LEAP! Newsletter - June 2020 - PRME Working Group on Sustainability Mindset
What is New?

Dear Leap-ers !
Our last Newsletter came out in March, when we were just starting this bizarre Covid time. Now we are over 100 days into it, with more than 10 million cases worldwide and over half a million deaths. The disruption to life as we knew it has put us all to the test: Our sensitivity towards those navigating the storm in precarious rafts, our creativity to reinvent our work, our wisdom to tap into to deal with our lockdown; and our receptivity to the message of growth that’s in it for us.
Classes have moved online, and we are progressing by "trial and learning." In midst of this, the racial crisis in the US has created what I personally see as a tipping point in our evolution. Curtains have opened and we cannot un-see what we have seen. Painful and disconcerting like the MeToo movement that sparked and went global, so too this protest again discrimination that started locally has given pause to individuals all over the world, and they are thinking: Hmm, how does this resonate with what is happening where I am? with what I experience here? 
Yes, this too shall pass - but we will never be the same again. We are all swallowing a pill that makes us advance a few steps in our own human development, independently of where each of us is standing. It is tempting to stay focused on the outside, on the things that we have to do, on what others are doing, but the gift is happening inside. And not “stay-at-home” or lockdown “inside. Inside of each of us. Have you paused to notice your own expansion of consciousness?
Lastly, to cope with the day-to-day, here is a phrase attributed to Winston Churchill I heard recently: If you're going through hell, keep walking.
Read on to know where our colleagues in LEAP have been, and what they are doing. Enjoy
Our 2020 International Retreat:
Making Magic happen
Imagine this: A virtual Retreat. Free- no fee to participate. With sessions covering all time zones. With LEAP members sharing stories. With a virtual 24/7 Cafe-Lounge to hang out and meet others. With a Virtual Exhibit Room.
Find out details here. Sign in to be a presenter. And mark your calendar: Aug 5, 2020.
Starting in the morning in New Zealand, ending in the afternoon of Hawaii. That will be interesting!
AOM gone Virtual
And so will be our PDW!
The title is Understanding the Contemporary World: Going Inside to Broaden our Sight
Thirteen colleagues from 11 countries will lead experiential exercises they use to develop insight and a sustainability mindset. Designed as an Open Space, we are ready to convert it into a participative online experience.

The conference cost is lower now, so we hope that you can attend!

Stay tuned for exact times of the session!
Bring Switzerland to your desk
Easy access to the 7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
You no longer have to find the extra time and buget to travel to Switzerland in October! The Conference will be online, the call for papers was extended and the registration fee is minimal!
Our Ambassador Alec Wersun even created a Track for the Sustainability Mindseti! Who is in better place to share thoughts or experiences about the Sustainability Mindset than us in this Working Group? See here the Call for Papers.
Are you enjoying our NEW PLATFORM?
We are SO happy to have found this user friendly way to stay in touch and connect. Anyone in our group can post events, documents, news or start a discussion group.
You were automatically authorized, and once you log in you can upload your picture, update your profile and start interacting.
Haven't seen it yet? Check your email for notifications from MOBILIZE or email us to make sure we entered your correct email!
Non-stop Writers
Ambassador Ekaterina Ivanova and Isabel Rimanoczy submitted a proposal to Springer for a 2 volume book on Student Shifting Mindset. With 23 LEAP contributors from 5 continents.

Aixa Ritz and Isabel Rimanoczy were invited to submit the proposal for an edited volume on Sustainability Mindset and Transformational Leadership to Palgrave-Springer! 17 colleagues from around the world are contributing their chapters.

Tay Keong - Struggles and Successes in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development will be published by Routledge, The Taylor and Francis Group, in July 2020.

Shirley Yeung, co-authored with Artist Song Yang published

Isabel Rimanoczy 's new book about the 12 Sustainability Mindset Principles has entered the production process with Routledge Taylor Francis! With Foreword by Chris Laszlo. October perhaps?
Contributing Authors from Ghana, Sweden, Russia, Philippines, USA, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, Finland, connecting invited by Ekaterina and Isabel.
Tom Culham co-authored with Jing Lin Daoist Cultivation of Qi and Virtue for Life, Wisdom, and Learning   due out later in July with Palgrave.

Tom establishes an understanding of  qi  and virtue as a technology within the Daoist paradigm, outlining the benefits of its cultivation while illuminating how contemporary Western philosophy and science support this paradigm.

What are others doing?
Connecting LEAP colleagues
Shirley Yeung, Hong Kong, invited Mehdi Majidi, France, to speak at a Webinar. In the lower Right, Ekaterina Ivanova, attending from Moskow.
Eunice Mareth Areola, Philippines , with the Beyond Individual Good Institute, presented at the
Community Resiliency for Virtual Learning 2020 International Conference on Quality Education for All UNSDG#4. Read more here.
Amelia Naim Indrajaya, from Jakarta and Shirley Yeung, Hong Kong, participated in a paper about the impact of Spiritual leadership and spirit at work. Read more here.
Powerful ripple effects
Amelia Naim invited Isabel Rimanoczy to design and lead a virtual session to inspire 100 students in Indonesia to become Change Makers for the SDGs. The experience was so powerful that they are writing it up for others to get inspired and replicate it. Stay tuned! A hint: Students posted results on Instagram creating a wave of engagement!
From Instructors to Learning Facilitators
The era of the sage on the stage is over! And now with a new challenge - to be virtual, how can we engage students and become real Learning Facilitators? That was the request from ASCOLFA- the Colombian Assoc. of Business Schools- to I sabel Rimanoczy. After a Webinar with over 250 participants, she led a workshop for educators. They were so excited that they created the first network of Educators as Learning Facilitators in Colombia, to share and promote a new way of teaching.
Record number of New Members!
Meet them here
Vanina Farber, Switzerland
Minyoung Park, South Korea
Anna Ogan, USA
Johanna Clancy, Ireland
Jane Mulatz, Canada
Minelle Silva, France


We have set a goal to have 150 Members from 50 Countries
by December 2020.

