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I have sent football players to college and the NFL only to see them regress in strength and speed.

A football player while in high school ran a 5.2 second 40 at 175lb, and after 6 months of training at Westside and a new bodyweight of 225lbs he ran a 4.7 at Penn State and I will close with this. More below- Lou

In this podcast Louie Simmons, Tom Barry, John Quint, and Chris Marrang talk about how to program to increase your deadlift and how to implement special exercises to make your lower back indestructible,  

Hope You Enjoy,


Get Westside Certified This Summer

The problem with strength coaching is there is no such thing as a “Coach coaching” degree. One receives a degree after accumulating enough credits but has no practical knowledge of planning or organizing a system of volume and intensity periodization nor does a student learn the proper lifting form.

99% of the time a student after graduating has never lifted in an organized contest, meaning powerlifting or Olympic lifting...More Below 

June Sale

Receive 1 Earthquake Bar and 2 Pair of Premium Westside Barbell Mini Bands DELIVERED for only $315.00

(In other words, buy the bar, get two pair of minis for FREE!!!)

Contact GUS at [email protected] or by cell at (219)-210-8753. See more below


Westside’s Tom Barry and Jason Gusic will be holding a series of NSCA CEU approved seminars across the nation over the next 12 months. Our goal is to educate coaches and athletes on how to implement the Westside system of training into their given sport. More information provided below.

10% Off
We would like to thank all our newsletter subscribers with a 10% Off discount code which can be viewed in the thank you image beside this post.

I hope you enjoy todays content.

Tom Barry

Science of Sports Training (Thomas Kurz, ed 2, 2016) is titled correctly because it shows the science behind all aspects of training for all sports and the special strength to master them. You will learn what an Olympic cycle is and how it is broken into annual training cycles. You’ll also learn how to raise training results by using GPP to build greater techniques and a larger training base.

What is the speed barrier and how does an athlete overcome it?

The speed barrier appears when the athlete learns to move at a certain rate and finds he cannot run any faster even with added strength or reaction time.

I have sent football players to college and the NFL only to see them regress in strength and speed. A football player while in high school ran a 5.2 second 40 at 175lb, and after 6 months of training at Westside and a new bodyweight of 225lbs he ran a 4.7 at Penn State and I will close with this:

A girl training for the US bob sled team came to train at Westside for 3.5 weeks. Her deadlift went from 305 to 365 in that time, and her progress in jumping in the power clean also improved greatly. But after making the team she injured a hamstring. Why? This is ridiculous to say the least.

One of the problems is that they followed an old method of periodization. This method has three training periods: Accumulation, Intensification, and Transformation.

In the accumulation phase, great volume is done for raising all levels of special strength and conditioning.

In the intensification phase the athlete uses mostly sports specific exercises as well as raising the intensity or speed of movements. The theory is this cannot last long or maintained for a prolonged period of time.

In the final phase of Transformation the athlete now aims for sports results while a small portion of exercises from the accumulation is done. Next, a detraining phase is performed for 4-6 weeks and an attempt to use low intensity exercises to raise volume is done.

Our fourth official Westside Barbell™ velcro back hat. Hand picked and designed by Louie Simmons. This hat was embroidered here in Columbus Ohio. 

  • Color (Black with Neon Green Logo and Text)
  • Size (One Size Fits All)
  • Velcro Back

Louie Simmons War Poster

When I Go To War I Go To Kill, Not To Be Killed"

The poster is 28 inches in Height and 18 inches in Width.

Each poster is silkscreened by Up Right Press based in Columbus Ohio.

Thus they are of ultra premium quality and printed on White Vintage French Paper (#100lb weight-Collectors Edition).

Within this Podcast Louie Simmons, Tom Barry, John Quint, and Chris Marrang talk about how to program to increase your deadlift and how to implement special exercises to make your lower back indestructible,  

Hope You Enjoy,

The problem with strength coaching is there is no such thing as a “Coach coaching” degree. One receives a degree after accumulating enough credits but has no practical knowledge of planning or organizing a system of volume and intensity periodization nor does a student learn the proper lifting form. 99% of the time a student after graduating has never lifted in an organized contest, meaning powerlifting or Olympic lifting.

