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Can a video game help students with LD or ADHD be more successful at university?

It can when that game has been developed specifically to teach them how to do just that. In a joint venture between the University of Calgary, Foothills Academy and the Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network, pre-preparation skills for success at post-secondary is the focus of these video modules.

“It’s intended as a one-stop shop for high school students, where we bring them through a module explaining what they need to plan for heading into university, and once you are there, how can you be a successful learner.

Through a series of games, future post-secondary students learn about their own unique challenges, how to best approach university learning, and the stigma they may face and how to self-advocate."

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News For Everyone

Our First Network Event: Find Your Path

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Find Your Path Event Update

If child care is an issue for you, we may have a solution.  In order to make it easier for parents with young children to attend, Telus Spark is offering a discounted adult admission rate of $19 to the Science Centre. One adult can attend the Event and another can experience the Science Centre with the children.

You can pick up a discount coupon for another adult when your ticket is scanned at the event on Oct. 23.

CADDAC's 14th Annual ADHD Conference

Oct. 22 & 23, 2022


$50 +GST

"This year we're highlighting ADHD and co-occurring conditions like anxiety, depression, OCD, bipolar disorder and many more. Don't miss our sessions focused on ADHD skill-building for your self-care routines, your money, your relationships & more!"

Register Here for CADDAC

News For Parents

Inside ADHD: How You Can Be the Difference

Thursday, Oct. 6 at 6:30 pm

Online Parent Webinar

Cost: $10

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children.  

Neurological deficits, not unwillingness, keep kids with ADHD from learning and behaving in expected ways. But adults can make a significant difference in the lives and success of kids with ADHD. In this session, we will discuss: 

  • Red flags, identification, and diagnosis of students with ADHD
  • Statistics and outcomes for students with ADHD
  • Causes, myths, and facts 
  • Educational, social, emotional, and behavioural challenges for youth with ADHD 
  • How you can be a difference in the lives of these youth with appropriate support in place at home and at school

Presented by Tanya Keto, M.Ed., R.Psych. Manager of Professional Development and Parent Education for Foothills Academy Society.

Register for Inside ADHD

Your Child's IPP:

A Vital Route to Success at School

By Jody Wood of CanLearn Society

"Fall is upon us, school has started and it's time to create IPP's, aka IEPs (Individual Education Plans) and LSPs (Learning Support Plans). If your child has learning challenges, there should be one of these coming home soon.

What are IPPs? 

IPPs (Individual Program Plans) are plans for success for children facing challenges at school. Like the GPS we use on our phones and in our cars, we enter our starting point and the destination then our GPS shows us the best route to get to our destination.   

IPPs are similar. You and your child's teacher know what your child is currently capable of or their struggles. Together you determine the next best steps for your child's educational goals.  Like a GPS, an IPP outlines a plan for the best educational route for your child. Instead of turns on street corners, an IPP has strategies that form the route or plan to help your child reach those goals."

Read the Full Article

News For Adults

Adult ADHD Treatment Group

Dr. Michael Zwiers and his team at Lighthouse Psychology, Calgary is offering their ADHD Adult Treatment Group again. 

"This is not a support group. It is an intensive treatment group that will help you learn skills to deal with common problems experienced by adults with AD/HD. The approach is called “Social Behavioural Cognitive Therapy” which involves presentation of information, demonstration of skills, and opportunities for practice and feedback. You will set personal goals you can achieve over the 10 sessions."

There are 2 groups: Young Adults aged 18 - 30, and Mature Adults aged 27 - 60.

Below is the general information for both groups.

Register Here for Adult ADHD

News For Educators & Professionals

Learning Disabilities in the Classroom

Oral Language Development is the focus of three lectures by guest speaker Dr. Suzanne Adlof. Dr. Adlof is the Director of the South Carolina Research on Language & Literacy Lab (SCROLL) whose mission is to conduct research that improves the early identification of language and reading difficulties in children and aids in the development of effective interventions for language and reading difficulties.

Save the dates and join by zoom. Register by Oct. 15!

Register Here for Dr. Adlof

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) is hosting its 2nd virtual conference on October 21, 2022, titled

Learning from Research and Practice: Strategies to Support Students with Learning Disabilities

"The learning disabilities conference is LDAC’s 2nd annual event gathering the country’s top minds on learning disabilities (LD) and connecting them with teachers and education professionals from across Canada. Last year’s event brought together over 475 educators and other professionals from every corner of Canada. This year is expected to be even better with more content and more experts helping to convert the latest research and strategies into practical means of application in reaching those with learning disabilities."

Register Here for LDAC Conference

News For Employers

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

This free Lunch & Learn workshop offered by our Network.

"Are you ready? Companies are increasingly striving to hire for diversity in the workplace because enough research has now shown that, apart from equality and equity, there are very tangible benefits for the bottom line. The more perspectives that can be brought to bear on a problem, the more likely it is that solutions and innovations will be discovered faster, potentially reach a wider market, and positively impact client interactions, but also offer resilience in times of market stress."

Schedule a Free Lunch & Learn

The Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network is a collaborative initiative of a broad group of organizations, which is operated through Foothills Academy and supported by an Anonymous Donor at the Calgary Foundation.

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