When God Seems Far Away

"God inhabits the praises of His people" (Psalm 22:3)

It is so amazing that when things are going great, we say, "God is present in my life." If God is present in your life when things are going great, where is God when things are NOT going great? Did God move or did you?

It is easy to feel God's presence in church on Sunday when you are praising God along with everyone else on cue, but what about the midnight hour when you toss and turn because of the many problems you are facing? Where is God then? Why does He seem so far away?

God does not leave us in times of trouble. In fact, God is nearer to us in those times, but because of our preoccupation with self, we don't recognize His presence. What then do you do when God SEEMS far away? The answer is quite simple. Praise God because "God inhabits the praises of His people" (Psalm 22:3). When we give God the sacrifice of praise, it is when He shows up more powerfully.

The sacrifice of praise is praising God in spite of what's going on. It is praising God when we really don't feel like it. It is praising God when we are alone. We don't have to be part of a praise team to praise God. We don't have to wait until the minister says, "Give God a hand clap of praise."

Call on His name and exalt Him through praise. By the time you get to the end of your praise session, you will wonder where you ever got such an idea that God was far away.

Rev. Margaret Minnicks



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