February 13, 2024

Up the mountain -- four people saved! See below.

Robin Robinson Bohlin

February 13, 2024. I am doing a new thing – can you not perceive it? I say out with the old and in with the new. Let the new come in like a fresh sheet hanging on the line. The fresh outdoor scent permeates the sheet making it fresh, new and crisp again. You have a tendency to hang on to the “comfortable” past. Make a bold new step into the unknown and receive My freshness!

Isaiah 43:19 (CEB) “Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” 


Check out the book Generations: Passing on Your Spiritual Inheritance by Robin Robinson Bohlin. Order here.

Budd Rodgers

February 13, 2024. Everyone loves love. Sometimes it’s easier to be loved than to show love. Remember the love I showed you when I died for you. While you were sinners, I died for you. I expect you to show love to one another and in doing so you will cover a multitude of sins. My love is redemptive and so should yours be.

1 Peter 4:8 (TLV) “Above all, keep your love for one another constant, for “love covers a multitude of sins.” 


Check out Budd's Ministry Website: www.shepherdsvoiceministries.net

Ministry to Children in the Philippines

Kathryn Bohlin

Up the Mountain - Four People Saved

Report from Robin Robinson Bohlin

On Sunday, February 10, I traveled up the mountain to Maranatha Revival Church in San Simon, Mindanao with Pastors Gelito and Febie Castillon. They minister in a very poor area that was wiped out by Typhoon Sendong. Thousands of people lost their lives. To escape the destruction, the people have moved up the mountain.

Miles of unpaved roads lead to the church on top of the mountain. Pastor Gelito gave up a nice paying college English professor job because he heard the VOICE OF THE LORD. The Lord told him to start a pioneer work on top of the mountain and he followed the voice of the Lord. At first, he and his new bride struggled, sometimes not having enough to eat. He reminded his wife, in the midst of her tears, that he had heard the voice of the Lord…and it was more important to obey the Lord. They began with one member and then that member brought a family member. They have grown over the past nine years into an exciting congregation. They worship with an electric guitar and a cajon (a drum box played by hand), their only musical instruments, and many many voices. We have nine sponsored students in that location and they are thriving.

I was able to minister there yesterday and I felt the presence of God as soon as I walked into the building. The passion for His presence was thick. Four parents of sponsored students came to church for the first time (probably to hear the American) I was privileged to lead all four in the salvation prayer – GLORY! Four more for His kingdom.

There is a girl by the name of Maiden who has to wade home through waist-high water at night using only her cell phone to guide her. She prays Psalm 23 over her journey every night. The Lord guides her steps to stay on the sandbar in the middle with drop offs on either side. It is a miracle every night that she has to travel home. She has now finished her college education and has a good paying job. She helps to support her family, the church and is a strong intercessor. These people know of the goodness of God and sing His praises at the top of their lungs. Many miracles happen in this place.


Thank you for your prayers for our health and safety as we travel from place to place. Thank you for your support that makes this life-changing ministry possible. We are expecting miracles everywhere we go! Will you join us in prayer for that?


If God puts it on your heart to help with the cost of the trip and/or ministry, we can surely use it and will be thankful. This is an expensive trip. To give online, click on the "Give" link below and select "Philippines Mission Trip" in the drop down menu. If you prefer to send a check, make it to "FCM" and mail it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Please indicate on the check where you would like us to designate your giving.


January 31 - February 26


A Call to Intercession

We invite you to join the army of intercessors being raised up to pray for a great move of God in the Philippines and for the team that will travel from the US in February 2024.

God gave Budd Rodgers two prophetic dreams about the coming move of God in the Philippines.

Read the dreams and sign up here to be an intercessor

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