Tell us: What you want and need? How you are feeling? What adults can do to help? Registerhere and let your voice be heard. All are welcome. Adults are present to listen and act. Cost of admission is to commit to action.
Next edition will feature our scholarship recipients receiving their scholarships.
AAYLS Leadership Opportunities
July 20th-August 20th
Steering Committee spots open to those that really want to lead and have a huge impact on the lives of AA young ladies.
How do you know if this is for you?
If ensuring the success of our young ladies is your thing
If you are willing to show up and not just talk
If you are willing to sacrifice your time and energy for others that need you.
Please complete the
short survey and will follow-up with you.
BGAAN-Black Girls And Allies Network
All Black Women are just girls that are all grown up. We posse that "Black Girl Magic" forever. So ladies it's time for us to be the answers we need. Let's continue to expand our collaborations and work together to make this world what we want it to be. Join BGAAN if you are an AA Woman or an ally who wants to support Black Girls & Women in leading toward equitable access, that access that should be afforded to all by simply by being a child of God.
Belonging to BGAAN means that you will:
Network with other AA Women and allies in order to collaborate and partner
Share employment information
Advocate for groups and organizations that are for the advancement of Black People.
Mentor Black Women and Girls
Use your positions, power and influence to create opportunities for the Black Community
This sounds like something you want to be a part of, great and it's free to join.
When Black Lives Matter You Address Historical & Racial Trauma
Together We Can Change The World
Thank you to so many people who responded to the previous edition with gratitude for the ideas on what you can do. Because of the feedback we have decided to continue in this vein.
If we are really serious about this time in history being different we need to address the root causes of how we got here. So many of us just want the quick fix. Let me say right now that there is no quick fix. There are things that can change faster than others but if we don't do the real heart and soul work the change will only be surface and won't last.
So, what can we do?
Everyone- take this time to gain knowledge and stay focused. As some things go back to normal there is a danger of us getting distracted by entertainment, and other things that will keep Black People oppressed, depressed, unemployed, underemployed, imprisoned and on the bottom. Let's stay focused!!
Students- Learn about historical/racial/institutional trauma and epigenetics has impacted you and your learning and your success. Join groups that are making change not just talking about it. Then educate your family, community and school leaders.
Parents/Community- Learn about historical/racial/institutional trauma and epigenetics and how it has impacted you, your children and family. Then hold your leaders accountable for learning and implementing real Trauma-Informed/Sensitive Practices Systemically. Our children can learn and be successful we the right skills, practices, mindsets and hearts to make get the work done.
Allies- Learn about historical/racial/institutional trauma and epigentics and how you can be a part of healing the sin of racism. Hold all systems, schools/districts accountable for implementing practices that heal our country but especially our Black Children.
School/Districts/Organizations- If your Black Students are not performing as well as their white counterparts, your institution is contributing to institutional racism and perpetuating the historical/racial trauma experienced by generations of Black People. Black Children are brilliant and can learn so they are not the problem. Start passing policies and other things and that require everyone to get training, coaching, mentoring in the things that work. Start the training and accountability at the top- with the Boards and other top leaders. Then have accountability measure implemented for everyone else as well.
This time is not about doing something but doing those things that matter to this generation and the next. Real change holds systems/people accountable for changing not just being busy.
After seeing the power of the "Issues to Action" portion of our program and camp and we want to continue to expand our teaching and support of our young ladies to lead change, by holding a leadership conference February 2021. We already have young ladies attending from Uganda and were asked to include young ladies from Nigeria as well. If you think this is a great idea and want to be part of it let us know by
following this link. We would love to do this in person however, in the wake of COVID-19 it will probably be virtual. STAY TUNED!!