July 2020
News for Alumni & Friends
Citizens Serving Communities to Shape Lives and Save Lives

Inside this Issue... Retired Air Force general joins Hawaii Wing, CAP provides first aerospace education diversity series for cadets, aerospace education cadet awardee announced, FreeWill resources for Make a Will month, COVID-19 mission update, new Annual Report, alumni spotlights the Levandowski family, three appointed to Board of Governors, Wheels & Wings take off, saving lives and Final Salute
 Retired USAF General Joins
Hawaii Wing Squadron
Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Raymond E. Johns Jr. has joined the ranks of Civil Air Patrol, as a member of the Hawaii Wing’s West Oahu Composite Squadron.

“We are honored to have a retired four-star within our ranks,” said Maj. Gen. Mark Smith, CAP’s national commander and CEO. “To have a proven leader like Gen. Johns in CAP provides an incredible role model for both our senior members and our cadets, especially our cadets.
CAP's Video Corner:

CAP and USAF Reservists Provide First Aerospace Education Diversity Series For Cadets
CAP-USAF reservists have teamed with CAP’s national offices of Diversity & Inclusion and Aerospace Education to provide live, region-by-region, career exploration events for cadets.
CAP Launches New Video Series
"Today's Civil Air Patrol"
Today’s Civil Air Patrol is a dynamic organization — we’re on the move, innovating, growing, and changing every day. A new video series, aptly named " Today’s Civil Air Patrol, " is being launched as a platform where subject matter experts come together to participate in panel discussion, interviews, training, and other approaches to a wide range of topics including education, innovation, technology, current events, diversity, growth opportunities, and more.

Our first video (above) features four panelists in a discussion about diversity moderated by National Commander/CEO Maj. Gen. Mark Smith.
2020 AFA National CAP Aerospace Education
Cadet Honoree Announced
CAP appreciates the Air Force Association's recognition of an outstanding CAP cadet with the annual AFA National CAP Aerospace Education Cadet of the Year award. The 2020 recipient is Cadet Capt. Grayson Logan , from the Goddard Cadet Squadron in Grafton, Massachusetts. Cadet Logan exhibits strong leadership in both squadron and wing aerospace education programs, as the Color Guard commander, and as an Air Force Association CyberPatriot team member for the last three years, having led the team to the State Platinum level 2019 and 2020.
Cadet Logan (upper right, leading a flight encampment) graduated in May with a 4.0 GPA from Grafton High School, while excelling in all Advanced Placement classes and holding offices in both the National Honor Society and Student Council. He represented his wing at CAP’s February Legislative Day in Washington,D.C., has been an Hour of Code mentor for middle school students, is an accomplished athlete, and coaches youth in soccer. He has been his school system's representative with the Massachusetts Governor's Leadership Project to annually advance the ideal of service to others through service projects on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Cadet Logan received a $10,000 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association: You Can Fly flight scholarship and is in the final stages of earning his private pilot certificate.
Cadet Logan (top, with CAP leadership presenting his Amelia Earhart Achievement and promotion to rank of cadet captain) was accepted into both the U.S. Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy and wait-listed at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Because of his strong interest in leadership, he will be attending the Naval Academy this fall in Annapolis, Maryland, majoring in aeronautical engineering, with a focus on astronautics. Congratulations to Cadet Capt. Grayson Logan!
August Is "Make A Will" Month
August is National Make-a-Will Month, and CAP is encouraging all of our supporters to celebrate by writing their wills and taking this important step into their future.

Nearly 70% of American adults don’t have a legal will, including nearly half of adults over 55. To combat these statistics, CAP is sharing a free resource to help you write your will without charge.

Everyone needs a will — it ensures the people and causes you care about are always protected. This tool makes an often complicated and expensive process a bit easier: it takes 20 minutes or less and is totally free to use.

Celebrate National Make-a-Will Month with CAP and get started on protecting what matters most.
How Are You?
It's Time for a Pulse Check...

Civil Air Patrol remains as dedicated as ever to protecting and serving the communities of America, and we are so grateful to know you’re alongside us. 

We are conducting a survey to better understand how today’s world events are impacting our valued communities. The survey takes under five minutes to complete and will help us learn how best to support our incredible CAP alumni and friends community at this moment. 

