If Christ has overcome, and when we are in Christ and Christ in us, we are overcomers, why is our walk with Christ in this world such a battle? The answer is that we are in a war. Not the way you may think, but just as real. We are in a 'reigning war' to see who will reign as King in our lives. Remember, our FAITH is the battlefield where the WORD and the WORLD wage war for our WILL.

This Sunday, as Doug continues Romans 7, we see that the presence of the war is actually a good thing.

Don't believe it? Just come and see for yourself!

Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! — Romans 7:24–25a 


The amazing Letter of Romans is God's clearest articulation, and Paul's great dissertation, on God's awesome plan of salvation.

This book tells us exactly why we see all that is going on in the world and our lives, what God has done about it, and what our role is.

Invite others into this walk WITH you through these anchors of the Christian faith by simply telling them to

"Come and see..." what God has to say.

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This series in Romans is shaping our view of ourselves and the world!

Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28


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