Friends of Haystack Rock
Our Friend Will Be Missed
Our hearts are heavy with the passing of a dear friend, colleague, and Friends of Haystack Rock board member, Lori Fraser. We are fortunate to have known Lori through one of her many passions; supporting the stewardship of Haystack Rock. For nearly two decades, Lori volunteered for the Haystack Rock Awareness Program and served as a board member and secretary for the Friends of Haystack Rock. She was a gifted strategist, a visionary, and collaborator. She energized us with her passion and enthusiasm for stewardship at Haystack Rock. Our lives are richer having known her as a colleague and dear friend. Our thoughts are with her family as they celebrate the wonderful life of this remarkable woman. 
July Creature Feature
Black Oystercatcher
Black Oystercatcher by Erik Ostrander
Black Oystercatchers ( Haematopus bachmani ) are a bird found from Alaska to Baja in rocky areas, they are scarce in areas dominated by sandy beaches in that range. Black Oystercatchers forage around mussel beds near the low tide, removing mussels from the shells while leaving the shell in place. They also feed on limpets, whelks, urchins, and other shellfish.

Black Oystercatchers may mate for life, laying 2-3 eggs per nest that take approximately 24-29 days to hatch. Once hatched, the chick will remain near the nest and adults take turns to guard and feed the young. They are able to fly after about 5 weeks.
These birds are vulnerable to oil spills and pollution in the intertidal zones, as well as disturbance at nesting sites. We can protect these species by respecting their space and leaving no trace of our visit.

At Haystack Rock this year, we have a pair that first had a nest fair and then on attempt #2 hatched a chick!
The Great Puffin Watch
Armed with spotting scopes, binoculars, and a stuffed Tufted Puffin, the Friends of Haystack Rock hosted the annual Great Puffin Watch from July 1st-4th.

Lots of visitors and locals stopped by to take a look at the Tufted Puffins on Haystack Rock and learn more about these fascinating birds. We had a great time educating everyone about Haystack Rock and sharing stories about visits to the monolith throughout the years.
Check out our store for sweatshirts, hats, and so much more!
Upcoming Events
Library Lecture Series Coming Soon!
Friends of Haystack Rock
PO Box 1222
Cannon Beach, OR 97110
Friends of Haystack Rock is a non-profit organization that promotes the preservation and protection of the intertidal life and birds that inhabit the Marine Garden and Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge at Haystack Rock.

We do this in cooperation with Haystack Rock Awareness Program and other partnerships.

Friends of Haystack Rock is guided by a volunteer board of directors and advisors consisting of committed community members.
Board Members
Angela Benton, Tiffany Boothe, Hannah Buschert, Keith Chandler, Craig Davidson,
Tia Degerstedt, Mindy Hardwick, Lisa Kerr, and John Underwood
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