What's the Big Deal about Clutter?
Most of us have heard about the psychological aspects of clutter to our mental health. We've seen the shows or stories about a hoarder who gets so stuck in their mind and their stuff, that they don't know what came first - the mental challenges or the piles of belongings - essentially trapping them in their mind and space. The vast majority of us never get that bad, and there are many places in the world where people literally live with what they can carry. That being said, clutter is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge to the western world. In this issue, we tackle clutter from different viewpoints - to help you learn how tackling your physical clutter can make a life shift. Find out how "less can be more"...from the International Feng Shui Guild
In a space overwhelmed with stuff, you may feel:

  • depressed
  • lethargic
  • unlucky
  • pessimistic or “stuck”

Your clutter can — and does — affect your mood. It affects your ability to complete projects and to make clear decisions.
Let Go of Clutter and Life Your Life to the Full
"What would your life be like if your home were completely clutter-free and you were totally up to date with everything you need to do? Can you even imagine that?"
"Most people who start clutter clearing have this as their goal, and it feels wonderfully exhilarating to achieve it. But some people reach a point somewhere along the journey where they suddenly realize, ‘Whoa. This is actually happening. What is it really going to feel like if I keep going until all my clutter is cleared?’"

In this piece, long-time clutter expert, Karen discusses how clutter affects our lives and emotions now and in the future, and makes a case for letting go to live more freely. She encourages each of us to be brave and take those steps to pursue meaning in all that we do.
Is Clutter Really Part of Feng Shui?
"The subject [of clutter] is a bit layered. We modern Feng Shui consultants must account for both the proper, traditional knowledge and the expectations of our modern clients, most of which were exposed to different ideas that are grafted into their conception of Feng Shui."

"When I do a Feng Shui consultation, a lot of my clients eventually ask me what they should do with some of the “mess” that they have accumulated into cupboards, closets, spare rooms, etc. My answer is always the same: if that bothers you emotionally, then by all means get rid of as much as possible."

We love Laurent's candor. And we also love how he dives into the history of clutter in Feng Shui. From placement to layout as well as chi flow, a classically based consultant, Laurent talks clutter from not only a practical point of view, but also from a professional point of view. Enjoy.
"Successful people are smart about what they keep around them. You will often see keepsakes of their interests and achievements, signs of projects in progress and always a well organised space. There may also be a comfortable chair to sit quietly whilst contemplating decisions. What you won't see is clutter, junk or an ailing plant, nor piles of old magazines or paperwork, dreary, uninspiring artwork or displeasing hand-me-downs."

The Power of Decluttering
"As our life changes, our friendship circle also changes, in fact everyone we socialise with changes. So what does this have to do with decluttering? Well you see, as you grow, things change. Your mindset shifts. Things that used to matter to you no longer do. And things that never bothered you, suddenly will. Remember, the same principles apply to life and your home, what you are surrounded by, you become."

We love this article because it speaks directly to the emotional toll of clutter and also that clutter takes many forms. It's not just having too many socks or cups. Brilliant!
Final Thoughts...what's the actual cost of clutter?

"Do you find yourself keeping things you don't need because you tell yourself you might use them one day? It's a common misconception that holding on to those unused items will somehow save you money down the road. The truth is your clutter is actually costing you money, and a lot of it. Statistics show that Americans spend $38 billion every year on self-storage units. Just think of all that cash spent for items simply sitting in storage." ~~Better Homes and Gardens

Self storage is a fast growing industry, and not just in the United States. According to Mordor Intelligence, the fastest growing locale is Asia-Pacific; while the US has the largest market. Experts state that this industry worth the equivalent of $58 billion US in 2023 could well reach $72 billion US by the year 2028.

What are we doing? Storing stuff in an off-site closet? Feng Shui is about loving your space, honoring your stuff, considering your space with intention - in décor and location/directions. Think what you could save in storage fees by downsizing your stuff and living with what you love and with what supports you.
“Happiness Is A Place Between Too Little And Too Much”
– Finnish Proverb
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