Health Talents International News
April 2019
See for yourself - The latest video from Ron Widbin, former ABC newsman. Lipscomb University students tell why spending Spring break in Guatemala is life changing.

Recovery Nurses: June 1-8 (Five); June 22-29 (Five); July 6-13 (Three) August 3-10 (Four)

OR Nurses or Techs: June 1-8 (Three); June 22-29 (Three); July 6-13 (Three)
Some farewells are easy…this one is!
After working together, side by side, for eleven years, Julie Wheetley Obregon has decided to step down from her position with Health Talents and step up to the role of full-time mom. Oliver and Dawson, and of course Adolfo, are three lucky men.

I watched Julie celebrate turning twenty-five and being able to “rent” a car for business; I was there when she turned thirty with Mr. Right not in sight and I was listening to her sweet voice and delightful laugh when Mr. Right came into view and captured her heart.

We were able to complete annual reviews with a hug and I love you; how sweet is that!

I was there for her wedding, celebrated the news of her pregnancy, Oliver’s birth and when Dawson entered their home for foster care. Every step included a measure of prayer on her behalf.

Julie made Health Talents a better and stronger ministry, all the while charming her way into the hearts of hundreds on our ministry team and ministry volunteers. Knowing she is only a phone call away, still living in Nashville and willing to volunteer and serve in the future make this farewell easy. Knowing that she’ll be a wonderful, full-time mother and wife makes it even easier.
We wish her well, love her completely and plan to see her often.

Julie has penned a message below, but first allow me to share the words of two who serve on our Board of Directors, both having served as president during her time with HTI.

Julie had a great work ethic and a servant’s heart. With that and her Spanish language skills, she was able to develop deep relationships in HTI’s ministry area. She is a great asset to the ministry of HTI and will be sorely missed. We wish her well as she transitions to the role of full-time mom. John Land  

Julie has been such an asset to HTI. She has a servant's heart, a gift for organization, logistics, and leadership--and she speaks English and Spanish fluently! She will be greatly missed, but we hope to see her whenever her schedule permits. Thank you, Julie, for many years of faithful service to HTI and our brothers and sisters and patients in Guatemala. Charles Campbell
What a wonderful season I have enjoyed, serving with HTI for over eleven years. This ministry is a tremendous blessing to my life and my departure from full time employment with HTI is bitter sweet. Being Mommy to Oliver (9mo) and my foster son Dawson (5yr) is just about the only thing that could pull me away from this ministry I love so dearly. I thank the Board of Directors for their support and guidance and my co-workers both in USA and Guatemala for the wonderful friendships and camaraderie as we worked together to spread the Good News. I look forward to volunteering with HTI in years to come. Julie Obregon
Up From the Ashes: Fuego's Relief Efforts
“It looks like a barren wasteland.” It was a sobering, other worldly sight. In the midst of palm trees and lush landscape appeared ash gray land as far as the eye could see. Fuego sat in the middle of the barrenness and quietly puffed gray ash - a gentle reminder of the devastation he was capable of. In March, we were able to drive through the area forever changed that day in June when Fuego erupted. The busload of college students immediately hushed as we drove through the burial ground of hundreds of victims. It was difficult to imagine the horror of that day.

But the rebuilding has begun. The road is open most days and people are trying to start their lives over again after the loss of every physical thing they owned. Cary and Rita Sills (Americans living in Antigua), have been on the front lines in the effort to help. Cary relates this story:

There was a small family of four living in Los Lotes. This family consisted of a father, Manuel age 23, mother, Emma age 24, Alizou, age 5 and Samuel, 11 months. On the fateful day that Fuego erupted, Manuel’s mother, Olga was also in their little house. Manuel and some of the others in the village heard unusual sounds coming from Fuego and started climbing up the mountain to see what was happening. Suddenly, the lava started flowing down the side and Manuel called home to tell his family to run. Olga and Emma quickly moved to gather the children, but the lava was already flowing around their concrete house. Soldiers saw Emma holding Samuel on the window sill and were able to rescue all four people. Sadly, Alizou had been burned badly on her leg and Olga succumbed to her injuries a few days later. Manuel escaped unharmed, but the family lost 10 other family members in the eruption. 

Now, this family is in need of a simple house with a kitchen. Emma’s father is giving them some land which will allow us to help them build. The current houses that are being built in that area are a series of 3 courses of concrete block with wood frame on top of the block. This includes a concrete floor. The small house is about 200 square feet. This also includes a structure to use for a kitchen. The cost of the materials delivered is Q10,500 ($1,400). The block will be laid by a local mason and then volunteers will construct the house. For a total of $3,000 U.S, the house will include the following options: Bunk beds with sheets, Chispa Stove, Solar Panel and the House Blessing (pots, pans, dishes, utensils, etc.). 

To those of you who generously donated to the Fuego Relief Fund, we say “thank you!”. Now that the land is procured, nothing stands in the way of giving this family a place to call home.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least 
of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 
Matthew 25:40