February 9, 2024

A visit to Fullness Island. See below.

Robin Robinson Bohlin

February 9, 2024. Today, I am infusing you with power. I want you to take this power and apply it to whatever area you need. I have sent My Holy Spirit to you and He will give you the power to change. You will become My witness. You will lead others and show them the way to Me. When I change you, you will know it and so will others. This will give them hope and lead them to Me. Power is yours today!!

Acts 1:8 (EASY) “But the Holy Spirit will come to you, and he will give you power. The Holy Spirit will make your spirit strong. Then you will tell other people everywhere in the world about me. You will do that in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and in places far away.’” 


Check out the book Generations: Passing on Your Spiritual Inheritance by Robin Robinson Bohlin. Order here.

Pam Jackson

February 9, 2024. I have been seeing those Red Panic buttons. When I asked the Father what it meant, He said “Many of my children are in panic mode, they are pushing the wrong button. I am the safe place; I am peace when fear starts to rise; I am the answer when it seems like the world around you is falling apart. Press into My presence and allow Me to be your panic button. Come under my umbrella of peace.” 

Psalms 56:3-4 (NIV) “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? ” 

Ministry to Children in the Philippines

Kathryn Bohlin

Yesterday we visited the infamous Fullness Island. It is a squatter area and got its name because so many of the children living there are sponsored by Fullness. In the few years we have ministered there, life in the area has been transformed. Many of the families have come to know Jesus and are active in church. The children were once largely uneducated but are now attending school. The supplemental nutrition they receive has made a difference in their health. In short, lives have been transformed and the hopeless have found hope in Jesus.


Again today we will be spending time with lots of children. We will visit children living under a bridge -- it is ice cream day.


Thank you for your prayers for our health and safety as we travel from place to place. Thank you for your support that makes this life-changing ministry possible. We are expecting miracles everywhere we go! Will you join us in prayer for that?


If God puts it on your heart to help with the cost of the trip and/or ministry, we will be thankful. This is an expensive trip. To give online, click on the "Give" link below and select "Philippines Mission Trip" in the drop down menu. If you prefer to send a check, make it to "FCM" and mail it to Fullness in Christ Ministries, PO Box 136117, Fort Worth, TX 76136. Please indicate on the check where you would like us to designate your giving.


January 31 - February 26


A Call to Intercession

We invite you to join the army of intercessors being raised up to pray for a great move of God in the Philippines and for the team that will travel from the US in February 2024.

God gave Budd Rodgers two prophetic dreams about the coming move of God in the Philippines.

Read the dreams and sign up here to be an intercessor

Fullness Magazine Online

Just one word of prophecy can change a life. Understand how God uses prophecy to give encouragement and direction to His children.

Go to www.fullnessnetwork.net to read the entire issue online. We are supported by donations. Consider giving a gift to support this vital teaching ministry.


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*Silver Transparency Seal is a rating from GuideStar.

You are always welcome at our home church:

Fullness in Christ Church,

8895 Random Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76179 

Prayer Requests: E-mail to prayer@fullnessnetwork.net

or leave your prayer request at (817) 586-9500.

We pray regularly for each, and every prayer request received.

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"What The Lord Is Saying Today," © Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.

For more information about our ministry go to FullnessInChristMinistries.org. Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you include the author's name and Fullness in Christ Ministries website name (fullnessinchristministries.org ). 

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