We are getting close! We are welcoming Chrstiane, our Member
# 145 and we have 46 countries represented.
Help us reach our Goal and get a SPECIAL Acknowledgement!
Who are you thinking of?

Do you have a colleague that you think might enjoy participating in this Working Group?Make a quick email introduction to Isabel , and she will follow up! Expand the reach of this learning community!
New Atelier on the Sustainability Mindset Principles

The Atelier for the Sustainability Mindset Principles finished with high energy and sadness to stop the weekly meeting routine.

As Ali Awni from American University Cairo observed: I was looking forward a refreshing break in the Covid lockdown, and I knew it was Wednesday because we had our meeting!
In case you missed it...
People LOVE our unique Storytelling Circles!

It seems that even our busiest colleagues teaching from home find a break attending our Storytelling Circles. Perhaps it is because of the diversity of experiences, the open sharing and the trusting atmosphere in these small-scale, intimate gatherings!

Special thanks to Anil Maheshwari for hosting our May Session!

Save the date for the upcoming sessions:

July 20: Ayako Huang , Ph.D, Director of Sustainable MBA programs, Associate Professor, Maharishi International University, Iowa USA
August 17 - Karthyeni Sridaran , The University of Melbourne , Australia, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics
September 21- Amelia Januar Indrajaya , IPMI International Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia
October 19 - Eunice Mareth Querol-Areola , HSG/Switzerland, Founder and Executive Director, BIG Institute - Beyond Individual Good- Manila, Philippines.

If you would like to present at a future Storytelling Circle, please contact martine@isabelrimanoczy.net
Promoting a Flourishing World
2020 Aim2Flourish Winners
We are thrilled to celebrate many years of continuing growth of the fabulous AIM2Flourish initiative! This year, 7 Working Group members had finalist stories: Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Amelia Naim, Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo, Aleandra Scafati, Julia Hufnagel and Kathartina Spraul, Aixa Ritz and Ekaterina Ivanova. Three won prizes for their students' stories.
If you haven't used A2F with your students, check it out!
Image R: How conscious travellers can make a difference - Check out story about the Hotel Impact, the winning story from Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo.
Impact hotel for conscious travellers
Can a pizza business become a passion for social change?Check out this winning story of Pizza makers Agents of Change by students of Consuelo Garcia de la Torre.

The story about Bolsa Rosa, Mexico, the business focused on empowering women through flextime opportunities. Another winner, by students of Consuelo Garcia de la Torre.
If you look carefully, you will see this it not just a T Shirt - it's former plastic bottles! Read about this UAE winning initiative from Amelia Naim students.
Amelia shares her thoughts
Amelia Naim, one of our Working Group founding members and A2F pioneer when it just was starting, shares her thoughts and an invitation to colleagues:
As the only school in Indonesia participating in A2F, IPMI's students have already published 250 stories of the flourishing business model through the AIM2flourish platform. We continuously make sure that the Sustainability Mindset is embedded in the experiential learnings conducted by the students. Future collaborations with professors around the world are deeply appreciated. We can have a joint class or a joint project . Please contact me for future possibilities. Looking forward to developing joint projects with all of the professors working to support Global Goals!!
Tools, Thought Provokers and Inspiration
Florencia Librizzi, formerly with PRME, is now fully engaged with the amazing SDG Academy. Find free resources for educators and students in this wonderful platform, led by Jeffrey Sachs. The Academy offers self-paced or instructor led courses by world experts. And you might contribute content too!
Ranking the MBA by their contribution for a better world is becoming the new standard!
At the Global Forum of PRME we were delighted to hear about the new rankings.
Read more here.
What is not discussed in BS? Should that be reason enough to shut them down? Read here a thought-provoking discussion.
Have you seen the new Blueprint for SDG Integration into curriculum, research and partnerships prepared by PRME?
Contributions from Members

Beate Klingenberg shares with us her new paper “The status quo of knowledge management and sustainability knowledge” , Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(2), 2020, pp. 136-148 (with H. Rothberg). DOI: 10.34190/EJKM.18.02.004
We are very grateful to our members who send us videos, stories, news, updates, and other contributions. That is what makes this Newsletter cool! If you haven't done so, please consider sending us your contributions too!
Don't Miss the Next LEAP Cafe!
Monday July 6 is our next date.
Our CAFE is one of the most popular ideas.
People love log in and check out who is there!

Give yourself a break and stop by!

  • Meet at LEAP CAFÉ - First Monday of each month -  8 am and 4 pm EDT (New York Time)
  • Join the LEAP STORYTELLING CIRCLE - Third Monday of each month - 8 am EDT
  • Share OFFERS AND REQUESTS – Participate or post on our Moblize Platform
  • Read and add to the NEWSLETTER - Your contribution is always welcome - Share your experiences and successes!
You are invited to post offers and requests or start discussions:
Twitter : @LEAPmindset can be reached through LEAPit! We encourage everyone to become a follower of LEAP and refer to LEAP in their sustainability related tweets .
We want to hear from you! THIS IS YOUR NEWSLETTER!!! How is the Sustainability Mindset impacting your thinking, your work, your dreams? This is an invitation to get back to me in the next couple of days and let me know about what is going on for you. Successes, promotions, new postings, graduations, conference attended, research or papers published.... And if you have a photo, that would be lovely too. S end us an email .
Editors: I.Rimanoczy - Martine Marie.