A Word from Diane

In the last several days I’ve talked to several people who are bummed. Not a technical word, I know, but one that seems like a good catch-all for the varieties of bummedness (I made that up) I’ve encountered. Sad, depressed, discouraged, distressed, despondent . . . I wasn’t even trying to be alliterative there, but those words describe what I’m seeing and hearing. They seem like pretty reasonable responses to all we’ve been going through; don’t you think?

Just at the time when our state and county Covid numbers are finally going down, we at ACC have seen an uptick in the disease among our members and family and friends (see today’s prayer list). Many are also concerned about the more transmissible strains of Covid that have arrived in Indiana or soon will, and some are frustrated by their wait to get the vaccine. 

In addition to Covid worries, many are still reeling from the sight of our Capitol building being invaded, and nearly half of the population is disheartened by the election’s outcome. People are worried about the violence on our city streets and the continuing effects of systemic racism through the country.

And we’re all suffering from Covid-fatigue for sure. 
It is a lot.

As people of faith then, how do we meet these challenges that make us feel so helpless? What can we do in the face of them? I hope one or more of these ideas will appeal to you.

  • If YOU are feeling bummed, share that with someone who will listen well. None of us can “fix” much of anything, but we can listen with care and compassion . . . and that is healing.

  • Do what you can to invite light and peace into your own life and carry that into the world. When I am bummed, doing even a small thing for someone else never fails to make me feel better and I know I’m not alone in that. Often our “small” thing feels great to the one we serve.

  • Make time to rest in God. If you’re not sure what you want to say to God, that’s okay. Just consciously place yourself in God’s presence and when your mind wanders (in about ten seconds or so) call yourself back by simply saying God’s name. With a little practice this is a beautiful way to connect with and rest in the One who loves us best.

  • Depending on what it is that has you down, take an action to help right the world’s ills. Worried about systemic racism or poverty, for instance? Make a donation – every dollar counts – to any number of groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center or Habitat for Humanity. 

  • And finally, believe this: even with our difficulties, dear church, let us be of one mind in Christ. Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, “If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love being in full accord and of one mind.”

Paul calls us to let the gifts of the spirit rule; gifts like encouragement, consolation, love, sharing, compassion, and sympathy. Minister and writer Sandhya Rani Jha says it best. “An abundance of compassion, not an abundance of facts, is what leads to being of one mind in Christ.”  

We have an abundance of compassion, don’t we?

Peace & Grace, Diane
Prayer Joys and Concerns

Ben Hinton is off the ventilator and is now at St. Vincent Seton Hospital.
Linda Johnson, Julie Wilson’s mother, got good reports from her Indy doctors and is back at home in South Bend.

Our Prayers are with those who have lost loved ones
Herb and Sue Feltner and family in the death of Herb’s sister, Jean, due to Covid-19
Donna Crimmins in the death of her father, Bill Crimmins

Tim Bodenreider’s mother, Judy Steimel, is near the end of life
Ray Jones is seriously ill, hospitalized with COVID-19
Mack Hunter, hospitalized after a fall and hip replacement
Paul Ayers is in rehab at Harbour Manor in Noblesville
Joyce Jones, investigating a lung mass
Jerry Fourman, recovering
Kim Amos, recovering
Kim Fourman, ill with COVID-19
Amanda Wilson’s grandma, Louise Mullen, ill with COVID-19
Jill Maple, Noble York’s daughter and Sue’s stepdaughter, recovering
Max Oldham, Kathy Speicher’s grandson, recovering
Joey Lee, undergoing treatment
Michael Smith, Kathie Meyer’s son-in-law
Donna Crimmins
Mary Caress
Lori Corken
Bonnie Ross
Davis Goforth
Bev Goforth

All who are affected by Covid-19 and for all frontline caregivers, teachers, and people in the service industry and their families

