Published on Human Rights Day (Dec. 10), the latest issue of the Health and Human Rights Journal features a special section on Big Data, Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Right to Health.

Reflecting on the 11 articles from authors in multidisciplinary fields, editors of the section, Sara (Meg) Davis and Carmel Williams wrote about the need for human rights linked to health to adapt to a new domain with new standards that build on the old norms and that encompass rapidly changing capabilities. Topics in the section address human rights risks from digital surveillance tools developed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, use of apps to monitor drug compliance, the commercialization of health data and the risks this poses to access to health care in the future, and the need to conduct health rights impact assessments on all health-related technology and AI tools before they are deployed.

The general section has a further 26 articles covering human rights concerns across the world including several papers based on research in Kenya, Canada – including a look at their military arms transfers to Saudi Arabia – and an analysis of human rights concerns related to migration in Lesvos, Greece.
A Student Essay feature commences in this issue and we encourage all our academic readers to promote this opportunity to their health and human rights students. Click here to explore the journal.