July 28, 2015
What's New


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Expert Analysis
Another Man Joins the Race: Why Not Another Woman?  
Republican Governor John Kasich launched his presidential campaign this morning, joining 15 other Republicans and 5 Democrats in seeking the nation's highest office. With announcements coming on a regular basis, observers of gender in politics may find little of interest in yet another man joining the race. Instead, CAWP Scholar Kelly Dittmar asks why no other woman has entered the presidential race, arguing that the dominance of male candidates is a reminder of the many hurdles to women's representation at all levels of American politics. Read more here .     
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Women are just 2 of the 21 candidates (9.5%) who have launched major party candidacies for president in 2016. #genderwatch2016


Facts & Figures

Don't miss the latest facts and figures at Presidential Gender Watch. Here are some recent highlights:


According to a new report from the Center for Responsive Politics, nearly 50% of Hillary Clinton's individual contributions to date, totaling $17.2 million,  have come from women, a far larger percentage than that of any of her male competitors. The candidate with the next largest female share of contributions is Ben Carson, for whom 37.5% of itemized contributions were from women donors.  


Both women candidates in the 2016 recently released gender-focused web videos. With Buzzfeed, Carly Fiorina produced a video to show what might happen "If Men Were Treated Like Women In The Office." Hillary Clinton, responding to Senator Mitch McConnell's claims that she was "playing the gender card," released a web video to  outline the "gender cards" that Republican candidates are playing against women. 


NPR recently reported on a new paper in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science by Alexander Czopp, Aaron Kay and Sapna Cheryan. The authors show that positive stereotypes can have some positive effects, but when it comes to interpersonal and group interactions, the effects are predominantly negative. Their findings have implications for women candidates for office, especially at the executive level.  

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