Today's Hours of Operation

Grounds: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Gift Shop: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. (Upper Gardens admission sold until 7 p.m.)

Recitation of the Rosary
11:30 a.m.
Chapel of Mary

Daily Mass
12 noon
Chapel of Mary

Priest Office Hours
10-11:45 a.m. and
3-5 p.m.
Office is located inside the Visitor Center.

No Matter the Weather, You Accompany Me

Gracious and Eternal God,

You have created this beautiful world.

Every minute of every day you nurture the earth and tend to the needs of your people.

The warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze, a sudden down pour - all are your gifts.

Help me be mindful that no matter the weather, you accompany me.

When the storms of life sneak up, help me cherish the gift of faith and my friends and family.

Help me to be a better steward of the people and the world around me.

No matter the weather, may my heart be honest, and open, ready to share your generous mercy and love.


Your Sanctuary of Peace

We hope you enjoy the photographs of our beautiful sanctuary, which we will share throughout the month of May, as we celebrate 100 years of The Grotto.

Today: Whatever the Weather

Whether the Weather ...

Whether the weather is sunny and dry, cool and misty, pouring with rain, or sparkling in the snow, The Grotto remains a peaceful sanctuary in all conditions.

Rainy Days at The Grotto

Some of the most peaceful days at The Grotto are rainy days ...

There are fewer visitors on rainy days ... sometimes you can feel that the sanctuary is there just for you.

The sound of the rain dripping off the branches of the tall trees is truly relaxing.

Rain at the Christmas Festival of Lights makes for some wonderful photographs.

Misty Days

If you time in right, a stroll though the gardens in the fog and mist is really something special.

These days provide great opportunities for some really wonderful photography.

Somehow everything feels quieter on a misty day.

Sunny Days

It's hard to beat a day of blue sky and sunshine in Portland.

The rays of sun beaming through the trees are glorious.

In the hot days of summer, The Grotto is one of the coolest places in town. The combination of the east winds and the canopy of the tall trees create a pleasant environment for a summer stroll.

Snowy Days

As they are fairly rare in Portland, snow days are really something special.

If the roads in the area surrounding The Grotto are safe to drive, we will open our grounds.

We will always post information about closures on our website at

If we have to close due to snow, we will try and send some photos of what it looks like, often taken by the Servite Friars, who reside in the Monastery of Our Lady of Sorrows at The Grotto.

The Centennial Storm

In January of this year, The Grotto's gardens suffered from a damaging storm of wind and ice. It has taken months to repair and replace, but we are happy to report that the gardens are beautiful once again.

Below: The Peace Garden in January, and the Peace Garden today.

Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of items for Graduation and Father's Day, along with books, Rosaries, cards, medals, jewelry, home accessories, yummy treats, and much more.

We invite you to come and explore the store.

Online Shop