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August 30, 2023

Allisonville Christian Church,

Your warm welcome has been a source of immense delight! The past two Sundays have been filled with the joy of meeting many of you, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with even more in the days ahead.

Last week, you might have come across the news that Beau and Josh have entrusted me with this space in the Buzz. Their generosity paves the way for me to address you directly and offer you insights into my thoughts. My aspiration is to journey alongside you, fostering a shared spirit of authentic contemplation and understanding as we navigate the path of our collective church life.

This section of the Buzz has a dual purpose: to honor both reflective thought and practical church logistics. On some occasions, we will delve into profound questions of faith and existence, while on others, I will provide essential updates. The essence of being a church rests upon a delicate balance between theological reflection and operational coordination. My intention is to uncover how these seemingly distinct aspects are not isolated, but rather notes harmonizing in the same symphony.

In this humble inception, it's crucial to recognize that our reflections and logistical efforts are intertwined in a symbiotic dance. The words we exchange, the concepts we contemplate, and the information we convey all weave together into the tapestry that defines us as a community. Each thread is indispensable, and your contributions, regardless of their size, play a vital role in the fabric that unifies us.

As I embark on this journey with all of you, I'm truly humbled by your presence, engagement, and kindness. Together, we'll shape "Isaac's Insights" into a space of significance, authenticity, and shared growth.

With heartfelt gratitude and unity,



  • We celebrate that Alex Hofer is cancer free!
  • We rejoice that Lenny Noens hip surgery went well and continue to pray for healing.
  • We rejoice for the new ideas and dreams coming forth from the worship retreat.
  • We hold Rev. Rick Spleth as he preached his final sermon as Regional Minister.
  • Continued prayers and rejoicing for our search for a second full-time associate minister, focused on outreach and church growth.


  • We pray for Hawaii, especially Maui, in this time of devastation.
  • We pray for all teachers, students, and staff in this new school year.
  • We pray for healing for all those who have suffered through trauma.
  • We hold in prayer the Jacobs' family, whose beloved pet, Cooper, has passed away.
  • We continue our prayers for Mike McDonald, Linda Kemper, Lori Corken-Young, Davis & Bev Gorforth, Karen Campbell, Sandy Zimmerman, Erika Blauvelt, Bob Hessong, David Tatum, and members of Peggy Reed's family dealing with health concerns.

We pray for all who are grieving.

We pray for a meaningful and effective solution to end gun violence in our society.

We continue to pray for our work and all work to be an anti-racist church and people.

Our Global Ministries Prayer Partner this week is Puerto Rico.

Following up on Sunday, we had a variety of questions that Josh and I couldn't respond to in worship because of time limitations. So, we'll offer written answers in The Buzz in the weeks ahead. Like this one:

Question: What is behind the affirmation "God is Good"? Does it imply that there are times when God isn't good? How should we understand prayer in terms of God's presence versus God's responding to the needs we raise?

Answer: I've always understood the affirmation that "God is Good" as giving credit to something beyond ourselves. When something desirable happens that we lack the ability to control, we attribute it to God's activity. There maybe times when this is done without much thought, but I don't think it's a bad impulse to remind ourselves that we're not the ones who keep the world spinning.

In terms of prayer, I really do think there's been a shift in our practice. Rather than commit ourselves to a regimen of prayer that keeps us connected to the source of our life, we tend to reach out to God in moments of need. At the extreme, this turns God into Santa Clause. We only talk to God when there's something we want AND we expect God to deliver. While I would never discourage prayer, I do believe God desires relationship with us and that requires an ongoing conversation. I also think that dialogue is more about transforming our hearts in alignment with God's desires for our lives and the world than it is about getting God to do what we want. In other words, we should pray expecting to be transformed through its practice. - Beau

Hawaii Devastation Response

woc image

Wildfires in early August on the Big Island and the island of Maui devastated communities and claimed more than 50 lives. Among the most severe impacts was the near-total destruction of the town of Lahaina.

Week of Compassion is in touch with Regional leadership and the local Disciples congregations on the island of O'ahu, as well as with ecumenical partners on the island of Maui.

