Get expert insight on current food buying and preparation trends
Focus on what makes behavior change so challenging
Eat cheese. Yes, enjoy delicious cheese with experts The Cheese Twins!
I am so excited that, TOGETHER, we get to offer BAC Fighters an experience packed with timely and effective lessons to inform their food poisoning prevention efforts.
I hope you will not miss out on the 2021 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference! Register now to take part.
A special thank you the conference co-chairs, Cindy Jiang of McDonald’s and Steven Mandernach of AFDO, PFSE Board, for their passionate leadership! The PFSE Board has offered a great deal of support, and Michael Roberson has led the Science Working Group process leading up to the conference.
I want to thank everyone who has helped put this program together, provide resources, and share their expertise and time.
I am SO ready to share this event with BAC Fighters, and I hope you will too. It’s not too late to help us promote registration for this event! Thank you in advance.
Shelley Feist
Executive Director
Mission Moment
Upcoming Events
Young Cooks Recipe Challenge
Duration: March 22 to May 3
Virtual Partner & Federal Liaison Meeting
Thursday, May 20
*More details and registration coming soon
World Food Safety Day
Monday, June 7
2020 Year-End Impact Report
The year 2020 is likely to be on our minds for quite a while. For us here at PFSE, your support will stay on our minds.
Because of you, the Partnership was able to push out critical preventive health messaging for people — hand hygiene, meal delivery, safe produce handing, and safe 30-minute recipes for people eating nearly all of their meals at home.
Your contribution made these activities (and more!) possible in 2020. Thank you!