We are excited to introduce our new monthly series, Where Are They Now?, a snapshot of what our Omaha Alumni are doing these days!

Catching up with Scott Forman:

What is your favorite Jewish memory growing up in Omaha?
I have such rich and poignant memories of Pesach Seders with the Kaslow and Epstein families. As much as I dreaded reciting The Four Questions in Hebrew (Joanna Kaslow had me beat by four months!), I delighted in the storytelling, the laughter, the humble remembering,Tuffy blowing the shofar, and, of course, the elaborate search for the afikomen! Honoring Passover continues to be an important and eagerly anticipated coming together of family and friends, and my wife, Catherine, is a wonderful flutist and could have given Tuffy a run for his money on the shofar!

Where are you living now?
I have been in Albuquerque, NM since 2007, where I landed to begin emergency medicine residency training at the University of New Mexico. My route to medicine and New Mexico were both somewhat circuitous. After graduating from Northwestern University, I moved to the Pacific Northwest  where I worked as a climbing guide and led expeditions in the high mountains of North and South America. I found myself increasingly drawn to medicine. To say the rest is history is a bit simplistic, but it’s more truth than hyperbole. I became an EMT, got my medical school pre-reqs at CU Boulder and embarked with Catherine and our 1-year old son Skyler on a medical school adventure in the Caribbean. After a short stint outside Detroit, we landed in Albuquerque, and we truly believe New Mexico is both the land of enchantment and the land of entrapment. 

What are you doing today?
I continue to practice as an emergency medicine physician and I founded a company – ThirdRockMD – that provides concierge emergency medical services to world travelers. I am almost always training for some endurance event – for the past 18 months, I have been training for a row across the Pacific Ocean with three teammates as part of the World’s Toughest Row. We launch from Monterey, California in early June 2024 with a goal of reaching Kauai, Hawaii in 40 days or less. Our team – Human Powered Potential – is rowing to raise money for Parkinson's research via the Michael J Fox Foundation. One of our team members was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease (PD) four years ago and will be the first person with PD to successfully row across the Pacific.
Should anyone be interested in contributing to the cause, one of our sponsors is offering a 3-time match for any donations. (Be sure to follow the donation link from the HPP page to ensure your donation is triple-matched.) 

When was the last time you were in Omaha, and what was the biggest change?
I was in Omaha in early March to celebrate my mother’s 80th, my stepfather’s 88th (and his retirement!). In the 1980s, my father lived outside of Gretna in a small house on the shore of the Platte River. I used to ride my bike from my childhood home near Rockbrook in what used to be “West Omaha” out to his place, past Boys Town, and through miles and miles of farmland. It’s still incredible to see how Omaha has grown to include a large swath of what then seemed to be an adventurous backroads cycling excursion.