Click here for updates and to see how Disciples are responding.

Linwood Food Pantry

Because of the Labor Day weekend, the pickup date will be September 10th!

For those who don't have holiday plans and want to fill their time grocery shopping ahead for the September Food Pantry distribution, here are some suggested items:

  • Chef Boyardee type canned meals
  • Canned peas or veggies other than corn or green beans
  • Diapers: newborns, 1, 5
  • Kids snacks
  • Cat food
  • Tampons, 
  • Sanitary napkins
  • Canned soup

Labor Day Adjustments

The office will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of labor day.

Also, Beau and Josh will be out of the office and out of the state from September 1st through the 9th! While the two of them are away, you can reach out to Rev. Joyce Coalson at 317-313-8119 for any pastoral needs or Catherine Carvey. You are also welcome to call the office, and we will direct you from there.

Youth Group Meal Signup

Now that youth group is back, we are looking for people to provide lunches for the youth group each week! You can click the button below and sign up for a date (or two). This is a great way to help support our important faith formation ministries. If you have any questions, please reach out to Josh. The next open slot is for September 17th! Sign up fast!

Sign Up

Coffee Cafe

Come join us in the Family Room for Coffee, tea, and snacks and especially for fellowship. And we always appreciate something in our little brown baskets to help us with our expenses.

Blessing of the Backpacks

On Sunday, September 10, we will have our annual Blessing of the Backpacks! Whether you are a student of any age, a teacher, or other school staff person, you are invited to bring your backpack (or briefcase or tote bag, etc.) to worship that Sunday for a blessing and a gift to start this new school year.

Prime Timers Picnic

Now is the time to sign up

Date: Wednesday, September 13th

Location: Sycamore Shelter, Fort Harrison State Park

Time: Arrive near 11:30, Lunch at 12:00, end about 2:00

Cost: $5.00 (covers grilled pork tenderloins, drinks, rental


Fee to enter park: $7.00 (consider car pool to split cost)

Bring: Food to share for pot luck lunch, lawn chair for after

lunch fun & activities

SIGN UP BY SEPT 10: We need to plan for meat and drinks.

See Don or Barb Burrell at church or call Barb 317-697-6031

Casa Anniversary Celebration

Thank you to everyone that has agreed to help us with the Casa Celebration! We would still like a few more volunteers! Information is below.

Our sister congregation, Casa del Alfarero will commemorate their 20th anniversary in September. ACC will be extending hospitality for their celebration dinner, and we need volunteers to help. If you are available from 5 - 8 pm (or a portion thereof) on Saturday, September 16th and willing to bless Casa with your time, please let Isaac know by emailing [email protected] or calling the church office.

Brian Nixon Concert

We are excited to welcome Brian Nixon to Allisonville Christian Church October 6th at 7:00pm.

Brian Nixon is a dad, husband, singer/songwriter, and ordained Disciples of Christ pastor serving at First Christian Church in Keokuk, IA for the last almost 10 years. Brian has been leading worship in Disciples congregations for 20 years now, and has a deep love for the church. He seeks to spark the reminder of such love for Christ's church in an evening of music with him. His debut full-length album "Just Here" was released last November and is a personal storytelling venture in seeking the abundant & everyday magic of life. He explores it for himself and invites listeners on the journey in these piano-driven, heart-centered songs. 

Click here to learn more!

Faith Formation Ministry Resumes

Sunday, September 10 is also our starting date for Sunday School for all ages at 11:00, Exploring Worship at the 9:30 service, and Worship and Wonder in both services! If you are interested in any Sunday School class or other faith formation opportunity, please reach out to Josh. This fall, here's a brief rundown of our offerings:

  • Worship and Wonder (9:30 and 11:00 in Room 12): Open to kids 3 years old through 1st grade

  • Children's Sunday School (11:00 in Room 1): Open to kids in 2nd through 5th grade

  • Youth Sunday School (11:00 in the Retreat House): Open to youth in 6th through 12th grade

  • Adult Sunday School (11:00 Faith Class in the Fireplace Room, LIFE Class in Room 15, and Pathfinders Class in the Chalice Room)

August 31 — Genesis Bible Study

Our regular Thursday Bible study returns. Beau will lead us through the Book of Genesis each Thursday at 9 am at ACC or 7 pm via Zoom. There's no preparation required. Just come with a curious mind and be ready for an inspirational conversation. We'll relearn some of the most memorable biblical stories and learn what wisdom this ancient, inspired text holds for us today.

