October 2024

April 23, the publication date for Whispers Across A Sea, is in the rear-view mirror as life speeds forward. These five months have been busy, exciting and very satisfying for this first-time author. The positive, thoughtful responses keep coming as we meet socially, in your emails and posted reviews on Amazon. As I share my process in book group meetings, I continue to learn from your excellent observations and conversations.


It’s Fall, time to take stock of our journey... Together we have sold over 1,000 books, about 50-50, books and eBooks, in five months!


Our family just returned from the wedding of our first grandchild in a charming late nineteenth century summer cottage community, Nonquitt, Massachusetts. Before leaving California for her wedding the bride, Eliza, our newest family member (lucky us), read Whispers at our mountain cabin and wrote, “Just finished the book while we were at Echo - beautifully written from start to finish. I loved Elfie’s story in particular - overcoming loss while navigating family dynamics and what people expected of women at the time. Such a pleasure, thank you, thank you.” She may be the best-read person in the family along with her groom Nicholas, and I love her comments!


The bigger point is, so many of you have most generously spoken to others, written to me or posted reviews on Amazon or Goodreads. Your reviews mean so much to me personally and to the future of the book. As you know, word-of-mouth is the most powerful marketing tool in the world. Each of you is a fully deputized and empowered Whisperer, carrying the word to others. Thank you!  


Remember books make a great birthday, houseguest and holiday gifts. During the bustle of the coming season, who doesn’t like a good read to quietly withdraw to another world?

On October 10, at 7 pm I will be at Books Inc. in Palo Alto’s Town and Country Village for a conversation about Whispers Across A Sea with Robert Pogue Harrison, a distinguished professor of French and Italian literature at Stanford. Robert is an intellectual, discerning reader and author. He also does many interviews for Stanford and, with a smile I say, I am Robert’s warm-up for Andre Agassi on October 15!


Robert’s review — “The narrative flows like a stream into and Irish world of the past full of color, spirit, and a medley of distinctive characters. As one family’s story intermingles with its surrounding local and national histories, a bygone time comes alive on the page as if by magic or incantation.”  


I did a second reading from Whispers on Dublin South FM radio’s Rhyme or Reason. They record at 4 am my time and noon theirs!... Listen if you have time. The book is selling in Ireland. Listen Now.


I have selected a wonderful narrator to do my audiobook, Charlie Emmeline, (stage name, Charlotte Albers) who is British and lives in Westport, Conn. She is an actress with a marvelous voice that is warm, soothing, engaging & friendly with an eloquent twist. Her prep is beginning. The schedule is not firm for the audio release, but I will let you know when it is ready. Charlie found a beautiful piece of music to bring the reader into the story and to hear as they carry their emotions away at the end. It is called Passage to the New World. I love the drama of this beautiful piece.



The Executive Producer of Masterpiece Theatre positively reviewed Whispers and sent it on to some Irish production companies...there is always hope! Ken Burns and his historian, Dayton Duncan, whom I came to know through my work with Yosemite, have the book at their request... their bedside piles are high but, again... a good word from them would be fantastic. Anne Lamott also has Whispers with a “must read” message, as a personal hand-off from a neighbor who lives in Anne’s old house. You never know. These are exciting possibilities.


Happy Fall and thank you again for listening and taking an interest in Whispers Across A Sea.


PS. Check out some new additions to the website

Christy Holloway

