Protecting and Advocating for the Rights of Texans with Disabilities Since 1977
January 2022 Newsletter:
Weathering Winter
In February 2021, Winter Storm Uri devastated many parts of Texas and severely impacted the lives of people with disabilities. The weather ushered in freezing temperatures and record snow, leaving many people stranded without access to power and water for days on end.

Winter is here once again, and it is critical that Texans with disabilities take steps now to prepare. Here are some things you should do to be ready:
  • Be informed and get alerts
  • Stock up on vital items
  • Have alternative heat and power sources available

To read more details on how to take these steps and for other resources, see our recent staff blog post, "Winter Preparedness Tips for Texans with Disabilities."

And now, you can also sign up for our new Disaster Prep & Recovery News & Info email list. (Please note that this list does not replace signing up for emergency alerts.)
Making 2022 a Better Year
Tell us how we can make 2022 - and the years that follow - better for people with disabilities. Your input will help us decide what our areas of focus need to be. Go to our brief online survey to give us your opinions.

And watch for information on a live Twitter chat we'll be hosting soon to get your feedback on the issues you are facing with your rights on the job.
New Resources Hot Off the Press
We have some new tools on our website to help you understand and exercise your rights:
Requesting Our Services
Complete our online intake form available anytime, or call us Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at:
  • Statewide Intake Line: 1.800.252.9108
  • Sign Language Video Intake Line: 1.866.362.2851
  • Purple Video Intake Line:1.512.271.9391
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Disability Rights Texas (previously named Advocacy Inc.) is the federally designated legal protection and advocacy agency (P&A) for people with disabilities in Texas. Its mission is to help people with disabilities understand and exercise their rights under the law, ensuring their full and equal participation in society. Visit for more information.