Zoom Link

September 2 — An Afternoon on Broadway

Please make sure you have the most up-to-date time and day!

Psalm Theatric's Performing Arts Studio Presents...

An Afternoon on Broadway: A Musical Revue

Purchase Tickets on Eventbrite for $15 each! Stay tuned for their new performance date!

Contact [email protected] for more information or visit their website at www.psalmtheatrics.com

Click Here For More Info

September 2 — ACC Crafter's Group

Welcome all Crafters!


After a summer hiatus, the Crafters Group will return to meeting the first Saturday of each month. We will gather this Saturday, September 2nd , from 9:00-12:00 and all are welcome. 

So gather your crafting supplies and come join us. Remember it’s never too early to get started on those Christmas presents!

Any questions, please contact Mandy or Carol Wakefield.

September 9 — Men's Breakfast

Our next breakfast is Saturday, September 9th. We meet at Metro Diner (3954 E 82nd St.)

Please call or text Don B. at 317-697-6011 by Friday the 8th to join us. We must request seats in advance.

September 9 — Shalom Zone Event

Shalom Zone, the ecumenical group of 5 faith communities, ACC, Cross & Crown Lutheran, Epworth United Methodist, First Friends Meeting, and St. Pius X, will once again participate in a handicap ramp build with the organization Servants at Work.

SAWs is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that builds handicap ramps to provide persons with disabilities and conditions of aging with the freedom to remain in their homes and reconnect with their communities.

The event will take place on Saturday, September 09, 2023, from 8AM to approximately 12PM. Location will be available closer to the scheduled date. Volunteers must complete the volunteer form before their first build. This form can be found on the SAWS website at the following link:


No experience is required!

If you would like more information about the event, please contact:

Dave Tatum 317-371-7500 | [email protected]


Jean Tatum 317-626-8625 | [email protected]

September 9 — Faith in Indiana

Hi friends,

One of the organizations we've been engaging with about putting our convictions into action is Faith in Indiana. They are a network of religious communities organizing across Indiana to create positive social change at the local and state level. Some of you had the chance to meet one of their organizers, Bailey Schwartz, who was in worship with us a couple of Sundays ago. 

Faith in Indiana is holding a training session here at ACC on Saturday, September 9th from 12-4:30 pm. It's a chance to learn more about how the organization operates and some of the issues they'll be focusing on in the months ahead. 

All the best,


Sign Up Here

September 10 — ACC Golf Outing

ATTENTION GOLFERS! ACC will be hosting a golf outing on September 10, 2023.

SIGN-UP: We had a good response for the sign up last Sunday and will have another sign up on August 27 in the Narthex after first service. The fee will be $37 to be paid the day of the event at the golf course. You may also sign up by emailing Toni Medlen at [email protected]. I will need your name, phone number, email address and your handicap or usual score for 18 holes.  

We got rained out last year, so hoping for better weather this year!

WHERE: Sahm Golf Course located at 6801 E. 91ST STREET, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250. Please arrive no later than 12:30 for check-in before the first tee-time at 1:00 PM.

FEES: The fees to play are $37 ... this includes a golf cart. Fees will be paid at the golf course on the day of the event

September 10 — 2023 Festival of Faiths

We are reaching out to extend an invitation to the faith communities across Central Indiana to join us in celebrating the diversity and richness of our beliefs at the Festival of Faiths.

The Festival of Faiths aims to promote unity, understanding, and mutual respect among different religious and spiritual traditions. It is an opportunity for us to come together, share our faith traditions, and learn from one another. We believe that, together, we can create a harmonious environment that celebrates both our shared values and unique traditions.

