed information and the application process (including the application and forms) can be found by clicking on the link below.


The deadline to submit all parts of the application packet is 5 p.m. on September 30, 2023.

All applicants will be notified by October 15, 2023.

Click here for more detailed information about the application process



Applicants to the Cherokee County NAACP STEM Scholarship Program must meet the

following eligibility requirements:

·    US Citizen residing in Cherokee County, GA,

·    Current Cherokee County School District high school senior

·    An African American

·    GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4-point scale

·    Plan to pursue post-secondary education at an accredited/certified institution

·    Plan to pursue coursework in a STEM-related field (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics)



There are four essential parts of this application. All parts must be received by the deadline in order for The STEM Scholarship Selection Committee to consider an application. Applicants who do not complete/submit all parts of the application are not eligible for an award.


I. Application Form

II. Official Transcript

III. Reference Form

IV. Required Essay

Join an Allen Temple Fellowship Group, where you will come together monthly with other members to fellowship, laugh and encourage each other. If you would like to join a group or want more information, please complete a Fellowship Group form by clicking the link in your eBulletin or sign up on the Allen Temple Web Page. I am excited about leading the Allen Temple Fellowship Group Ministry.

Reverend Tammy Watson

Click HERE to complete Fellowship Group form

Sunday Worship Service

September 17th @ 10:00 am

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