CDC and SHAPE America are excited to release our new resources for recess at 10:00 AM ET on Tuesday, January 10, 2017. These new resources can help schools develop a written recess plan and implement strategies for recess to increase students' physical activity and improve their academic achievement.

 When is it too cold for recess?

Things to consider......

When the weather outside is frightful school recess on the playground may not be delightful.  Just ask any playground supervisor.
Outdoor recess however, is a reality and daily decisions about "how cold is too cold" is something site principals, teachers and day care directors will be making during the winter months.  Snow, wind and icy conditions make deciding when to let kids go out and play a difficult decision.

Exercise Cards
EX Card Cover
Free Monthly Download

are easy to use and describe the exercises in the set, as well as, have an illustration for each task card. They are a great idea for brain break activities inside or perfect for warm-up exercises in physical education class held outside.

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Great for Indoor Recess
180 Desk Activity Cards & 6 Rugs
Reg. 1299.99    Sale Price  $975.00
Offer Expires February 15, 2017   Lowest price of year!
Peaceful Playgrounds, Inc.  
17579 Collier Ave. Unit 5   
Lake Elsinore, CA  92530  