425 S. Bowen #1, Longmont


Hours: 10-1:30 W,F / 10-4 Tues / 10-5 Thurs (call first 303-443-6606)

Call to Action!

Volunteer positions:

Call to Action writer! It writes itself there is so much going on! Just manipulate the computer to put everything in some order. I WILL help you but won't be doing these after January of this year.

Take over the monthly morning meetings! Schedule a speaker or a topic, open the office early, get some bagels or burritos and you're off! It needn't be at 7am!

Central Committee


You are reading this because you care about and want to get involved in your county party! If you are a registered Republican living in Boulder County, please come to our Boulder County Central Committee Meeting. If you are a Precinct Committee Person you get to vote for your representatives. If you are not, you can influence votes through speeches or just talking with those at the assembly who have a vote.

Elect Officers


Boulder County Republicans

If you would like to run for Boulder County Republican Party chairman or vice chairman, please email tara@bocogop.org by January 25 so you will have your name on preprinted ballots. You CAN be nominated from the floor as well.

You can find the bylaws and job description on the bocogop.org website. 

February 1st

9:00 a.m.

*mark your calendar*

Details on location to be shared soon.

THIS IS THE GRASSROOTS! Be a part of something big!

Monday January 20, come to the BCR office to celebrate Inauguration Day!

Location: 425 S Bowen St #1, Longmont

Time: 9am-11am

Steve Altschuler who is known for feeding the Longmont Police force will be making pancakes. Bring something to share appropriate for the time of day and enjoy the good cheer and company watching President Trump become the 47th President of the US of A.

[ps - Steve would like to be appointed to City Council in place of Marcia Martin who resigned in December. Please send a couple words of support for him to this address for the city council. They will be making the decision on January 21 after interviewing potential candidates.]

Sunday January 20th, join the Longmont Republican Women as they celebrate President Trump's 2nd inauguration!

Use this website for details and to RSVP. This will be the regular meeting for January.

Tuesday January 21, join the Boulder Republican Women for their first meeting of the year.

Bill Kaewert will be speaking on "The Politics of Energy: How the Left is Putting Us All at Risk"

Location: Pinocchios Incredible Italian Restaurant at 210 Ken Pratt Blvd, Longmont

Time: 11:15-1:15pm

RSVP by January 19: online at www.boulderrepublicanwomen.org, or Cheryl Merlino txting 425-941-8581

Tuesday January 28 join Perspectives 101 for their first meeting of the year where they will be viewing the documentary Beneath Sheep's Clothing. (see the trailer below)

Location: Message of Life Ministries; 605 18th St SW Loveland

Time: 6pm (doors open at 5:30)

Recommended donation: $5


Invest in what you believe in! Your contributions are used for these emails, the office, caucus materials, elections, the website, candidates themselves, the Liberty Road Show and more!

Please share your ideas too! What's the best way to reach your friends?

By becoming a "member" of BCR you are investing in all of this! Join for at least $15/month and receive a few benefits back directly to you too.

Click here to join.

7 Americans are still, yes, still, being held by Hamas. (4 of these are known to be dead). You can read about each of them here.

The American Jewish Committee has a call to action for you to sign by clicking here.

I suspect things will change soon, but keep these people in your prayers.

State Level
To find your state legislators, click here and enter your address in the search field on the map.
Regular Government Meetings

Boulder County Commissioners Meeting

Usually Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30am

Click here to confirm and to see if an agenda is available.

1325 Pearl Street

City of Boulder

Usually meets the first and 3rd Tuesday.

Click here for their calendar

Click here for their online agendas (look to the bottom of the page)

City of Lafayette

5:30pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at City Hall. Click here to find online agendas.

City of Longmont

Tuesdays at 7pm 3-4 weeks per month. Click here to find online agendas and make certain they are meeting. All public invited to be heard this week.

City of Louisville

Generally the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. They meet at 951 Spruce Street in the Library meeting room. Click here for where you may find the agenda each session.

Town of Erie

The Erie Board of Trustees meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall Board Room located at 645 Holbrook Street. Click here for agendas.

Town of Nederland

The Board of Trustees for Nederland meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Click here for an agenda when available.

Town of Superior

6:00 pm, Second and Fourth Mondays of each month at 124 E Coal Creek Dr (Superior Town Hall)

Click here for agendas.


  • These Calls to Action are not sanctioned by anyone.  Not the RNC and not the BOCOGOP either, though they give me this platform to use and will kick me off if I misuse it.
  • I create this.  If you send me items to post, I may edit it, or I may not.  I appreciate it when things are sent because I cannot keep track of all that goes on in Boulder County!   
  • The amount and thoroughness of these has only to do with how much time I have to spend on it and has nothing to do with the importance of an event.  Half the time I send this out and then notice 3 more items that you might have been interested in as well.  
  • I assume this is not your only place to retrieve this sort of information.  
  • And finally – I write conversationally – in other words, not well.  ;-)
Thank you for your time – and thank you for your continued support for everything that goes on in Boulder County!
Terri Goon

If you prefer to just get the monthly newsletter and not these weekly calls, please just write back and I can take you off of just this list.

Thank you to


Tara Menza

Steve Altschuler



Donate to Boulder County Republicans-click here