All who continue anti-racism, pro-reconciling work 

We pray with our global prayer partners in Indonesia.
Rev. Dr. Paul Crowe

We grieve the death on January 23rd of the Rev. Dr. Paul Crowe who was the President of the Council on Christian Unity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for twenty-five years. Paul was instrumental in the work of ecumenism for a generation. He was a friend and mentor to many including ACC member the Rev. Robert Welsh who followed Paul as president of the COCU. Our member, the Rev. Paul Tche currently serves as president of what is now called Christian Unity and Interfaith Ministry. We hold Dr. Crowe's wife, Mary and daughter, Susan and family in our prayers as we give thanks for Paul's long ministry.
Schedule Notification for February 1

This coming Monday, February 1, our region, the Christian Church in Indiana, is hosting a much needed virtual retreat for ministers. Diane and Doug will both be participating in it and will be out of pocket for the day, but will be back on duty on Tuesday. On Monday administrative questions can be directed to our office manager, Ruth Wolff, and pastoral care issues to Joyce Coalson.
From the Stewardship Team

Even in a pandemic. . . the ACC congregation steps up to contribute generously to the Disciples Special Day Offerings! In 2020, church members and friends gave: 

$5169 to Week of Compassion
$1406 to Easter Offering
$1540 to Pentecost Offering
$1520 to Reconciliation
$765 to Thanksgiving Offering, and 
$1046 to Christmas Offering

Thank you very much for these outstanding outreach gifts. 

Remember while we are still worshiping virtually, you may give your pledged and unpledged offerings, as well as contributions to special programs, online through our website, allisonville.org; by mailing a check to the church; or directly through your bank. Thank you. 
Stock Donations to the Church

Please contact either Mike McDonald (Treasurer) or Kim Cook (Church Bookkeeper) on how to donate stock to the church; so we can be sure you are credited for your donation.  

Thank You, Mike & Kim
In God's Presence: Theological Reflections on Prayer by Marjorie Hewitt Suchoki

That is the book that our two study groups just began to explore last week. If you would like to join us, I invite you to do so either this coming Sunday at 4pm or next Wednesday at 10am. Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki is without a doubt my favorite writer on the topic of prayer.  

Larry Rahn, who ordered some used books for us, has one left or you can find the book for Kindle on Amazon, from several online booksellers, or new paperbacks are available from our denominational press, chalicepress.com at $18.99 each.

We meet via Zoom Sundays from 4:00-5:00pm or Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00am each week. It’s not too late to join this week! Blessings, Diane

Sundays at 4:00pm  
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 3352 9252
Passcode: Prayer
Wednesdays at 10:00am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 8443 2625
Passcode: Prayer
Seeking Virtual Scripture Readers

Virtual scripture readers are needed!! If you would like to participate please email John Quick ([email protected]) or call or text me (317-294-2709)
Many Thanks to Allisonville Christian Church

Dear Pastor Diane, Pastor Doug, and ACC Family,

Thank you so much for thinking of me during my finals week. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers, as well as the care package. I hope to be able to see you all in person once again.


Ben Nelson-Mercer
Allisonville Christian Church,

As a board member I want to personally thank you for your generous support of the critical services at Horizon House in 2020. Your gift allows us to provide Hope to our homeless neighbors, especially now.

Thank you!

Kathi Johnson
Dear Rev. Spleth and Allisonville Christian Church,

Thank you for your generous gift! Through your gift of $5,000 you feed our hungry neighbors and provide job training, bringing relief and hope for so many who are struggling during this holiday season.

Your gift will go a long way to support Culinary Job Training Students transforming their lives.

This holiday season, we are especially grateful for your investment in the well-being, safety and future of our neighbors and our community. We and they are grateful for you.

Warm regards,
Statia Murphy
Partnership & Engagement Manager
Dear children in grades 2-5:

Join us this Sunday online at 9:45 for this month's exploring worship time with Larry Rahn and Jane Lawrence! We'll be talking about Epiphany and the scripture passage from Matthew 5:16: "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify my Father in heaven." Watch your email for Zoom login credentials. Feel free to contact Pastor Doug if you have any questions. See you Sunday!
Screenshot from Sunday's Congregational Meeting:
So happy to see your smiling faces!
Allisonville Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)

(317) 849-3957