October 1st Wheelock Newsletter

Welcome back to MAP

September Recap

We are ONE MONTH into the 2021-22 school year, and boy has it been busy! We have a fun and energetic group of MAPsters this year and they have been making the absolute most of the time we have after school!

As seems to be the entire theme of the world these days, there has been a lot of adjustment on the fly for us so far. Luckily for us, one of our core strengths is adaptability! After the past year and change, it was clear to us that the kids just need to be kids right now. We've really opened the day up for their own exploration and play, and made pivots in how we structure our day to ensure that all that fun can be done safely.

To ensure the best possible spacing for the kids, we have been relying heavily upon our awesome outdoor space! We've been lucky with the nice weather we've mostly had and many of our kids choose to stay outside the ENTIRE DAY! We've been able to go on hikes, play sports, and just enjoy the time in the sun!


Enjoying a hike in the fields behind the school!


Building the "World Record Grass Pile"!


Some shaving cream pies courtesy of MAPster hitting a half court shot!

Of course not everyone wants to be outside all of the time. In order to maximize the distance between children we are taking advantage of all the spaces we are able to utilize. Each day the second and third grade groups alternate having use of either the MAP room or the Cafeteria for free play and/or teacher lead projects. By opening up two locations we are able to better separate the grade cohorts and it gives both groups larger spaces to play in!


Games in the room!


Fuse beads and Five Minute Dungeon are super popular this year!


Water Crayons in the Cafe!

With the multiple locations in use, please be patient with us during pick up! There are a lot of moving parts going on to make this year as safe as possible, so it is taking a bit longer than usual for the kids to get back to you. Going forward we are going to be asking for parents to remain in the building while waiting for their children! We ask this to ensure that we clearly can see the child be picked up and who they are being picked up by. Thank you so much for understanding!


Upcoming Dates to Know...

Thursday 10/7: BBQ Fundraiser courtesy of Ribpublic! Additionally there is a bake sale happening at Memorial! If you would like to bake an item please get in touch with Meghan. meghan.map@comcast.net

Monday, 10/11: No school, No MAP

Friday, 10/29: Half Day!

We are HIRING!

Know anyone who is great with kids? We are looking to add teachers to our team! Please have interested parties email Alex at alex.23map@gmail.com


Poppers, Stuffies, Pokemon Cards and More...

We have been noticing a lot of children are bringing items from home in to MAP. These items are fine to bring so long as they are not being shared or traded! If you could please reinforce to your child that items from home are for their own personal use only! We will allow for these items to come out at MAP so long as they are being used safely. Thank you for your help with this!

Fall is coming!

The weather is beginning to cool down! Please keep in mind that even indoors, we are keeping the windows open in both the MAP room and in the Cafeteria to allow for fresh air to circulate. It can be a bit chilly as we get deeper into October!

Labeling sweatshirts and jackets with names is always helpful!


Change in Plan?

If your child is changing their plans afterschool or they are out entirely - please let us know in addition to letting the school know! There has already been a few disrepancies this year between School Dismissal Manager and what the actual plan was supposed to be this year - by letting me know the plan it makes sure students are getting to where they should be! Thank you!

Alex Sakash

Program Director



Annette Gallagher

Executive Director

