Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God." (Matthew 22:29)

If you own appliances, equipment, or gadgets, there will come a time when they will not work properly. This is certainly true about your computer that often needs some adjustments in order to operate effectively. 

When you first buy the item, the instruction booklet tells you on the troubleshooting page what to do if the product does not work properly. We often panic instead of reading the instruction manual that tells us to make sure the equipment is plugged into a power source before we call a technician.

When things don't seem to be working properly in your life, you need to do two things:

  1. Read the instruction manual: the Bible which is the word of God.
  2. Make sure you are connected to the power source: God Himself.

When you follow the instructions and are connected to the power source, you will find that things will work properly in your life.

Rev. Margaret Minnicks

The Proverbs 31 Woman Doesn't Exist Today

Proverbs 31 is the name of many Christian women's ministries. It is the topic of Bible studies and sermons, especially for Women's Day programs. People preach it and teach it, but not many acknowledge that the Proverbs 31 woman doesn't exist today.

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George Washington: Fun Facts About the First President

He doesn't have a middle name. That's his real hair and not a wig. He was infertile but raised his wife's children from a previous marriage. He didn't have wooden teeth or chopped down a cherry tree. Read other interesting things about him.

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