Often when I talk to prospective members who are interested in hearing the details of our congregation’s life, I tell them that we take pastoral care seriously at ACC offering layers of care. For instance, our three staff ministers, Joyce, Josh, and I, respond to emergencies and crises and offer care in hospitals, with the bereaved, and when Covid allows, in care centers.

In addition to the pastoral team, our Elders each have Care Circles they attend to with phone calls, notes, emails, and visits. Stephen Ministers, lay members of the church who have undergone special training, serve at another level of attention with ongoing one-on-one care for people going through a difficult time like an illness, divorce, or bereavement. More informally, our women’s Circles and Sunday School classes also care for each other by providing meals, giving rides, or just keeping company with their members going through a difficulty.

And, for twenty-two years – yes, twenty-two! – one ACC member has offered yet another level of care. Fred Knox has been a steady, faithful one-man caregiver, though he has frequently persuaded others to go along with him to learn how to make a visit too.

Fred always showed up with a smile, his sense of humor, a question or two to get the conversation started, and a candy bar, cup of coffee, or a shake – whatever little treat he thought the person might enjoy. And I’m not talking about an occasional visit here or there. Fred had a system, keeping lists that he shared with the ministers so we could all make sure everyone who needed a visit was covered.

For the last ten years I’ve been in awe of the loving care Fred has offered to so many people, primarily those in care centers and nursing homes who might otherwise some days feel forgotten. On my own rounds I’d often hear, “Fred Knox was here!” or someone whose memory was no longer reliable would say, “That nice man with the candy bars came to see me.” “Wonderful!” I’d respond, “That was Fred Knox. Isn’t he great?”

The moment has now come for Fred to retire from that level of activity and so today we offer him a heartfelt “Thank you!” For all of the loneliness he chased away, for the company kept with the discouraged, for the laughter he stimulated, for his organizational skill that kept track of so many visits, and for the ways he nudged all the rest of us to go visit too, we thank him.

Fred knows it’s time to slow down, but he does have one concern. Who will pick up the mantle and carry on?

I know there is only one Fred Knox in the world, but who among you might hear the call he heard so many years ago to care for people who might feel forgotten? Fred is ready to pass his wisdom and experience along to anyone whose heart is stirred to answer this call, so give him a call. Thank you, Fred – we love you!
Peace & Grace, Diane
Sunday Morning Covid Guidelines

Here are the latest updated Covid Guidelines for gathering as a congregation.
  1. Worshipers are now seating themselves and all pews are open. If you would like to be seated apart from others, please tell one of the Diaconate members on duty and they will be happy to help you find a good seat.
  2. Though all pews are now open for seating, we do ask that you maintain a social distance of approximately three feet between you and other worshipers in your row.
  3. We ask that you wear a mask whenever we are gathered in the church building for worship or for any other reason.
  4. You no longer need to make a reservation to attend worship. *Since we will still need record of all in attendance, we will begin using new pew cards for everyone to fill out – members and visitors – with names and primary contact information. As an added feature there will be a place for you to share any prayer concerns or other comments you’d like the minister(s) and/or prayer team to know about. At the end of worship please take the card with you and place it in the offering plate at the door on your way out.
  5. Classes and other groups that want to meet in person may reserve space to do so by calling the church office or use the reservation link below.
  6. We are making plans to re-open the nursery for the care of our youngest ACC’ers very soon. We will reconvene Children Worship and Wonder and Exploring Worship on the Sunday after Labor Day. If you would like to assist with either of those important programs, please let Pastor Diane know.

We celebrate that we are making progress toward a more normal worship experience even as we are also continuing to care for those among us, including our young children, who are not yet vaccinated.

A heartfelt thank you to the members of our Reopening Committee for their care, wisdom, and faithful perseverance!

We celebrate with our six children and youth who participated in our annual Pastor's Class this past Sunday.

We are excited that Sunday after worship is our all-church picnic at Forest Park in Noblesville, all are welcome!