Instead they are shown how to use machines. An athlete does not have to control speed of movement, balance the apparatus or develop coordination. Lifting real weights, barbells and dumbbells is quite a different story. Lifting weights, even heavy weights, are much safer than sports like football, hockey and even baseball. All these sports acquire more injuries than lifting free weights.

Today’s strength coach tries to make a football player better in the weight room with S.S.P. instead of using G.P.P. methods. After all, a football team has several special team coaches for that very reason. A football team will hire an ex-football player to be the strength coach even though they have no experience of what it requires to develop special strength.

They can’t tell the difference between speed velocity and strength speed velocity because there is not any information taught in the classroom. For this reason, many High School, College and even Pro sports seek my expertise to make a better athlete. I developed the Westside system out of necessity after fracturing my L5 vertebrae, for the second time in 1983.

I knew there must be a better approach to training because it was missing something but what? It was Science. Yes, I was missing a scientific approach to training. Dr. Fred Hatfield PhD and world record holder in the squat wrote a book by that name in 1981. I knew Dr. Hatfield was on line with training while watching him perform very explosively. His C.A.T. was very new and advanced in 1981 and was criticized by many only because it was so different.

While recovering from my low back injury, I bought every book possible on Soviet sports training. I felt the Soviet athletes were not more advanced, but rather their training methods and methodologies were years ahead of our training systems. Why? Our systems were not systems at all. They were someone’s routine that increased some lifts for a while and then lead to no gains at all. No one applied science to training, no periodization, and no means of true adaption or restoration methods.

Tudor Bompa PhD, P.V. Komi, Thomas Kurz, Atko Viru wrote their versions of training but I looked beyond there methods and was fascinated by Dr. Michael Yessis, Soviet Sports Review. It specialized in speed training, strength training, sports medicine, weight lifting and track and field. Dr. Yessis presented articles from the top Soviet sports coaches quarterly. This was eye opening to me. I studied men like Ben Tabachnik PhD, R.A. Roman, A.S. Prilepin and track and field experts like Alasockl, T. Starzynski and H. Sozanski PhD.

I was enthralled by the works of A.S. Medvedyev, Dr. V.M. Zatsiorsky book The Science and Practice of Strength Training which mirrors the Westside system. Y.V. Verkhoshansky was a great mentor for our system. The great Bulgarian weightlifting coach Abadjayev was responsible for great contributions to our max effort training and increasing the training loads on not only weight training but jump training.

Through their data and my own expertise of merely 50 years of competing the system was developed over and over to seek perfection in physical training through physics, biomechanics, and mathematics. I was further inspired by Mel Siff PhD of Supertraining fame. Providing seminars along side Dr. Siff gave me the pleasure of discussing training and running with a genius. Dr. Nicholas Romanov PhD who on his own realized that running was not just a term but a true skill with his research achieving his Pose Method of Training.

I could not have succeeded without the men and women that train at Westside barbell, a private facility dedicated to increasing sport performance. This certificate was developed to measure the degree of understanding sports science for the betterment of sports excellence. To know your sport is important, but to understand how to develop a particular special strength that your sport demands is essential.

What is training and what is over training? How do you use delayed transformation for the sport you are coaching or participating in? All colleges recruit the most genetic athletes only to fall short in fulfilling their true potential. It was my obligation to make such a specialty certificate and it is yours as a coach to leave no stone unturned in the development sports excellence.

Like myself and the many that have adopted the methods that are outlined in the test, your results should surpass any previous methods used that most likely involved linear periodization. The Soviet coaches used progressively gradual periodization and realized it was outdated in the 1960’s. Forms of wave style periodization came on the sporting seen since and so replaced the old 8-6-5-3-2-1 system. It was really a dangerous system.

