Eubanks Intermediate School ECHO

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

A Day

Eubanks Intermediate Website


Just a reminder!

*Students should not be on their cell phones in the building at all, even before the 8:20 a.m. bell and after the 3:45 p.m. bell.

*Students should not be on their laptops during carline.

* No food or drinks are allowed in the gym besides water in the mornings.

*Please have your student bring their water bottle to school each day.

*Students need to have their ID on when they enter the building in the mornings.

*All outside sporting equipment (footballs, basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, etc.) being brought for recess needs to be left in the front office during the school day. Students can pick up their equipment before recess but cannot carry it from class to class during the school day.

*Please make sure you update your emergency release lists on Skyward so we know who to release you students to.

Standard Response Protocol SRP-

Our school has adopted the "I Love U Guys" Foundation's Standard Response Protocol.

Students and staff will be training, practicing and drilling the protocol.

Please click here for more information

Dates To Know:

January 4- Return to School

January 4- No Extended Day

January 11- PTO General Meeting


No check outs after 3:30.

Due to the increased car and bus traffic, we are highly discouraging pick up of your student between 3:30 and 3:45 from the front office. If you need to pick up your student early, please make sure to pick them up before 3:30.

Drop-off Table is available for forgotten items or lunches. The staff is not allowed to interrupt class unless it is an emergency, ie glasses, medication, medical reasons. Please tell your children to check the drop-off table when expecting items they may have forgotten at home.

Attendance-Attendance is taken every day at 10:00. Please be sure to call Eubanks front office at 817-949-5200 to report your child absent for the day.

Carline Label

If you are able please print out the Carline Template and place it on the front of your dashboard when picking up your child after school. This is not a requirement, but I believe will help us speed up the line. Thank you for your help with this! 

News From the EIS Counselors

Your EIS Counselors are here to help! 

If you have a 5th grade student, your student’s counselor is Amanda Garcia.

If you have a 6th grade student, your student’s counselor is Lauren Canafax. 

Eubanks counselors follow students during their time at Eubanks, meaning your student will have the same counselor for both 5th and 6th grade. 

Recognize an EIS Staff Member who SHINES!

Our staff receives a newsletter every Friday where we celebrate one another by “shouting out” the amazing ways we keep this campus bright.

This year, we’re inviting community members to join in on the fun and bring some encouragement to our staff!

Did a staff member brighten your student’s day or go above and beyond in some way? If so, shout it out!

To complete a shout-out for any EIS staff member, please fill out this form.

Your shout-out will be included in our weekly shout-out newsletter, which will be viewed by all EIS staff and will give us all a reason to celebrate. Never underestimate the power of positive words! 


The objective of the Eubanks Intermediate School PTO shall be to support students and faculty of EIS in pursuit of academic excellence through volunteer hours, raising funds, and providing communication 

between parents and school community.

Click here for the EIS PTO web page

Have you checked out the latest merchandise at the Eubanks Spirit Shop?

Shop our online store now!

**Now Available**

Laptop Covers in black and gray!!

Available on the spirit shop website!

A Note From Nurse Stuart!

ISO- Snacks! Our supply is running low and we would love if anyone could bring peanut-free snacks to help replinish our closet!

Click here for ideal snacks

 Please contact Nurse Stuart at 817-949-5207 or with any quesitons or concerns. Thank you


Extended Day

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 3:45-4:45

Extended Day Information!

Visiting Eubanks Intermediate Campus?

The safety of our Dragons is our top priority!

Please be prepared to ring the bell, state your student's name, your name, and your reason for visiting.

You must have your Driver's License to check your student out for early dismissal, have lunch with your student, and/or enter the building.

Thank you for understanding.

Personal Electronic Device Policy

In order to preserve the learning environment, while also eliminating unnecessary distractions, we are asking students to leave all personal communication and electronic devices at home or in their school bags, as the use of these devices by students during the school day is prohibited. The only exception is if a teacher specifically asks students to bring a device for classroom instruction purposes.

**New for 2022-2023**

If your child's device is confiscated by a teacher, it will be available to pick up at the end of the day at the front office for a $15 fee.


Lunch at Eubanks

Check out our schoo Menu

For additional information regarding your child's school lunch, visit our website

We hope you have a wonderful school year, Go Dragons!

-Your Children's Nutrition Team

Lunch payment made easy with MySchoolBucks

Online lunch payments

Eubanks Intemediate School


Eubanks Intermediate Website