Ideas and tips to get along and get stuff done--------------February 23, 2024

Well run meetings are more likely to be efficient and productive, more likely to generate creative results, and more rewarding for participants. Running meetings well is a skill that can be learned. So here are some opportunities to learn meeting facilitation; the art of running particularly inclusive and collaborative meetings.

Whether you lead meetings all the time or just once in awhile, this session will offer basic tips and tricks for facilitating COLLABORATIVE MEETINGS where everyone gets heard, the best ideas get blended, and the results are better than anyone could have imagined on their own.

In addition to some basic theory about different types of meetings, I will explain the four essential functions of high quality meeting facilitation. And I'll explain how to address common challenges, such as handling the "dominant talker" and how to move through an agenda on time.

And I’m going to ask you to share YOUR strategies. It’s a TALK Show; so we’re gonna talk about this. We’re going to learn from each other. And support each other. And after the session I will provide each participant with Highlight Notes from what we discussed, including links to resources.

My Training Talk Shows are always free. Always interactive. Just 50 minutes online.

WEDNESDAY, February 28, 2024, 1pm MaineTime Register Here

THE conference to learn meeting facilitation

When I was first learning how to facilitate meetings, I learned here: at conferences of the International Association of Facilitators. I have been to three of these conferences and learned a ton every time.

If you want to get immersed in the latest techniques, the tried and true methods, and meet rising facilitators from all over the world, this conference is for you. Learn all about it and register here.

Here's a 4-day in-person course offered by one of the world's largest meeting facilitation companies, Leadership Strategies. Highly recommended. Learn all about it here.

Here's Lisette Sutherland's podcast episode about facilitating about virtual teams.

Here's the link. Lisette has produced 341 episodes of a podcast called Remote Work.

Check out all Lisette's podcasts here.

Here's Barbara McKay's online training course about Meeting Facilitation. Barbara runs a company called North Star Facilitators and she has many great blog posts on many aspects of meeting facilitation. Check out Barbara's website here.

Here's my own online course that provides videos, handouts, and quizzes. Designed to help you lead highly collaborative in-person or virtual meetings.


Pay what you want.

Learn about it here.

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Written and published by Craig Freshley. Thanks for walking along with me.
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