  • We offer our prayers and love to the McCracken family as Jessica's step-dad, Richard Solberg, passed away on September 21st following a long illness. We also pray for Jessica's mother, Linda Solberg.
  • We extend our condolences and prayers to the Nelson-Mercer family upon the death of Theron's mother, Liz Nelson, on September 15th. Services will be held Monday, September 27th at 1:00pm CDT at Corn-Colvin Funeral Home in Oakland City with Rev. Amber Cook officiating.
  • We continue praying for Downey Avenue Christian Church following the death of Hannah Crutchfield after a car struck her, her mother, Cassandra, and a crossing guard, Mike Sykes. A memorial service for Hannah will take place on Saturday, September 25th at 2:00pm EST at Downey Avenue Christian Church with a visitation beginning at noon.
  • We pray for Jeremy, Cassandra, and Charlotte Crutchfield, as well as the entire Downey Avenue congregation. Cassandra was injured in the accident as well.
  • Mike Sykes, the crossing guard who was struck, and his family as he recovers from his injuries.
  • Joey Lee, who is undergoing treatment for cancer
  • Theron Nelson-Mercer, who is having surgery for prostate cancer on October 6th.
  • Jerry Caress, who is still undergoing tests.
  • Toni Medlen as she recovers from shingles
  • Tom Cain
  • Dan Dunn
  • Tim Escue
  • Elaine Akermann
  • Bill Ross
  • Lee Ridoux
  • Linda Stires
  • Mandy Reed
  • Robert Keltner
  • Gene Ray
  • Geoff Higgins, Chris Higgins' dad
  • Cindy Method, Ruth Wolff's mother
  • Mack Hunter

For all who are grieving
For all who continue to be affected by COVID here and around the world
For all frontline medical workers as the COVID cases continue to spike around the country
For educators and students facing multiple challenges this year

Our Global Ministries prayer partner this week is Lesotho.
I hope that all of y'all have had a wonderful week so far! We're almost to the weekend, the weather is cooler, and fall is officially here- we got this! This past weekend I got to travel to Nashville for another friend's ordination service. It was really wonderful to see some Vanderbilt and Nashville friends and the ordination itself was simply beautiful. Part of the service included a reading of Jan Richardson's poem, "Blessing at the Burning Bush." I want to share a piece of it with y'all.

You will know your path
not by how it shines
before you
but by how it burns
within you,
leaving you whole
as you go from here
blazing with
your inarticulate,
your inescapable

It felt so fitting for my friend's ordination, a service that celebrates and ordains (ha) his "yes" to ministry, similar to the "yes" that I claimed and celebrated just a few weeks ago. Where is it that you feel a call or a nudge that burns within you? My hope and prayer for all of us this day is that we all find what lights us up and lets us know our path in the clearest sense, in whatever form that takes.

Here is a link to the whole poem if you want to read it: https://paintedprayerbook.com/2014/08/24/blessing-at-the-burning-bush/

Peace and blessings,

ACC Building Pandemic Update

Since we have had a couple of "near misses" with regard to Covid-19 in the office, we are asking:

  1. that you be sure to wear a mask when you are in the building for any reason or length of time;
  2. if a meeting with the ministers or with Ruth can be done by phone or Zoom, please choose one of those options rather than coming in person;
  3. if you know or suspect you have been exposed to Covid please refrain from coming to the church building until you know you are clear;
  4. if you are meeting with a group who can meet outdoors, please choose that option. If you need to meet inside, be sure to wear masks at all times.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us prevent the spread of the virus, and we continue our prayers that all in our society will do all they can to halt the pandemic.
The ACC Office will close at 3:00pm this Friday, September 24.
Mission Building Update

The Mission Building Committee is scheduling a Town Hall meeting for October 17th following Sunday morning worship to review where we are, to offer some possible direction, and to listen to the congregation on how to proceed. Although this will be an in-person meeting following worship, we will seek to find some tech support for people who can not be here in person but would like to offer their thoughts.

