Here's What's Happening This Week

Allen Temple eBulletin

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Sunday Worship Service

November 30th @ 10:00 am

This is the 22nd year the Women's Missionary Society has sponsored The Angel Tree event at Allen Temple Church. We pray our membership will join us in supporting such a worthy cause as we extend the love of Jesus to the least of these: the children of incarcerated parents.

Click the link to sponsor a child.

Click HERE To Sponsor A Child

Remembering the Reason for the Season

The Youth Ministry will host a "Jesus Birthday" party during the Worship Service on Sunday, December 8th. All Allen Temple members and guests are invited to join us for cookies and hot cocoa after the service. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

The Allen Temple Pastor’s Aid is hosting the “Christmas with the Pastor Holiday Tea” on the fourth Sunday of December, following the worship service. We will gather as a church family in the fellowship hall to kick off Christmas week with light refreshments and festive drinks and teas.

There are 25 tables available for decoration by groups or ministries to enhance the holiday spirit. Three tables will be chosen as winners for creativity. To reserve a table, contact Sis Shuquetar McKenzie.

Secondly, if you would like to participate in a gift exchange, bring a unisex gift valued at $10.

What better way to start the holiday week than with your Allen Temple church family?

Explore the Book of Revelation with Bro. Eddie Henry on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. This class is open to both men and women. Come and learn why God told the Apostle John to  “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now, and what will take place later" (Revelation 1:19).

"Everyone is invited" to Study with "The Primers" this fall on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. Sis. Willie Mae Crump will lead the class in an in-depth study of "The "Beatitudes." The Beatitudes includes nine sayings from Jesus about the hearts and actions of people living out his Kingdom rule.


Dial-In Number: (425) 436-6366

Passcode: 832741#

You may have heard confusing, even conflicting, information about who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. Join Rev. Dr. Tammy Watson for “The Fire that Ignites” on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. This Zoom class offers the practical help you've been looking for.

Meeting ID: 890 7601 4427

Passcode: 152782


Click HERE To Join The Class
Click HERE To Purchase The Class Book

The Women's class will study author Keri Folmar's book "Grace". The main focus of this study is to help the reader understand what the author of Ephesians was saying to the original readers and readers today.

Sister Ann Johnson, Sister Alzena Smith, and Sister Yvonne Johnson will lead this class in person (Room 205) on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. at Allen Temple. Class begins Sunday, September 8th.

Meeting ID: 885 6890 0363

Passcode: 645650

Dial In: 305 224 1968 US

Join an Allen Temple Fellowship Group, where you will come together monthly with other members to fellowship, laugh and encourage each other. If you would like to join a group or want more information, please complete a Fellowship Group form by clicking the link in your eBulletin or sign up on the Allen Temple Web Page. I am excited about leading the Allen Temple Fellowship Group Ministry.

Reverend Tammy Watson

Click HERE to join a Fellowship Group 

Sunday Worship Service

November 30th @ 10:00 am

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