February 22, 2019
WEAC Region 3 represents public education employees in a large territory stretching from Florence to Port Washington,
and from Menominee to Washington Island.
Wisconsin State Statute 118.22 governs the renewal and NON-renewal of full-time teacher contracts

For information about non-renewal and renewal of individual teaching contracts, click here.
Union Dues No Longer Deductible
Union dues are no longer a deductible expense for those people who itemize on their personal tax return. Below is a link to an IRS publication if people need more information.
Professional Development
The 2019 Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association Conference is March 31 to April 2 at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells. The WEMTA Conference brings together current, future and past educators to share knowledge of library and technology topics. It includes 12 concurrent sessions over three days that offer a wide variety of choices, as well as featured speakers representing expertise in the latest educational technology tools and strategies. Find out more and register now.
Register for Future, Current Teacher Summit

WEAC is a proud co-sponsor of a summit for future and current teachers, March 20 at UW-Oshkosh. In addition to workshops and a competition for students, there are sessions and speakers for adult educators. Keynote speaker is Sarahi Monterrey, 2019 Wisconsin Teacher of the Year and WEAC member. Learn more and register.
Restorative Practice Training

Join Wisconsin educators for a weekend of Restorative Practice Training March 1-3 in Wisconsin Dells. Learn to create a framework that partners the school community in creating safe and supportive schools. 

Registration is Open for March 22-24 NEA ESP Conference in LAS VEGAS!

The NEA ESP Conference is a premier professional development opportunity for Education Support Professionals throughout the nation. The conference offers dozens of workshops.
GSAFE  and  Janesville Mobilizing 4 Change (JM4C)  are pleased to present Safe Schools, Safe Communities: State Conference on LGBTQ+ Youth on Friday, March 8, 2019. This year's conference will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Parker High School in Janesville.
WEA Academy’s Science of Happiness course continues to get top reviews from members. Did you know you can host the class in your district? Register for the blended online/in-person course here , or send an email to WEAC staffer Jeff Baas to find out how to bring it to your local or region.
Political Action
This is an 11.0101(10)(b)(1) communication with WEAC members. 



Hi all,

This week we sent an email out to Local leaders asking a few questions: Do you " meet and confer " with the District? If so, who meets and how often? What do you talk about?

Many Locals have already responded and we are compiling the data to help those who want to engage in these types of discussions, but perhaps the District is unwilling or doesn't seem to understand that it is LEGAL to conduct these sorts of meetings. That's right folks, Act 10 did not prohibit people from talking to one another!

"Meet and Confer" has a specific legal definition, relating to particular types of court proceedings. Some meet and confer meetings are required prior to going to court to resolve issues. It seems reasonable enough - why not sit down and talk about things before things get messy and expensive? Maybe we can find some common ground!

In Wisconsin State law, the Municipal Employment Relations Act (MERA) protects the rights of public education employees to "self-organization, and the right to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in lawful, concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection."

Act 10 severely limited the scope of bargaining, and included the necessity of recertification in order for the union to have the authority to be the lawful bargaining agent. Collective bargaining requires agreement and is codified with a written and signed document. "Meet and confer" is different. NOTHING in Act 10 or any other law prohibits the employer from sitting down to talk about issues of mutual concern. In fact, the law is with us when we demand to talk with our employer - whether the Local is certified or not!

Here's a link to tell us about your District's meet and confer: https://goo.gl/forms/bXtUvRG9XVnDdbuJ3

Kathy Rohde
Region 3 Director