When we began our Mission Building Project, we were looking for ways to do mission to the community in the vicinity of Allisonville Christian Church. We looked at some of the needs of our community. We talked about a food ministry and also talked about potential youth ‘after school’ programming. We also looked at ways that a larger and more appealing facility could meet some of those needs and facilitate some of our own shortcomings for congregational fellowship. We looked at ways that a larger fellowship or multipurpose room could facilitate our Arts at Allisonville programming. We looked for a way to add showers to our existing restrooms. Our dream was a vision that would cost us 3.8 million dollars. Conversation with the Disciples Church Extension Office and congregational evaluation indicated we could add to the facility, but not the full project. Our committee has wrestled with ways to phase the project. The last 18 months of the Covid-19 pandemic have created even more complications to anything that we might be able to do.

Please put the date for our October 17th Town Hall Meeting on your calendar to come and listen to possible direction for the project and to share your ideas. We believe that everyone’s generosity has created a tremendous asset that can be used to advance ACC’s mission to the world and at the same time grow our congregation because of our ministry to the world around us.
NEW! September 26 | All Church Picnic

Everyone is invited. This will be a great fellowship opportunity and a delicious lunch. Fried chicken, salads, desserts, soft drinks, water, table service, all provided at no charge.

There will not be a lemonade cafe after church.

As you leave church, drive 11 miles north on Allisonville. Turn left at stop light on Field Drive. Allisonville is known as 10th Street in Noblesville. Drive a couple of blocks into the park. There is no charge to enter. Drive to shelter #5, which is the first large shelter on your left.

If you rely on GPS, the Park address is 701 Cicero Road, Noblesville 46060.

Parking lot, restrooms and playground, are all adjacent to the shelter which holds 40 large picnic tables. There are nice sidewalks for a little stroll through the beautiful Park.

Feel free to bring a lawn chair if you want to visit after lunch. We encourage people to bring a favorite game and enjoy your time with friends as we have the shelter for the day.

We plan to eat no later than 12:30. We ask everyone to use the hand sanitizer provided before going though the serving line. If you prefer, bring your own sack lunch and wear a mask if you wish. We want everyone to feel safe and enjoy spending time together outdoors. Weather is predicted to be beautiful.
NEW! September 26 | Reconciliation Special Offering

The Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering will be received this year on September 26th and October 3rd. Our theme is “Revealing God’s Justice: The Time is Always Ripe to Do What is Right.” Reconciliation Ministry is the church wide mission fund which supports programs and program partners that enable full human flourishing for everyone in every community. As followers of Christ, we believe every life is precious and valued in God’s beloved community.

We believe that the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is uniquely equipped to encourage racial equity and justice in the communities where we worship and serve. Your gifts to Reconciliation Ministry promote our mission of creating a just and loving society. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that God’s salvation is for ALL of us. The scripture in Isaiah 56:1 reads, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvation is close at hand and my righteousness will soon be revealed.’” We all have a role in revealing God’s justice. It is our call as the community of faith, the body of believers, and the Christian Church. Your giving promotes our capacity to respond and to reveal God’s love and justice in such a time as this!

Please use the envelope provided in the pew rack this Sunday, mail your check to the church, or give online at allisonville.org. Thank you!

This year we have something special to share. One of our members has offered to add a special gift in the amount of 20% of our total Reconciliation offering! What a generous gift to increase the congregation’s usual generosity. We thank them and look forward to “letting love flow” in our Reconciliation giving!
Update! September 26 | Buddy Bag Sign Ups

We are preparing for our Buddy Bags for the upcoming Fall break. We will be collecting and packing food donations for 90 Buddy Bags for students at Clearwater Elementary, Eastwood Middle School and Northview Middle School. We will be in the Narthex (or weather permitting outside near the lemonade café) this Sunday, September 26, with a sign-up sheet for food donations and monetary contributions.

Each bag cost approximately $25.00. Monetary contributions may be given at the sign-up table, placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church with a designation of “Buddy Bags,” or made by giving online (choose Buddy Bags from the pull-down menu on the designation line).

Please have your food donations to the church Narthex by Sunday, October 3. If you are interested in helping to shop for any remaining items, please let Loveta or Sandy know. We will be packing and delivering the bags on Tuesday, October 5, at 9:30am. Come join us!