More Information Here

September 13 — Sarah Circle

The Sarah Circle will meet Wednesday, September 13 at 7 pm at the home of Rosemary Ervin. We will be reading and discussing the book Dessert First by J. Dana Trent. Come join us! If you have questions you can email Susan York.

September 15 — Young Adult CookOut

The young adult group has rescheduled their August cookout to September 15th at 6 pm! Come to the retreat house for group food and good friends! Bring food if you are able to share, and have a great evening.

September 23 — Indy Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build

Calling all builders or anyone not afraid to swing a hammer! ACC will be participating in the 2023 Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build. This will be a great opportunity to serve alongside individuals/volunteers from more than 20 faith communities here in Indy to work together and make an impact on the lives of Habitat homebuyers and their families.

 The first part of this effort is a Panel Build. Many of you will recall the Panel Builds which were held in our parking lot in previous years.

This one will be on Saturday, September 23 at Second Presbyterian Church. ACC has 6 slots reserved on the early shift, (8-10:30 am) for this Panel Build, so if you want to participate, hurry to sign up below!  (All volunteers must be 16 or older. No experience is necessary and all tools, materials and safety gear is provided.)

A portion of the Outreach Ministry budget will be supporting this effort, but if you are also interested in contributing, you may do so via the fundraising page.

Sign Up

September 26 — Book Club

When: September 26

Where: ACC in room 14 with the option to join on zoom

Outlawed by Anna North

"Featuring an irresistibly no-nonsense, courageous, and determined heroine, Outlawed dusts off the myth of the old West and reignites the glimmering promise of the frontier with an entirely new set of feminist stakes. Anna North has crafted a pulse-racing, page-turning saga about the search for hope in the wake of death, and for truth in a climate of small-mindedness and fear."

If you’d like a library copy of the book, contact Audrey Pelsor ([email protected])

Our October meeting is 10/24, location TBD

September 28 — Mary Martha Circle

Mary Martha Circle meets Thursday, September 28th at 1 pm! Join us at Allisonville Christian Church to discuss chapter 9, Listening as Self-Discipline. We look forward to hearing from each of you on this topic. Sue Feltner will lead us.

October 3 — Anti-Racism Book Study

Christian Theological Seminary is hosting their Faith and Action fall event on Tuesday, Oct 3 at CTS. The featured speaker will be Heather McGhee an economist and author of the book The Sum of Us. There will also be a chance for you to participate in a book discussion. Book discussions will take place virtually and in person. 

There are several of us attending this free event. You may register through the following link: https://www.cts.edu/faith-action/fall-event/

If you are planning on attending please let Cindy Coble know at [email protected] so we can try to sit together as a group. 

You can find more information about similar events here!

Seeking Virtual Scripture Readers

Virtual scripture readers are needed. Please contact John Quick (317-294-2709, [email protected]) to sign up!

Arts at Allisonville

Calling all music and drama lovers! It’s time to get Arts and Allisonville rolling again. We are in the planning process for the next 12 months or so. Won’t you join us? If you love the arts, we want you. Contact Steve Caress ([email protected]), Shari Jacobs ([email protected]), or Chris Higgins ([email protected]) and let us know. We want to start meeting soon to discuss/plan some exciting events.

Exploring Worship and Worship & Wonder Volunteers for 2023

Would you like to be involved in our children's ministry next year? We are seeking volunteers for both Exploring Worship and Worship & Wonder. Here are brief descriptions of the roles we are needing to fill:

W&W Greeter - The Greeter helps to welcome the kids to Worship & Wonder and assists the Storyteller in crowd control and keeping the ministry flowing. 

W&W Storyteller - The Storyteller leads the lesson directly from the Worship & Wonder curriculum. We have access to the official W&W training. 

EW Teacher - The Teacher leads the activity for the day, such as the sharing of joys and concerns, reading the scripture for the day, etc.

EW Shepherd - The Shepherd assists the Teacher in getting the kids to the EW space and keeping the activity going smoothly. 

If you are interested in any of these roles or if you would like more information about them, please reach out to Josh!

Please Give to Week of Compassion for Hawaii Disaster Relief
