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9 Elul 5783 - August 26, 2023

Parshat Ki Teitzei

Rabbi's Reflections

-Never Forget: A Lesson for the Future-

At the end of this week’s parsha, Parshat Ki Teitzei, Amalek – the eternal enemy of the Jewish people, both historically and spiritually – appears and strikes terror into the heart of the nation, as it says, “Remember what Amalek did to you, when you went out of Egypt. How he fell upon you on the way and massacred your stragglers, all those who trailed after you when you were faint and spent, and he did not fear God” (Devarim 25:17-18). According to Rav Hirsch, Amalek’s sudden ambush was so appalling because, “It was the weakest among the weak, who could not keep up even with a slow march, whom he pounced upon. That weakness did not move him to compassion and mercy, but to cruelty and ridicule of the weak” (Commentary on Devarim 25:18). Amalek’s brutal, callous and downright evil actions against the weary Jewish people prove, as the verse says, “He did not fear God” (Devarim 25:18).  That is to say, “He did not see God, Who takes up the cause of the weak and saves him from the fist of the wicked; he had no fear of Him” (Commentary on Devarim 25:18). 

Numerous times and in numerous ways throughout Tanakh we are told of God’s protection, love and care for the weakest and most vulnerable among us, as it says, “For You have been a refuge for the pauper, a shelter for the needy person in distress…” (Yeshayahu 25: 4). These are the very qualities that every Jew must emulate and exercise, as it says, “Walk in all His ways” (Devarim 10:12). Every Jew must not only be moved to compassion upon seeing the downtrodden, hearing their cries and learning their stories, but what’s more, every Jew must act to protect and defend them against predatory forces which would seek to exploit, damage and destroy them. Thus, our parsha commands us to remember what Amalek did to us, “And do not forget this” (Devarim 25:19). According to Rav Hirsch, the commandment never to forget the actions of Amalek means, “Do not forget this should you ever wish to forget your calling and your mission as Israel among mankind. Do not envy the laurel wreaths woven by a foolish world to the memory of successful wreckers of human happiness. Remember the tear-drenched soil from which such laurels grow. Do not forget this when you yourself will have to suffer from the brutality and violence of Amalek. Remain firm! Maintain the humanity and justice that your God has taught you. It is to these virtues that the future belongs. Justice and humanity will ultimately triumph over brutality and violence, and you yourself have been sent to herald and to help bring about – through your very fate and example – that triumph and that future” (Commentary on Devarim 25:19). 

The commandment to remember what Amalek did to us has less to do with recalling a historical event, and more to do with reminding us of our shared, sacred future. In other words, it is an orientation point to help us proceed properly into our destiny. By recalling how the enemy of God acted towards us, we can constantly remind ourselves how the servants of God should act towards others, especially the weakest and most defenseless. By doing so, we can constantly remind ourselves of what our purpose is this world is, to be “a kingdom of teacher-priests and a holy nation” (Shemot 19:6), elevating others as we elevate ourselves towards a more perfect world in which “They shall no longer be a spoil for the nations, and the beasts of the earth shall not devour them; they shall dwell secure and none shall make them afraid” (Yechezkel 34: 28).  

Shabbat Shalom!

-Rabbi Dan

Schedule of Services at B'nai Abraham

Friday Night

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat


Candle Lighting


Shabbat Morning



Shabbat Evening








Monday - Friday



We encourage everyone to daven privately when unable to attend services. 

Mazal Tov to CTI's New Members

 Mark Kamen

Itamar Shapira

Raz & Noya Ezra and their kids Bnaya and Ariel

CTI Announcements

CTI is excited to welcome our new Gan Shabbat teacher, Tehilah Sarussi!

Tehila is originally from Moshav Brosh, located in Israel’s Southern District. She has a bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Sciences and Early Childhood Education. Tehila’s educational philosophy is that children should be encouraged to observe their surroundings, explore, and build independence and inquiry skills, while developing social awareness and sensitivity to the needs of others. Tehila believes that an environment that allows children to take part in diverse experiences, intentional and casual, encourages learning and provides pleasure and joy which increases the sense of self sufficiency in each child. Tehila is looking forward to starting her position as head Hebrew teacher in Austin and especially teaching about our special land of Israel.


All are welcome to join Tehilah for our first Tot and Gan Shabbat program of the year (8/26), at 10:15am in front of B’nai Abraham. This program will meet at 10:15am every Shabbat thereafter at the same location unless otherwise notified.


In addition to being a meaningful program which instills a love and joy for being Jewish among our youngest members, this year, Gan Shabbat will be a Hebrew immersion experience as well! If you are interested in ensuring your children have synagogue skills, Jewish knowledge and a real love of Yiddishkeit, as well as a strong foundation in Modern Hebrew, this is the program for you!

Maftir Yonah Sponsorship for Rabbi Dan

This year, CTI is honoring Rabbi Dan with the Maftir Yonah reading at Mincha on Yom Kippur.

This Haftarah reading is considered to be one of the highest honors a Shul can bestow upon one

of its communal members.

As part of the honor being bestowed up our Rabbi, a number of congregants have graciously

agreed to co-sponsor his Aliyah and Haftarah reading with a $200 donation each to

Congregation Tiferet Israel. These generous congregants include:

  • Arthur and Barb Altman
  • Lowell and Jeanette Brickman
  • David and Rita Chapin
  • Mitch and Patti Davis
  • Adam Dollinger and Elena Tsanko
  • Gary and Karin Gerstenhaber
  • Vicky Gould (in loving memory of Jan Gould z”l)
  • Chuck and Vonne Kaufman
  • Efraim and Sigal Klein
  • Dan and Natalie Ledeen
  • Robert and Susan Millner
  • Erik and Lindsay Rahimi
  • Isaac and Angela Raschkovsky
  • Josh Rosenberg and Kendra Fox
  • Myles and Marta Shaftel
  • Eric and Beth Shapiro
  • Larry and Ester Smith
  • Phil Spertus
  • Solomon and Devorah Sultan
  • Steve Swernofsky
  • Gabe and Sarah Wander
  • Scott Weingarten

If you would like to learn more information about this opportunity, or join the above sponsors

in co-sponsoring Rabbi Dan’s Aliyah and Haftarah reading, please contact Eric Shapiro at

[email protected] for more information.

