New Guest House in Vietnam
We are happy to announce the opening of our new guest house in Ho Chi Minh City! We now have a four-level building just a short walking distance from our main partner hospital. Our new facility more than doubles the capacity of our prior guest house which had to close last year due to COVID related lock downs and travel restrictions.
Our children and their caregivers often travel quite a distance from their rural homes and orphanages, and acceptable accommodations near the hospitals can be hard to find. Our Guest House enables us to offer a safe, comfortable, and home-like place to stay during the time of the children’s surgery and medical treatment.

The Guest House environment also gives our local staff more opportunity to build relationship with the families and better minister to their needs during what is often a very difficult and trying time. And the families find encouragement and comfort from being together with other families whose children are facing similar medical challenges.
The first four families staying at our new guest house all have children in ICU at a nearby hospital
We currently have funding for the operating expenses of the guest house, but we are still in need of funds for the children’s surgeries and medical expenses. Both one-time gifts and regular monthly giving enables us to say “Yes!” when we are asked to help.