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485 Million Years of Non-Correlation!

CO2 vs Temperature

How in the world did this new temperature reconstruction get past the Climate Industrial Complex's censor machine?

The recent publication by Judd et al looked at nearly half-a-billion years of global surface temperatures and found that, rather living in a time of extraordinarily high temperature, we are in a period of near-historic lows. In fact, the global temperature peaked 100 million years ago at about 96.8oF (36oC) which was 37.8oF (21oC) higher than the temperature for 2023 (59oF and (15oC)! The inconvenient fact for the climate alarmists is that Earth's temperature has been in a 50-million-year decline.

We then compared this data to long-term CO2 data (see below) and found that CO2 and temperature don't correlate very well at all.

The scientists at the CO2 Coalition have been educating thought leaders and the public in this fact for many years.

New CO2 Coalition Video on Glaciers

In the latest episode of the Climate Chronicles video series, we learn the truth about the issue of melting glaciers - and just how wrong the climate alarmists have been about it.

View the glacier video here.

And check out our entire series of informative Climate Chronicles videos here.

Quote of the Week

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CO2 Coalition

1621 North Kent Street, Suite 603

Arlington, Virginia 22209

Gregory Wrightstone


Executive Director

CO2 Coalition

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