It’s an interesting time across America, and your input is truly invaluable. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary-18 questions, five minutes, major impact.
NY Wing Helps Distribute
100,000 Pounds Of Food To Long Islanders
Fifty-one members from the New York Wing’s Long Island and New York City groups came together July 2 with other volunteer organizations to distribute 100,000 pounds of dry goods, meat, fresh produce and milk to families in need across Long Island—many affected by economic fallout from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The groups’ effort came in support of Island Harvest, Long Island’s largest hunger-relief organization. As the day progressed at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, wing members packaged and distributed boxes of goods to thousands of people, arriving on foot or in vehicles, all while enduring the sweltering summer heat.
CAP COVID-19 Mission Map
Our Missions To Date
COVID-19 Mission Map Updated 24 July
2019 Annual Report
A Message From CAP's National Commander
On behalf of Civil Air Patrol and its Board of Governors, I am pleased to present to you our 2019 Annual Report.
This Annual Report touts the vigilant efforts of our 66,000 citizen volunteers in the past fiscal year.

This report also reflects Civil Air Patrol’s emphasis on philanthropy. This focus comes from the Board of Governors’ commitment to the future of CAP, and its effect is reflected in a multipage list of our donors, which you will find in this report. This list is led by the 2019 Commander’s Circle (on pages 18-19), which lists donors of $1,000 or more. We are so grateful for the generosity of CAP members and others who support our important missions. These contributions are vital to the growth of CAP and its programmatic impact.

Semper Vigilans!
MARK E. SMITH, Major General, CAP
National Commander/CEO
Did you find your name or the name of someone you know in the Annual Report?
Yes, I found my name!
Yes, I found names of people I know!
Have not looked, but will try to look later
Not yet, but thanks for asking!
Alumni & Friends Spotlight
Meet Our Cadet Alumni Couple
1st Lts Christina and Joseph Levandowski
Brackett Composite Squadron 65
California Wing
Why did you join CAP ? I joined CAP because I wanted to hone my leadership and interpersonal skills in order to enlist in the Marine Corps' infantry division and eventually become an officer. I contracted Lyme disease in 2011 and with that came a massive life change - a track toward becoming a doctor to assist those with long-term illnesses.

My husband, Joseph, joined Civil Air Patrol when he was 13 in order to pursue his dream of becoming a pararescueman through the U.S. Air Force. 

Current career (or former/retired)? I am currently a senior year pre-medical student at Arizona State University and work from home at an answering service that caters to hospitals and doctor's offices after hours. My husband instructs classes centered around engineering fundamentals and automotive engineering. We both still serve at the squadron and group levels as first lieutenants. 
Specific CAP experience/highlight that influenced your career or your life? My experience in staffing and later commanding the E-Tech Engineering Technologies Academy National Cadet Special Activity in 2016 taught me a great deal about delegation, servant leadership, and honing the confidence in my decisions as a phase IV cadet. I was very involved at a state level serving on the California Wing Cadet Advisory Council and staffing numerous schools and air shows throughout the wing. I can truly attest that most of my life skills and career readiness have come from my experience in serving through CAP! 

The biggest highlight of my CAP career was meeting my (future) husband at E-Tech. We were friends for a long time and left the program as C/Lt Col & C/Capt to pursue our dream of marriage and a life together. 

For my husband, his experience in being a ground team leader and serving on various robotics and engineering projects prepared him well for his job in teaching and tutoring students who strive to pursue engineering for their degree. We couldn't have gotten where we were without CAP! 
Anything else we didn’t ask that you would like to share?
We have high hopes that Colton, our son, will follow our footsteps, maintain our family CAP legacy, and earn the Gen. Carl A. Spaatz achievement award.
Three Added To CAP Board Of Governors
Brig. Gen. William D. Betts, USAF
A recently retired U.S. Air Force general and CAP cadet alum, a rising Air Force general and a longtime Civil Air Patrol member have been selected to serve on CAP’s Board of Governors.

The 11-member Board of Governors, or BoG, is CAP’s top governing body. It consists of four Air Force appointees, three members appointed jointly by the secretary of the Air Force and CAP's national commander, and four members-at-large selected by the CAP Senior Advisory Group.
You Can Donate Your Car, Boat, RV or Plane!
CAP Launches Wheels & Wings Program
Civil Air Patrol has partnered with IAA, a national leader in car donation programs, to launch a new program, Wheels & Wings .

Now donors can donate their planes, cars, boats, and RV's to benefit CAP programs.
CAP Stays Mission-Focused, Still Saving Lives
Civil Air Patrol Final Salute
Civil Air Patrol offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of the  Civil Air Patrol Volunteer  magazine.
Civil Air Patrol - Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Col John M. Knowles, CAP, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
Donna Bass Maraman, Development Manager
Rebecca Stovall, Donor Database Specialist

(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?
Contact Kristina Jones, Chief of Philanthropy, at legacy@gocivilairpatrol.org