Last Saturday we spent the day at one of The Father's House children's homes, built and operated by FCM. One of the visiting team asked the kids if they are happy there. The response was an immediate "Yes very!!" They did not even hesitate or stope to think about it.
We gathered at this beautiful paradise with children and staff who live there along with many of the sponsored students who live nearby. The day was full of games, fun, food and laughter. We enjoyed fresh coconut from the many trees on the property. I wish all of you could have been there.
A number of years ago, God spoke to Ras about the children's homes. We were already sponsoring many very poor children, but there was a need to provide more than that for some children who were orphaned, abandoned and/or abused. Ras heard God say to build ten children's homes in different locations in the Philippines. So far we have three so we still have more to go.
When you give to "Caring for Orphans and Widows," your gifts go to make this loving home possible. The cost to operate the 3 homes is about $7500 a month. So you support here is so important. As you can imagine, the stories of the children here are tragic, but they find restoring love and healing at "The Father's House."
Thank you for your prayers for our health and safety as we travel from place to place. Thank you for your support that makes this life-changing ministry possible. We are expecting miracles everywhere we go! Will you join us in prayer for that?
If God puts it on your heart to help with the cost of the trip and/or ministry, we can surely use it and will be thankful. This is an expensive trip. To give online, click on the "Give" link below and select "Philippines Mission Trip" in the drop down menu. If you prefer to send a check, make it to "FCM" and mail it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Please indicate on the check where you would like us to designate your giving.