June 2024

Whispers was published on April 23, 2024 and in the last five weeks it has taken on a life of its own. My carefully tended child has gone out into the world and is finding friends and admirers everywhere it goes. That makes me happy. The best are the wonderful stories that my readers are recalling of their own family stories and lives. As an author, it is satisfying to have your work evoke, often long dormant, emotions and prove again the power of story. 

In its first month, Whispers was selected by the Irish American Book of the Month, (https://www.irishinamerica.org/irish-book-club/), became #1 new release on Amazon and managed to make #10 in Irish and British literature. Dublin South FM radio, located very near the Young’s home in Rathmines, gave me a half hour interview and chance to read from the book (Listen Here) and reader reviews have been appearing on Amazon and Good Reads. A Good Reads Give-a-Way promotion on my Instagram and Facebook accounts (christina.holloway.author) drew over 3,000 hits for the ten books we sent out. I hope you will enjoy the over 40 posts I have made to add to your enjoyment of Whispers on Facebook and Instagram.

May 18, we had a wonderful launch event in a lovely garden at Stanford that brought friends together from every corner of my life to celebrate the completion of Whispers and my debut as an author. Dr. Peter Stansky, Frances and Charles Field Professor of History at Stanford University and specialist in modern British history, gave Whispers a huge thumbs up as a piece of historical fiction, for both its story and as it accurately reflects the history of the Victorian times. 

The Palo Alto Weekly and Country Almanac carried a great interview by Kate Daly about my debut as a novelist, the novel, my process and hopes for its future.


I am enjoying the dive into book group discussions, in person and on zoom, where I learn from my readers, share my process and what I have gained from this endeavor. It is fun!

Thank you to each of you who have purchased Whispers Across A Sea for yourselves and others. My favorite responses to the book are readers love of the characters, fiction and non-fiction, and the line “I wish it would go on and on.”

I received this message from Betsey at the southernmost tip of County Cork, Ireland: 

I received your book from our mutual friend. She thought I’d enjoy it as we live part time in West Cork in a 100 year old farmhouse. The original owners, with many of the family still living nearby, were French Normans. I loved your book, I feel as though I know the people and you drew their characters with precision, love and understanding. I particularly liked your description of the Catholics getting their rights to worship in 1829. We have several Mass Paths signs along our paths and lanes. We love Ireland and the people. Best of luck with your wonderful book. —Betsey

Please stay in touch and share your thoughts and personal responses. I love hearing what Whispers awakened in you. If you feel so inclined, write a review, and post it on Amazon or Good Reads. 

Tell your friends about Whispers or the person in line next to you at the grocery store. Word of mouth, our whisper campaign, is the most powerful marketing in the world!

Christy Holloway
