Helping One Life At A Time - Person Or Animal

Welcoming Spring with a Poem
By Billy Collins

If ever there were a spring day so perfect,
so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze

that it made you want to throw
open all the windows in the house

and unlatch the door to the canary's cage,
indeed, rip the little door from its jamb,

a day when the cool brick paths
and the garden bursting with peonies

seemed so etched in sunlight
that you felt like taking

a hammer to the glass paperweight
on the living room end table,

releasing the inhabitants
from their snow-covered cottage

so they could walk out,
holding hands and squinting

into this larger dome of blue and white,
well, today is just that kind of day.

From Aimless Love: New and Selected Poems by Billy Collins
(Please sign up for Amazon Smile!)
A message from our Founder:
As the March winds come and go, so does the lovely spring weather we are all looking forward to having. Hope springs eternal? We do hope everyone enjoys the coming season.

Besides lovely weather, spring also brings us new animal litters. Please contact us if you would like to foster, donate animal goods, or donate funds to our cause.

A portion of all donations goes to helping other local rescues. Over the last two years we’ve donated over $2,600 to several animal organizations. Your donations also go towards building our sanctuary, our vision. Only a very small portion of donations go to administration and overhead costs. If you have a favorite local rescue or sanctuary in need, email us at [email protected].

Please take a few minutes to read the articles included in our newsletter. We are so thankful for the contributing articles each month and for the words of wisdom. We are always looking for contributors. If you would like to write for us, please reach out to [email protected]. Submissions are feature on our blog page

All donations are greatly appreciated and there are many ways to donate. You can donate here on our website. Any donation questions can be emailed to us at [email protected]. In this way, we will continue to reach our ultimate vision of building our sanctuary.

We are still adding features to our site, like the new blog postings and the store. Please visit our website and check it out! Share the link for others to sign up for our newsletter. Please check out our first event of 2021 below! YARD SALE!

With gratitude and appreciation for your support,
Judy Dyke
Using Your Retirement Savings To Make A Difference - By Travis OConnor
If you have charities you would like to support, pretax money saved in an IRA can be an ideal charitable donation. Rather than passing these assets to a beneficiary — who will likely pay taxes when the inherited IRA is distributed — you can give them to charity by taking a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). A QCD will count toward satisfying your required minimum distribution, and neither you nor the charity will have to pay income taxes...

Read more of Travis's wise words on his blog post.
Thinking with Our Hearts or Our Minds? What is the Reality of Owning a Pet?

When you are looking to adopt a pet for your home there are various considerations. Adopting an animal is a lifetime commitment.

Although our hearts speak to us, we must really think clearly about taking an animal into our homes:
  • How much time is needed for the animal's care?
  • How big will the pet be full grown
  • What will be the cost of care, weekly, monthly, yearly? Can we still afford care now and in 5 years?
  • Will there be others involved and will this animal get along with other people, or other animals?
  • Are my living conditions good for this animal?
  • Will we need to pay for a trainer?
  • Who will be our veterinarian? How far away are they?
  • How long will the animal live and if something happens to me who will take care of it?

While there is much more to consider, contemplating these questions will prepare you to be a great pet owner. If you are unsure of making the commitment to adopt, consider fostering an animal first.
A big trend we see at this time of year is to adopt bunnies, kittens, and puppies. Please remember these animals are thinking, feeling creatures that will rely on you for their well being.

While not as high maintenance as cats or dogs, bunnies still require your loving attention and consistent care.

We know how impossibly adorable kittens are! But all kittens grow up. Cats can live 15-20 years when well cared for and that is a serious commitment!

And if you want a well behaved (adult) dog, your pup should begin training as soon as possible! Those rascal pups need lots of attention, training and exercise.

Please reach out if you would like to discuss finding the right animal for you and your family.
Composed by Judy Dyke [email protected].
Need to buy some new things for spring? Here are just a few of the colors and styles - Sizes from Small to 2XL! ALL proceeds benefit #Harmony Retreat and Animal Rescue!
Saturday, May 15th
7:30 AM - 12:30 PM
(Set up at 7:00 AM)
No early birds please!

Bring items you've collected & want to sell!
Preregistration is a must!
1 - 6 Ft. space for $20.00
2 - 6 Ft. spaces for $35.00

Bring your own table, chairs &
canopy if desired.
All space proceeds Benefit
Building our Sanctuary!
Keep what you sell or donate a portion back!

Place: 1255 Easton Rd, Warrington, PA 18976
Time: 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Rain Date: May 22nd
Payment: PayPal - or Venmo @Harmony-WOW. Once paid, send an email to [email protected] with your name, & Phone number and receipt of payment.
Below is a collage of some of our past sponsors. Again, we would like to recognize and thank them for supporting us in the last few years. If you support our mission/vision and would like to advertise your business to our supporters, for only $80 we will place a business card sized ad in four newsletters. If you are interested, please email [email protected].
Have your Amazon shopping benefit our cause? Please select Harmony Retreat and Animal Rescue as your Charity of Choice on Amazon Smiles - You don't spend a penny more and Amazon gives back! Please share with everyone!