Our mission is to enhance the lives of individuals in the Upstate of South Carolina through the power of the horse. 
July 2017
A Note From Becky

Hello Happy Hooves friends and family,
Summer is off to a great start at Eden Farms!  Did you make it to the Reedy River Falls Duck Derby in May? Happy Hooves was honored to be one of the charities the Duck Derby supported.  A big thank you goes to The Greenville Evening Rotary Club for putting together such an amazing fundraiser and supporting therapeutic riding in the Upstate of SC!
This summer, 40 special needs children and at risk youth will be able to participate in individual therapeutic riding lessons or come to our weeklong horse camp!  This is due to the generosity of Helens Hugs, a non-profit memorial foundation that supports the wonders of therapeutic riding. The scholarships are awarded to children who have been referred to Happy Hooves by their physicians, guidance counselors and principals.  They are able to receive the many benefits that therapeutic riding brings, as well as make horsey memories that will last a lifetime!
Also this summer, Happy Hooves welcomes back high school students with intellectual disabilities and developmental delays through Project SEARCH.  Thanks to the support of Easley Baptist Hospital and the Pickens County School District, this hands-on experiential learning and training helps prepare these special needs students for vocational skills once they graduate.  The students are so excited to visit Eden Farms on a regular basis, ride horses, and discover what it means to truly care for their therapy horse.  Confidence and smiles abound when they are out here!
Our summer wouldn't be complete without our weekly therapeutic riding lessons too. The children who participate have disabilities that include multiple sclerosis, Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, as well as intellectual disabilities and developmental delays. The parents of these Happy Hooves students report that the therapeutic riding lessons increase mobility, strengthen core muscles and fine/gross motor skills, and improve self-esteem and self-control!  
It is hard to put into words the effect of pairing a special needs child and horses on a regular basis.  Miracles happen when riders are teamed up with a 1,000-pound horse in the peaceful, scenic environment of Eden Farms horse barn.  Deep healing happens in ways we cannot even begin to understand. Thank you to our Happy Hooves donors, volunteers, and therapy horses for making a difference in the lives of special needs individuals this summer!
God Bless,
Becky Sweeney, Barn Manager 

Happy Hooves students from Project SEARCH groom Coach after their therapeutic riding lesson
Welcome Coach...
Our Newest Therapy Horse!

Happy Hooves is delighted to announce its newest therapy horse, Coach!  This mild mannered red Paint gelding is from right here in Pickens County.  His previous work includes western pleasure as well as performing in parades!  
After going through our training program, Coach now calls Eden Farms his home and spends his days in therapeutic riding lessons and receiving plenty of love and attention!  Our riders have quickly fallen in love with him!

Meet Lauren...
and Sweet and Gentle Hannah
Lauren, a 27-year-old rider at Happy Hooves, who loves spending time with family and friends, has always had a special place in her heart for animals. She has a cat, a guinea pig and a fish at home. Her love for animals, horses specifically, is what originally attracted her to Happy Hooves four years ago. 
Lauren has seen many benefits from her time at the farm. "It's good exercise," says Lauren, "and I learn about horses and taking care of them." She also finds comfort in spending time with the animals. "I feel safe because the horses trust me and I trust them! I think the horses can sense how I feel and know I love them." Lauren has a special bond with Hannah, her favorite horse, because she is "so sweet and gentle."     
Lauren's mom Ellisa has seen a marked improvement in Lauren, who struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety.
"The therapeutic riding lessons have given Lauren confidence and a great sense of accomplishment," said Ellisa. "She must concentrate during her lessons and this helps redirect her thought process."
"Eden Farms is so beautiful and peaceful," added Lauren's mom, "being at Eden Farms is therapy for me as well as for Lauren!"

Happy Hooves Upcoming Events!

5th Annual Wines & Equines! Watch your email for details on this special event coming up on Saturday, October 21. Enjoy a superb evening of fun and entertainment and support a tremendous cause!  

Christmas at the Barn...save the date! Sunday, December 10, 2pm to 5pm 
Friends of the Farm

Special thanks to our recent donors for making a difference in the lives of special needs children and at risk youth through equine related therapies: 

  • Helen's Hugs
  • Dabo and Kathleen Swinney's ALL IN TEAM Foundation
  • Knights of Columbus of Pickens
  • Piedmont Natural Gas
  • First Presbyterian Church of Greenville
  • Cameron Construction
  • System Specialties
  • Pam and Robbie Cole
  • Mike and Ellen Johnson
  • Mark and Kym Klapperich
  • Diane Smock
  • Amy and Gary Goudelock
  • Bob and Melinda Hoover
  • Upstate Periodontics and Implant
  • Janet Masters

  • Sam and Jane Wyche
  • The Tack Shop
  • Myra Green
  • Liz Thompson
  • Schwab Charity
  • Sandy Miller
  • Patricia Platts                                        
  • Bobby Jo Candieva
  • Helen and Eric Graben
  • Debra Spear
  • Ellen Johnson
  • Marilyn Jones
  • Brenda Nyrbo
  • In honor of Mary Elizabeth McNair: John and Jane Ann Bruche
Did You Know?

Happy Hooves has been a PATH International Premier Accredited Center since 2005. In fact, we are one of only six Premier Accredited Centers in South Carolina, and the only one in the Upstate. This accreditation is a rigorous process requiring centers to meet stringent requirements for staff, facilities, and programs. A program must be re-accredited every five years. 

Your contribution helps special needs children and adults, as well as at-risk children and teens.
Phone: 864-898-0043               Email: happyhoovessc@aol.com

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