I'm so excited you've joined us!!

As this virus continues, I can only hope that all of you know the extreme importance of keeping healthy. This does not happen overnight, but rather will result by taking small daily baby steps that add up to an energized immune system which in turn,
will help protect you no matter what comes along. 

This is what we're all about every week!

We want you to be in the best of health
now and for all time so you can love life also!

In this week's blog, we talk about one of the best baby steps you can take for your ongoing health and wellness -

The importance of adding Lemons
to your diet!

We’re talking about lemons because they are supremely healthy fruits that should be included in your daily diet.

They are simply jam packed with vital nutrients and can aid us immensely in our search for continuing good health.

They are part of the citrus family and are considered one of the most popular fruits in the world. They have been used not only for food but for medicinal purposes since the beginning of mankind.

My day always starts with freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water. 

There are extremely important reasons for doing this. 

First that water replaces water lost during sleep if you use the bathroom in the middle of the night, or if you sweat while sleeping. 

Waking up somewhat dehydrated is not a good option. 

Secondly, that lemon water helps to boost the immune system to ward off infections and illness. This is especially important now during this time of the Covid crisis! Also drinking this lemon water helps flush out the toxins that have accumulated in your liver. 

So for good health and energy, and a happy liver, start your morning off this way!
Lemons are extremely versatile when used in baking or cooking.

Their somewhat strong, pungent taste can wake up dishes from pasta to fish to sauces and everything in between. Use lemon zest as a great way to improve and add taste in many recipes.  

Medicinally, lemons have been used in various ways because of the high amount of Vitamin C contained in each one. Because of this, lemons can help boost mood since the vitamin C helps boost serotonin, the happiness hormone. And it’s even been shown to help relieve some pain.  
Here are some of the benefits of including this amazing citrus fruit to your daily regimen:

♥ They promote hydration.
♥ They’re a good source of vitamin C, folate, fiber, and potassium.
♥ They improve your skin quality because of the Vitamin E contained therein.
♥ They aid digestion since they contain substances that help to increase the body’s ability to break down food. 
♥ They freshen breath because they act as an antibacterial agent killing off the bacteria inside our mouths.
♥ They allow for healthier teeth in that they increase saliva production which in turn helps prevent the existence of bacteria in the mouth. That will then help you to have cleaner and healthier teeth. 
♥ They can help prevent kidney stones by helping to dissolve and break up gathering calcium and other mineral deposits.
♥ The antioxidants in lemons can help to stave off inflammation, which helps in promoting increased functioning of the immune system.
♥ The scent of lemons produce a calming effect which may help to relieve anxiety and the symptoms that are associated with it, including nervousness, tension, stress, mental and physical exhaustion, and irritability.

I hope you will realize the vast importance of including lemons in your daily diet!

As you can see, adding these miracles from nature to your daily routine could be one of the best things you can do for continuing long-term good health. So make sure you get into this healthy habit every morning!

This is another baby step in your continuing journey to find good solid health.

Take advantage of these little changes you can do every single day of your life because they will ultimately add up to increasing good health and wellness!

Because you will feel so on top of the world, this is how you will love life!

We Got You Covered!
We Found Some More Benefits for Using Lemons:
Lemons offer so many interesting options. Please click HERE to see other ways to use these wonderful fruits in your kitchen!

Don't let living with pain be your new norm
Here's a simple 3 stretch video for neck, chest and back.

Thank you to my friend Ani Papazyan from Last Stop 4 Pain

Who Took My Chocolate Cake?
An ambitious little book with 75 incredibly healthy
tips to get you started on a lifetime of health and
energy with that added oomph! Makes a great gift!
See More HERE

Are you getting tired of the same old same old meals – particularly dinner?
My friend Jackie Hamati, a marvelous Chef specializing in Middle Eastern cuisine offers a "Curbside Weekly Special Menu". Order online and pick up at her home (Reseda). Her menu is quite varied and everything is absolutely delicious! Click HERE for her website. And take a look at HER CURRENT MENU for this week. Jackie can be reached by phone 215-667-3064 or email at Jackie@jackiesmiddleeastern.com.

Frustrated with your iPho ne? Baffled by your Computer?
Call Nancy. She patiently teaches her clients how to use their smartphones and computers…and she specializes in working with older adults! One-on-one in your own home.

Nancy Spear
Nancy’s Tech Help

When life throws you the Loss curveball, contact HOPE Connection
Offering grief group support to the community for 40 years.
We’re there to help you through and find loving life again.
www.hopegroups.org   818-788-HOPE (4673)

One on One transportation from your home or pickup point
*ROUNDTRIP ONLY*. Use this customized service to go door to door to doctor appointments, for errands, to visit friends, to get to the grocery store OR mall, traveling at your convenience and time. 
Contact Beverly (818) 439-1163 to further discuss your transportation needs.

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please pass this blog on to your friends because everyone needs to boost their health, energy, and well-being
in one way or another!

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Please keep yourself well especially right now, and
have an amazing robust, energetic and a healthy week -
 hope to see you next time!