While improving one portion, let’s say power. The hypertrophy phase you just ended will start to fail as fast as 14 days because you are not training for muscle mass any more. This system simply teaches a coach to be become better, efficient and strategic in their programme knowledge and design by using these advanced methods.

If You Are To Succeed As A Strength Coach You Must Constantly Read. However don’t limit yourself to the theoretic aspects of training, instead incorporate the methods that you have learned on your athletes and more importantly on yourself. If you expect your men and women to follow your program you should be willing to use it yourself. I have listed minimum amount of books require to pass the cert. If you achieve the Westside certificate there is a longer list of continuing education list books that must be read. If you want to surpass your expectations then it is essential to read all the suggested books.

They are what I rely on when Westside hits a road block. The more I write the more I read to further my understanding of special strength and all matter of physical training. And if you follow in my footsteps you will discover the same.

Louie Simmons
  I recently created a new home study course to provide an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of the Westside Barbell training system. Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a Westside Barbell Personal Training and Athletic Coaching Certificate. The knowledge you will acquire from this course will give you a solid base of information to progress into our program to obtain a Special Strengths Certificate. If you own or operate a gym, this knowledge is also a stepping-stone for your gym to become a Westside Barbell Certified Gym...

This Open Book Online Exam is open to ALL willing participants. It is also accredited with N.S.C.A for 2.0 CEU's.

There are only 2 methods of training being used today. Regardless of what you currently believe or have been taught, there are only 2 methods. Everything else is basically well marketed and highly lucrative smoke and mirrors. The methods are simple and they areTraining Athletes Correctly or Training Athletes Incorrectly. By undertaking the Westside Special Strength Certificate you are equipping yourself with the correct theoretical and practical training methodology that optimizes athletic performance regardless of sporting background...

This Open Book Online Exam is open to ALL willing participants. It is also accredited with N.S.C.A for 2.0 CEU's.

This is the best strength and special strength training method in the world. At Westside we stand by what we say. We have the results to back up what we preach. Everything that is being taught in this certifi cation is backed up by peer reviewed research and by athletic results. No Other Strength or Special Strength Certificate can Say The Same!  

Receive 1 Earthquake Bar and 2 Pair of Premium Westside Barbell Mini Bands DELIVERED for only $315.00

(In other words, buy the bar, get two pair of minis for FREE!!!)

Contact GUS at [email protected] or by cell at (219)-210-8753.

Westside’s  Tom Barry  and  Jason Gusic  will be holding a series of  NSCA CEU  approved seminars across the nation over the next 12 months. Our goal is to educate coaches and athletes on how to implement the Westside system of training into their given sport. Along with equipment education and demo’s (we will bring our equipment trailer with us to as many locations as plausible). Call for details – 614-272-5190

Westside Barbell Coaching Fundamentals Seminar ( 1 day Event ) Cost $299

Intro / Westside Barbell Overview

• The Westside “Template”

• The Maximal Effort Method

• The Dynamic Method

• The Repetition Method

• The Big 3 Lifts

• Jumping and Plyometrics

• GPP vs SPP

• Review and Q & A  


• Coaching the Squat & Box Squat

     Correcting the Squat

• Coaching the Bench Press

     Correcting the Bench Press

• Coaching the Dead Lift

     Correcting the Dead Lift

• Selection of Special Exercises

     Teaching the lesser known, “high yield” specialty exercises

• Westside Specialty Equipment Explanation (Will depend on whats available at host location)

     Westside Specialty Bars Explanation (Will depend on whats available at host location)

• “Program Design”

      Sport specific program design, if machine/bar explanation isn't available?

• Review and Q & A

Current Seminar Schedule 

August- Platoon Fitness PA

NovemberTheGym VA
We would like to thank our customers, followers, coaches and athletes for your constant and loyal support through out the years. At Westside Barbell our objective has remained the same over the last 40 years and that is to provide you with the latest and most effective training education along side industry leading performance based strength equipment for the sole purpose of athletic betterment.



Louie Simmons
Westside Barbell
457 Industry Dr, Columbus, Ohio
Phone: 614-272-5190