Eubanks Intermediate School ECHO

Monday, February 13, 2023

B Day

Eubanks Intermediate Website

A Day in the Life at Eubanks

100 Days of School!

Eubanks February Calendar

February 19-March 19- Gifted and Talented Referral submission

February 24- School store during lunch Visit the PTO webpage for more information

Brrr, Y'all!

These Texas mornings are chilly!

If you drop your student off before 8:00 AM,

please bring them to the front of the school

so they may come inside to stay warm.

5th and 6th grade Gifted and Talented Identification Process

 Calling all current 6th grade parents!

Dawson Middle School 

6th to 7th Grade Course Request Process


Thursday, February 9, 2023 

·       Video presentation of elective choices for students during P.E.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 (8:30 a.m.)

·       Presentation by DMS Counselors 

·       Practice Sheet, Green Folder and Blue course request card distributed at EIS

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 (8:00 a.m.) – Monday, March 6, 2023 (4:00 p.m.)

·       Online course request submission open in Skyward

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 DMS Gym 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. 

·       Parent Q&A Session with the Counselors  

Monday, March 6, 2023

·       Blue course request card DUE to homeroom teacher at EIS

  • ****Online course requests must be submitted in Skyward prior to returning form****

EIS Counselors

Your EIS Counselors are here to help! 

 Amanda Garcia- 5th Grade

 Lauren Canafax- 6th Grade

Recognize an EIS Staff Member who SHINES!

Extended Day

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday



The objective of the Eubanks Intermediate School PTO shall be to support students and faculty of EIS in pursuit of academic excellence through volunteer hours, raising funds, and providing communication 

between parents and school community.

EIS PTO web page

Daily Reminders for your students

Visiting Eubanks Intermediate Campus?

The safety of our Dragons is our top priority!

Please be prepared to ring the bell, state your student's name, your name, and your reason for visiting.

You must have your Driver's License to check your student out for early dismissal, have lunch with your student, and/or enter the building.

Thank you for understanding.

Personal Electronic Device Policy


Lunch at Eubanks

Eubanks Intemediate School


Eubanks Intermediate Website