Parenting Moments

presented by Healthier Urban Families at Wayne State University

October 2023

Welcome to the month of October! The season of Fall has officially been ushered in with many opportunities for family fun during this wonderful, colorful time when heat and humidity has been replaced by cool, crisp days. This is also the time when many families have settled into childcare and school routines. If a child is struggling in their school or childcare environment, this may be the time where concerns are voiced. The struggle can range from an adjustment issue to one where consultations, screenings and testing may be needed. Please see the PowerPoint that addresses a parent’s concerns when a child’s struggles are more than an adjustment issue. Also, as always, be sure to check out our list of fun things to do!


Parenting Moments Guide
GreatStart Food Banks Close to Home HERE

Concerned about your Childs Development?

Steps to Getting Help
Early Interventions
Evaluations and Eligibility

Family Fun!

Fall Events for Families
Apple Orchards and Cider Mills Map
Metro Detroit Hayrides
Halloween Fun - Detroit Zoo
Making Family Halloween Costumes
Halloween Fun- Henry Ford
Science Center Exhibit

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