Guidelines for In-Person Worship
from the Re-Gathering Team
We are looking forward to welcoming in-person Sunday worship service at Emmanuel Church beginning on Sunday, September 20. Our live-stream of the service will also continue for the foreseeable future. Whether we are gathering in the sanctuary or virtually, we are strong and united in the body of Christ in worship and community. Some of us may choose to be at the church, and some will remain at home. Wherever we are, We Are Emmanuel.
For in-person worship, we are implementing a series of safety precautions as we come together.  Recommendations to protect public health and safety may continue to evolve as the situation unfolds, and we are grateful for your flexibility as we adapt as a community. Here is what to expect if you decide to join us for worship in the sanctuary.
General Notes:  
  • All persons who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should not enter the building.
  • If you are feeling ill, regardless of COVID-19 symptoms, please remain at home.
  • Those who are in a high-risk category for contracting the disease are encouraged to not enter the building.
  • All persons attending worship are required to wear a mask over their nose and mouth at all times. Masks with valve-type filters should be avoided as they protect only the user, not those around them.
  • All persons must maintain 6 feet minimum physical distance at all times, both in the Sanctuary and in all parts of the building.  
  • Each time you are physically present in the Sanctuary, please fill out the “Check-In” form by using the camera on your smartphone, or by using a URL that will be provided in the bulletin. Cards for checking-in will also be available in the pews. Your cooperation is extremely important for contact tracing and reporting purposes.
  • Sunday worship in the Main Sanctuary is limited to 150 units. (A unit is defined as 1-4 people within a non-socially distanced household.)
Entering the Sanctuary:
  • The doors will open at 9:30 am. Enter using the 15 Newbury entrance (where the ramp is located).
  • Hand sanitizer and disposable masks (for those who have not brought one) will be available on the table before entering the Sanctuary. Please make use of the supplies and pick up a copy of the bulletin on your way to be seated.
  • Observe the alternating pews that are blocked by green tape to enforce social distancing. Two individual units may sit in a pew at either end of the pew.  
  • The Usher/Greeters, designated with a name tag and a red lanyard, will be available in the lobby and in the Sanctuary to provide hospitality and answer specific questions. They will be wearing face shields for their safety.
  • Although we value the personal connections we share in-person at Emmanuel, all greeting and socializing must be shared in a non-physical way and from a distance.
During Worship:
  • The Passing of the Peace must also be shared in a socially distant manner. Smiles, bows, and peace signs are encouraged.
  • Communion may not be received physically at this time. You are invited to join in the Prayer of Spiritual Communion at the appointed time.
  • Emmanuel Music and the organist will continue to provide a musical offering during the service.
  • Communal singing is currently not permitted because of the high rate of transmission of the virus through congregational singing.
  • The Rector may unmask only while giving her sermon and celebration of communion. All other participants in worship will be masked at all times.  
  • The most hygienic way to submit an offering is by using CashApp. Our CashApp cashtag is $EmmanuelChurchBoston. CashApp is a secure platform designed to allow you to quickly and easily make donations or payments. Please be sure to indicate if your gift should go towards your annual pledge, plate collection, or another special designation. If you have questions, please contact the Parish Office.
After Worship:
  • If you do not use electronic check-in or digital giving, the offering and check-in cards may be placed in the offering box near the bottom of the chancel steps on your way out of the building. If you are able, we strongly encourage you to utilize the electronic methods available to reduce the risk of exposure.
  • At this time, there will be no coffee hour or in-person communal sharing of food.
  • Please exit the building using the 15 Newbury doors (with the ramp) or through the Angel Doors (also known as the Center Entrance). 
-Frederic Dan Huntington 
First Rector of Emmanuel Church (1860-1869)
15 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02116