Contact Loveta Cain (tlc6383@comcast.net) or Sandy Nagy (snag1221@yahoo.com) with questions.

The 2021-22 Stewardship campaign will begin shortly. That means it’s budget time!

All committee chairs are asked to submit their 2022 budget requests to Tim Armstrong by October 1, 2021.

Thank you for your attention to this important annual process.

Tim Armstrong, Treasurer
September 23 | Mary Martha Circle

The Mary Martha Circle will meet Thursday, September 23rd, in the ACC Sanctuary at 1pm. Mask Required. Study will be Chapter 2 (Joy). Call Sandy Zimmerman 317-407-7936 if you can attend.
September 28 | ACC Book Club

This month we will meet Tues., Sept. 28th at 7:00. Our book is The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu.

The Three Body Problem is set against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. An alien civilization on the brink of destruction captures the signal and plans to invade Earth. Meanwhile, on Earth, different camps start forming, planning to either welcome the superior beings and help them take over a world seen as corrupt, or to fight against the invasion. 

Join us — we’d love to have you. The zoom link is: 

October 2 | Men's Breakfast

Join us for fellowship and breakfast. Any and all ACC men welcome! We typically meet on the first Saturday of the month at 8am. Join us at Skillets Pancake House, located at 9546 Allisonville Rd. Our next meeting will be October 2.
October 3 | Buddy Bag Food Donations Due

Bring your contributions for Buddy Bags to the church narthex by October 3.
October 5 | Buddy Bags: Packing & Delivery

We will be packing and delivering Buddy Bags on October 5. Join us!
October 13 | Prime Timers Luncheon

The next Prime Timers monthly luncheon is Wed Oct 13. Sue and Don Call will be our coordinators. 
October 16 | Shalom Zone: Electronics Recycling Event


The annual electronic recycling event will be held 10-16-2021 at Epworth United Methodist Church. Please save any item with a cord or battery that you wish to recycle. Recycle Force will be present to take these items. This organization is a 501(c)3 social enterprise offering some of the most comprehensive and innovative recycling services while providing life-changing workforce training to formerly incarcerated individuals.
October 17 | Town Hall Meeting: Mission Building Project

The Mission Building Committee is scheduling a Town Hall meeting for October 17th following Sunday morning worship to review where we are, to offer some possible direction, and to listen to the congregation on how to proceed. Although this will be an in-person meeting following worship, we will seek to find some tech support for people who can not be here in person but would like to offer their thoughts.
September 26 | Buddy Bag Sign Up

We will be in the Narthex (or weather permitting outside near the lemonade café) on September 26 with a sign-up sheet for food donations and monetary contributions. Each bag cost approximately $25.00. Monetary contributions may be given at the sign-up table, placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church with a designation of “Buddy Bags,” or made by giving online (choose Buddy Bags from the pull-down menu on the designation line).
Virtual Scripture Readers | Seeking Readers for November & December

Virtual scripture readers are needed!! If you would like to participate please email John Quick (qman21611@gmail.com) or call or text me (317-294-2709).
Youth Group Meal Signup

Youth group continues to meet on Sundays from 12:00-2:00. Each time we gather, we share a lunch together. We need volunteers from the church to provide food for the youth group! Please click on this signup and fill in your name on a date (or dates) that you'd like to bring lunch for the youth. Thank you so much to those of you who have already signed up! But, we are still in need of 10 more volunteers, so there is plenty of room for you to help us out! If you have questions, talk to Josh.
Worship and Wonder Volunteers

We are off and running with Worship & Wonder, but we are still looking for a few more volunteers! If you are interested in being a storyteller or a greeter, please reach out to Josh and let him know. We are seeking one more storyteller and two more greeters.
Worship Flowers: Oct 17 Available

Please click the link below to sign up to provide flowers for worship.

The flower arrangements for a Sunday will be $40 and payment may be made to Allisonville Christian Church.
Vaccination Reminder

ACC members can offer rides to vaccination locations, so we invite you to call the office at 317-849-3957 if you would like assistance.