Which Future Do You Pick?

Lewis L. Pearlman, 1947-2013

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

True salvation springs from union with the love of God, which manifests everywhere in a fair and justified manner. For instance, Jews and Christians should not feel that they are the only people who deserve the love of God. They must feel instead that they are merely servants who must bring the love of God to all humanity. Do you think God wants the whole world to be Jewish, or should Judaism be simply a tool of God? Do you think that God could limit Himself to the world of today's Christianity or should Christianity become a tool of God?

SMM, Core of Unification, October 9, 1977

Hello Richard,

At the beginning of the service, Hyung Jin Nim explained that he has been following Jacob Beach, a Christian patriot, who is visiting Cheongpyeong today, online. They share a passion for strengthening families and traditional American values. (See Jacob Beach's youtube channel ThePreppersBunkerOutdoors .

In 90AD, Jewish rabbis at the Council of Jamnia is said to have removed the Apocrypha, thus determining the authoritative scriptures of the Jewish canon. The council is said to have removed psalm 151, the book of Judith, who was the farmer’s wife who killed a Babylonian general, and the book of Maccabees, the Jewish militia who fought against Hasmonean Empire’s army and the rule of Antiochus Epiphanes who desecrated the Temple of God. The fact that Jesus attended the feast of lights or Hannakkuh (John 10:22) indicates that it has significance for Christians as well. When churches grow large they are tempted to get in bed with the state.

We see today the transgender assault on male and female identities. You can claim to invent yourself, but God designed us. Each of 3 trillion cells in our bodies are saying “man, man, man!” or “woman, woman, woman!”

Husbands are called to be kings and priests of their homes. Jesus came to divide good and evil, not to make “peace” with evil. The goal is “just parenting.” The Bible advises “don’t provoke your child to anger.” Be a shepherd to your flock, which includes beating back the wolves.

In universities throughout the U.S., the Rockefeller Foundation promoted feminist studies which encouraged women to abandon their roles as wives and mothers, seeing children only as a burden. As women followed that, they became more depressed. The abortion culture is the modern version of Baal and Moloch worship, which involved child sacrifice.

Postmillennialism, whose advocates have included the abolitionists, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches, believe that the book of Revelation has already been accomplished and that we are already living in the Christian age advancing the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom on earth in preparation for Christ's triumphant return to earth.

The American revolution was a “vertical” revolution involving all social classes and calling for limited government versus the “horizontal” ones such as the French and Bolshevik Revolutions which instigated class hatred/warfare and the totalitarian state. In the last century governments inspired by ideologies of hate killed 220 million of their own citizens. Democide takes place when citizens abandon their God-given freedoms of speech, religion and self-defense to an all-powerful state.

The MAGA movement in the U.S. inspired both upper and lower classes to stand together against the lies and corruption of the “Deep State.”

Political satanism seeks to divide the children from the parents and to get parents away from the home.  Don’t neglect to invest time with your families. Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim had “dates” with a different child each week. One-on-one time is important. Practice expressing gratitude for each other.


Lead an HSU Class!

If you would like to lead an Holy Spirit University class for the Spring Semester, please fill out the proposal form using the link below.

Any questions. email Kerry Williams at [email protected].

Deadline for proposal submissions is Sunday January 22.


Lewis L. Pearlman 1947-2023

Our dear brother Lewis Pearlman passed away last Friday, January 13, 2023. He was a Vietnam War veteran whose life was changed forever by encountering the teachings of Sun Myung Moon in 1975.

After True Father passed in 2012, Lewis became a strong supporter in 2015 of Hyung Jin Nim, the youngest son whom Father anointed three times in 2009 as his heir.

Lewis is well-known for leading Tuesday night readings with Unification Sanctuary brothers and sisters of the 8 Great Textbooks  declared by True Father as well as God’s Epic Quest: The Kingdom of God on Earth by Hyung Jin Nim and The Words of True Mother Hyun Shil Kang.

When Hyung Jin Nim learned of Lewis’ passing on Friday night, he responded with the following words, “We thank True Father in Heaven for such a loyal son. Into his arms my brother!!! HALLELUJAH!” Queen Yeonah Nim wrote, “We truly appreciate our dear brother Lewis Pearlman. He was loyal to True Father until his last breath, a great patriot of Cheon Il Guk!”

He is survived by his beloved wife Marielle, 6 children and 4 grandchildren. A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, January 20 in Philadelphia.


The Elder Son's Birthright

By Alan Feldsott


The Divine Principle discusses the birthright in terms of the restorative relationship between Jacob and Esau several times. But where is the principle of the original concept of birthright in the Principle? I believe this quote is the only place in the Exposition where it is discussed.

For his part, Satan had seized control of the creation, which God had created by the Principle, and established an unprincipled world having only the outward form of God’s intended universe. In the original, principled world, God intended to raise up the eldest son and have him inherit the birthright. Therefore, Satan felt a stronger attachment to the elder son than he did to the younger. Since Satan had already claimed the universe, he vied with God for the elder son, Cain, who was more valuable to him. Because Satan had a strong attachment to Cain, God chose to deal with Abel.

(Read rest of The Elder Son's Birthright)

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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