Thank you Barb & Arthur Altman for sponsoring a "special sushi" Kiddush in honor of all the CTI members working to make traditional Jewish Day School education a reality in Austin.

A BIG THANK YOU to the CTI Community for stepping up to sponsor a Kiddush! It is a special way to help our Chevrah while honoring a loved one for a special event or to commemorate a Yahrtzeit. Your sponsorships have been filling up our kiddush calendar nicely, and we are booked many weeks out at this point.

If you would like to sponsor a kiddush in September or October, please take a look at our calendar and reserve your spot as the calendar has been filling up quickly! And THANK YOU for supporting CTI and our community with your sponsorship!

Sponsor A Kiddush

Mazel Tov!

  • Harold & Judy Liebowitz 58th Anniversary (August 29th)
  • Larry & Ester Smith 53rd Anniversary (August 30th)

Yahrtzeit Remembrances

  • Sondar Kaufman, Mother of Charles Kaufman, on Monday 11 Elul
  • Gerald H Greenberg, Father of Lorne Greenberg, on Tuesday 12 Elul
  • Stanley Kaufman, Father of Charles Kaufman, on Wednesday 13 Elul
  • Jack Sutter, Father of Stephen Sutter, on Thursday 14 Elul

May their souls be bound up in the bond of life.

Volunteer Opportunity

CTI is looking for a man or woman to serve as a backup shmira coordinator, to help manage shifts and communicate with the shomrim. Please contact Larry at 512-923-3964 or by email if you are interested or would like more information.

Torah Classes at CTI

Take Your Tanakh Series

Tuesday Night | 7:00pm - The Book of Isaiah

Wednesday Morning | 8:15am - The Book of Job

Click Here for more information on how to join these exciting classes.


Thank you to our anonymous donors.

Thank you to Daniel Shlian, Isaac Kravetz, Jake Wolfson,

and David Chapin for their aliyah donations.

Thank you to Yoni and Kim Park-Cosme for their donation

in honor of their daughter Laila Zohara.

Thank you to Daniel and Madeline Rosenberg, and to

Rabbi Dan and Yael Millner, for their donations to the

Tendler Fund for sponsoring this year's Membership BBQ.

Make a Donation

Contact Us!

Rabbi Dan Millner:

[email protected] 

Phone: 512-410-0336 X101

For more contact numbers and emails, visit our website.

Refuah Shelayma To:

  • Allene Novy-Portnoy; Hannah Bassa bat Sarah Osnat 
  • Avshalom ben Hannah Bassa
  • Cindy Newman 
  • Janet Goldberg; Shayna Masha bat Chasha Mina
  • Ken Friedman
  • Rebecca Millner; Rivkah bat Shoshana
  • Sheina Ruchel bat Henya Leah
  • Tzvi David ben Rivka Golda
  • Yoel Simcha ben Chaya Risha 
  • Sulta bat Nedgma
  • Zvi Aharon ben Bayla
  • Yaira bat Sarah
  • Tamar bat Chaya
  • Ilana bat Gheita
  • HaRav Avram Meir ben Eli Yosef v'Shira Chanah.
  • Rabbi Harold Liebowitz, HaRav Chaim Alter ben Necha. 
  • Baruch Akiva Ben Rivka
  • Miriam bat Helen
  • Rivka Michal bat Sarah Chana
  • Lori Garza 
  • Yisroel Natan ben Sarah
  • Masha Gitil bas Chaya Yita
  • Allen Levinson; Avraham Yitzchak ben Gittel
  • Moshe ben Reizel
  • David Chapin
  • Avigail Malkah bat Devorah
  • David Moshe ben Sylvia
  • Shoshana bat Yocheved
  • Miriam bat Rachel v'Mordechai
  • Alta Shoshana bat Shulamit
  • Meir Psachia ben Tziril
  • Geni Berman Abitbol
  • Beilya Golda bat Leah
  • Yosef Yehoshua ben Sarah
  • Jonathan Malawer (Yosef ben Bracha)
  • Bowie Alarcon
  • Fivel ben Sarah HaLevi
  • Adam ben Chanah
  • Rafael ben Sheindal Leah
  • Aharon Asher ben Chaya Naomi
  • Esther Malka Fraida bat Serel Chaya Raiza
  • Kalev Boaz Chai ben Aliza
  • Esther Reva bat Malka
  • Avraham ben Rut
  • Sheva Eva bat Bella.
  • Moshe ben Rut
  • Shulkah Malka bat Tziporah
  • Chandal bat Basia
  • Shmuel Dovid bat Malka
  • Anthony Ben Devorah
  • Shayna Leah bat Yehudit
  • Reuven ben Shira
  • Batyah bat Sara
  • Akiva ben Sara
  • Rachel Tzivia bat Malka
  • Chava Golda bat Leah
  • David Yosef Ben Aga

 Wishing all Cholei Yisrael a Refuah Shlayma. 

Dear Tiferet Friends, 

If you placed a name on the Refuah Shelayma list and G-d willing the person is well, 

please let us know. Also, if you have a friend or family member who needs 

prayers for healing, again please let us know at [email protected]  

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