Today, civic participation occurs at many levels. We make impactful decisions about our community every time we make a purchase, vote, post on social media and, of course, volunteer. We think any awareness we can bring to the many resources that might spur individual action for good, falls right in line with what we’re up to at HandsOn.

September 2, 2022

Whats Happening at HandsOn

Landscaping ACCEL Schools with American Express

In tribute to 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance, on Saturday, September 10th AmEx volunteers came out to garden, paint murals, and make Halloween goodie bags for students at ACCEL. ACCEL hosts students with developmental disabilities from ages 5- 22 years old. Thank you American Express volunteers for giving these kids and young adults a better learning environment!

Salt Lake City Renovation with the Home Depot Foundation

The HandsOn team spent a week in Salt Lake City, Utah to prepare for this massive event. With the help of the Home Depot Foundation we were able to renovate the outdoor areas of Freedom Landing and Sunrise Metro Wednesday, September 21st. Freedom Landing is permanent housing for veterans and Sunrise Metro houses people living with disabilities.

Webster Elementary Makeover with Digital Building Components

Saturday, September 24th volunteers from Digital Building Components and DPR came out to give Webster Elementary a facelift. Volunteers were busy painting hopscotch and 4-square on the black top, gardening, and building benches on the property. Thank you to all who came out!

Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage month from September 15th to October 15th! 

Hispanic Heritage month is the only heritage celebration spread across two months. Although this seems different, it is very intentional. The two-month time frame encompasses independence days celebrated by many hispanic countries.

Fall Fun in Phoenix

Mark your calendars for these up coming family friendly events!

  • Ride the ferris wheel and eat some fried dough at the state fair now until October 30th
  • Party at Octoberfest in Tempe October 7th- 9th
  • Pick pumpkins and bring the kids for a tractor ride at Tolmachoff Farms in Glendale Oct 1st - 31st
  • Take a drive to Payson to see the leaves on the trees change colors
  • Check out a free Spooktacular Movie at the Fletcher Heights Park in Peoria on October 8th
HandsOn Greater Phoenix
Physical Address: 1125 E Southern Ave | Suite 200 | Mesa, AZ 85204
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4107 | Mesa, AZ 85211
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