Celebrating 10 years as a Medicare Specialist, October 2018
Medicare Made Simple, LLC
Theresa Cangemi CSA, CLTC
Office: 315-676-4933 
Fax: 866-476-1211

This newsletter covers highlights and changes in Medicare in 2020. In the Health Corner, I talk about Vitamin D and fighting off the flu!

*The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is October 15th to December 7th*

IF you are making changes to your current Medicare plan for next year (2020) during the Annual Enrollment Period, please call me around October 15th to schedule a time to meet to consider your other options and complete the necessary paperwork.

Keep reading!

Theresa Cangemi CSA, CLTC
"The Medicare Lady™" 
Whats New in Medicare 2020
Specific highlights for Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans for the 2020 calendar year include:
  • The Medicare Advantage average monthly plan premium is expected to decrease

  • Beneficiaries will have more plan choices

  • The average number of Medicare Advantage plan choices per county will increase

  • Medicare Advantage continues to be popular, with enrollment projected to increase to an all-time high

  • Beneficiaries have saved about $2.65 billion in Medicare Advantage and Part D premium costs since 2017.

  • The continued decline in premiums for Medicare Advantage and Part D (prescriptions) over the past three years is estimated to save taxpayers in the form of lower Medicare premium subsidies.
Optimizing Vitamin D May Be Your Best Defense Against Influenza 
Optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best flu-prevention and optimal health strategies available (especially since we live in New York or the northern states where sunshine is not as plentiful). Your diet also plays a significant role of course, as it lays the foundation for good immune function.

Besides vitamin D, there are a number of other foods and supplements that can be beneficial for colds and influenza, including the following:

  • Garlic: Has natural antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal activity and has long been hailed for its immune boosting effects.

  • Zinc: A Cochrane Database Review of the medical research on zinc found that when taken within one day of the first symptoms, zinc can cut down the time you have a cold by about 24 hours.

  • Zinc was also found to greatly reduce the severity of symptoms. Zinc was not recommended for anyone with an underlying health condition, like lowered immune function, asthma or chronic illness.

  • Vitamin C: A very potent antioxidant; use a natural form such as acerola, which contains associated micro-nutrients.

  • A tea made from a combination of elderflower, yarrow, boneset, linden, peppermint and ginger; drink it hot and often for combating a cold or flu. It causes you to sweat, which is helpful for eradicating a virus from your system.

  • Oregano Oil: The higher the carvacrol concentration, the more effective it is. Carvacrol is the most active antimicrobial agent in oregano oil.

  • Medicinal mushrooms, such as shiitake, reishi and turkey tail.

  • Propolis: A bee resin and one of the most broad-spectrum antimicrobial compounds in the world; propolis is also the richest source of caffeic acid and apigenin, two very important compounds that aid in immune response.

  • Olive leaf extract is widely known as a natural, non-toxic immune system builder.
* This article is for information purposes only. I don’t recommend, support, or diagnose any featured writer or article. I am not a doctor.  
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