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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!
Celebrating the progress of women leaders in the workplace
On the day after International Women's Day, it is timely that we share two reports that focus on the gains women are making around the world and here in Canada.
A study by LinkedIn shows that since 2008, more women have been hired into leadership positions around the world. While there is still a gap, we are seeing significant strides, and women in leadership now hold an average of just over 25% of all leadership positions globally. Data shows that India has gained significant momentum with the largest percentage increase being hired into leadership roles (25%).
Out of the 10 countries in the analysis Canada, the United States and France have the highest percentage of women in leadership, with an average of one third of women holding leadership roles director-level and above.
For more information on how women are faring in Canada, read a recent report by Statistics Canada called Women in Canada: A gender-based statistical report. The report provides an unparalleled compilation of data related to women's family status, education, employment, economic well-being, unpaid work, health, and more.
Ontario's Summer Employment opportunities offer experience and new skills
Ontario is offering summer employment opportunities to help students develop important skills, gain meaningful experience and learn more about a career in natural resource management.
There are more than 2,000 summer jobs and full-time internships available to young people in over 200 communities across Ontario, including:
Stewardship Youth Ranger
Park Ranger
Aquatic/Wildlife Biologist
Assistant Forest Technician
Learn to Camp Program Leader
Fish and Wildlife Assistant
Land Use Planning Assistant
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Assistant
Climate Change Research Assistant
Wetlands Information Management Assistant
The province also offers summer jobs and work exchanges specifically for Indigenous youth that provide hands-on experience, on-the-job coaching and opportunities to explore a career in natural resources management.
New survey reveals the diversity of Canada's Millennial generation through their social values
A new national survey by the Environics Institute reveals a bold portrait of Canada's Millennials (those born between 1980 and 1995), that for the first time presents the social values of this generation, and the distinct segments that help make sense of the different and often contradictory stereotypes that so frequently are applied to today's young adults.